Chapter 120 Legend of Ruins?

At Xushi, a group of people arrived at the pipeline to the south of the ancient city of Loulan.

Zhao Yi dismounted, carefully surveyed the surrounding environment, and said to Yuan Shouwei:

"Taoist Master, there are traces of a large group of people passing by in the east. I have carefully observed it. There are about ten thousand people. They should be our people."

"There are also many remaining horse hoof prints in the west. Judging from the footprints, they are Loulan's exploration horses."

Then he pointed to the faintly visible Loulan Ghost City standing in the distance and said:
"Their tracks basically intersected here and headed to the Loulan Ghost Town."

"Master, please take a look."

Everyone also got off their horses and looked at the direction of the many messy and obvious footprints under the yellow sand that Zhao Yi pushed aside, confirming that Guo Xiaoke and the others had really gone to the Loulan Ghost Town.

For a moment, I was a little confused, why did Guo Xiaoke do such a thing?

"Taoist Master, shall we follow now?" Zhao Yi asked, looking at the setting sun.

Yuan Shouwei nodded,
"If we go a moment earlier, we might be able to rescue everyone sooner."


After saying that, he took the lead and rode towards the Loulan Ghost Town, and everyone followed him without hesitation.

Only Zhongqing, looking forward and backward, looking left and right, grumbling, reluctantly fell at the back and had no choice but to follow.

Watch the mountain run dead horse.

The same is true for walking in the desert. The Loulan Ghost City is right in front of you. When you really get close, more than an hour has passed.

The sun has completely disappeared on the horizon, leaving everyone with the endless darkness and the whimpering sounds of the Loulan Ghost Town.

The moment the sobbing sounded, everyone's expressions became a little dull except for Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei immediately said to everyone in a deep voice:
"Everyone put on the Pure Heart Talisman."

The sound already contained the lion's roar technique.

Everyone woke up from the chaos one after another as if enlightened, and quickly took out the Pure Heart Talisman and put it on, thus avoiding being disturbed by the Sanskrit sound.

Yuan Shouwei looked at Zhao Yidian who was exploring the way ahead and said:

"Zhao Yi, have you found any trace of them?"

It turned out that not long after entering the ghost town, the traces of Guo Xiaoke disappeared. Even though Zhao Yi dug three feet into the ground, there was still no trace.

Zhao Yi continued to lower his head to search and replied:
"Taoist Priest, I always feel something is wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the footprints I followed."

"Do you think it's true that just like the legend, there is a ruined city beneath this ghost town?"

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang behind him couldn't help but feel moved in his heart and asked:
"What legend?"

Yuan Shouwei told everyone the story while observing from left to right.

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang said:

"Perhaps the rumor also has its credibility."

After saying that, he took out a compass from his arms. It was the tortoise shell compass that Yuan Shou used to hide his secrets when he killed Qianlong.

Then he looked up at the dark sky and said:

"The sky is also a bit wrong, I tried to use the compass to find the path."

Zhongqing quickly handed the torch to Yuan Tiangang and looked at the simple compass curiously.

Just listen to Yuan Tiangang looking at the rotating pointer and muttering to himself:
"When I scratch my head, I am afraid. It is floating and uncertain, and does not return to the center line. It is said that there are ancient artifacts in the ground."

"The second pair is sudden, the needle is horizontal, and it does not return to Ziwu. It is said that there are gold marks in the ground."

"Wumei said there are utensils underground."

After talking to himself, he turned to everyone and said, "Everyone, there are indeed strange things underground." Under everyone's astonished eyes, he continued to pick up the compass and said:
"According to the hexagram, this underground city is a big city, and there must be more than one entrance."

After saying that, he picked up the compass and started positioning.

"24 The mountain is in the same direction as the sitting direction: if the sunda is facing the stem, it can be in the same direction as the chenxu."

"24 Mountains cannot be in phase with each other and sit in the same direction: sitting on Yi is facing Xin, and they cannot be in phase with each other and facing Chen and Xu."

As the pointer turned, he twisted his body, took small steps, and cautiously walked back and forth.

When everyone saw him like this, they all bent down, held their breath, and followed him lightly.

Yuan Tiangang felt the silence behind him, turned to look at everyone, and asked in surprise:

"What are you doing?"

Zhongqing pointed at him and said confidently: "You must have discovered some danger, so we should also be on guard to prevent any eventuality."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Tiangang kicked the sandbag under his feet,

"I'm afraid of tripping, but you don't have to."

After a quarter of an hour, everyone returned to the entrance. After Yuan Tiangang pointed at the sky and painted the earth for a while, he said to everyone firmly:
"Everyone, I'm sure the entrance is right here."

Everyone just rolled their eyes at him.

After searching for a long time, you came up with this result. If you have the ability, you should open the entrance.

Look at Yuan Tiangang now taking the Seven Star Steps according to the direction of the five elements.

After he had taken 49 steps, 56 steps, and 61 steps, he suddenly shouted:
"Tai Shang Laojun, hurry up like a law and order, with thousands of brilliant lights, the door of ghosts will open."

As he stepped down, a huge city gate three in height and five in width suddenly appeared behind him. Two large Sanskrit characters on the gate came into everyone's eyes.

Wu Fu blurted out: "Loulan."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but wonder, "Do you know Sanskrit?"

Wu Fu said in surprise, "I guessed it."

Before he finished speaking, a dark wind suddenly blew up inside the city gate, and then two real and illusory spirit demons stabbed Yuan Tiangang in the back with steel forks.

Fortunately, Yuan Shouwei was prepared and immediately threw out the spirit needle in his hand, then dragged Yuan Tiangang to the ground, avoiding the steel fork of another demon.

Everyone knew the characteristics of this kind of spirit body, so they all stayed away from it. Even Yuan Tiangang rolled away and crawled away. Before leaving, he did not forget to cheer Yuan Shouwei:
"Yuan Shouwei, you can do it."

At this time, Yuan Shouwei could no longer care about joking. He dodged the attack of another demon, unfolded his limbs and walked slightly in front of the pinned demon.

With a few swipes of swords, the demon was cut into pieces, and then the other one was eliminated in the same manner. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the city gate like a devil's mouth and said in a deep voice:
"I don't know how many demons like this there are in the city. Let's go in little by little. If the situation is not right, we will withdraw immediately."

After saying that, he carefully walked inside with the Xuanyuan Sword, and everyone followed closely.

Zhongqing even trotted behind Yuan Shouwei, stepping on his footsteps and walking forward.

He was so frightened that he felt a cold light flash in the darkness, and a steel fork was stabbing towards his chest silently like a poisonous snake.

There is no way to hide!

Zhongqing didn't have time to think, and he threw out the Five Elements Water Talisman tightly in his hand, directly wrapping up the steel fork and the sneak attack demon.

There was a splash of water, and the demon was washed away by the water talisman and disappeared.

The water talisman could actually restrain this spiritual demon, and Zhongqing was pleasantly surprised when he discovered this situation.

And everyone around him also discovered this situation, and while they were happy for Zhongqing, they were also surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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