Chapter 121

Zhongqing also took out more than ten water talismans he had saved from his arms, walked up to Yuan Shouwei with dignity, and said loudly:

"You all hide behind me, I will clear the way."

After saying that, he strode forward, sweeping away his depressed temperament just now.

In the blink of an eye, he eliminated more than ten spirit demons, and his arrogance like the return of the God of War had reached its peak.

Holding the last water talisman, he shouted:
"Who else?"

After saying that, he looked forward with the corner of his eyes and saw that wherever he looked, there were densely packed demons standing there. They were all holding steel forks and staring fiercely at the last piece of water in his hand. symbol.

Zhongqing suddenly felt his legs trembling. He suppressed the urge to urinate and asked Wu Fu in a low voice:

"Miss Wu, give me the remaining Five Elements Water Talisman you have?"

"No more." Wu Fu said neatly.

"What?" Zhongqing's eyes almost fell to the ground.

"You've used up all those hundred cards? What a waste of money."

"Isn't there something else?"

Wu Fu said casually, then took out a bunch of messy charms from his pocket and handed it to Zhongqing.

"Come on, try them all."

"The Heavenly Master just said that these demons are transformed by spiritual energy, and any five-element talisman should be able to restrain them."

Zhongqing did not accept the spell, but slowly stepped back and said:

"The old man cannot rely on his bones and muscles. The opportunity to charge into battle should be left to you young people."

In the time it takes to speak, he has already retreated to the last side of the team.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei, with the Xuanyuan Sword in one hand and the Five Elements Talisman in the other, had already plunged into the devil's camp.

Just look at Yuan Shouwei at this time, as if he was a god descending to earth, blocking the attack of the steel fork with the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and the five-element talisman in his hand is like a kaleidoscope,

Spouting out colorful rays of light, spraying fire, pouring water, shining gold, smashing wood, and burying earth, all the demons were slaughtered in a moment, leaving no one behind.

Wu Fu, who was behind, had eyes full of little stars and murmured to himself:
"Real man"

And Zhongqing at the end was beating his chest and roaring:

"It's a crime, it's a crime, it's true that the talisman is not money."

While talking and laughing, everyone had already arrived at a market place.

At the entrance of the market, a charming and charming woman from the Western Regions wearing gauze appeared in front of everyone.

She flirtatiously winked at Yuan Shouwei:
"Little Taoist priest, you are quite capable."

"Come, let me see if you have the ability to break through my formation."

As soon as the words fell, the gauze on her body disappeared.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he threw a fire talisman towards the woman's appearance with a 'swish' sound.

As the firelight shone, the woman was still nowhere to be seen.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Everyone looked at the woman who appeared and disappeared carelessly, they were all shocked, and they were on guard.

Yuan Tiangang frowned, looked at the market in front of him and said:
"I seem familiar with this woman, but I can't remember where I saw her. Yuan Shouwei, what should I do now?"

Yuan Shouwei gritted his teeth, "Go to the market and have a look, the big formation that this woman mentioned must be inside."

Everyone agreed in unison, using Yuan Shou as an arrow, with Yuan Tiangang and Wu Fu guarding the two wings, and slowly walked to the edge of the market, when they felt a loud noise coming towards them.

Everyone looked up and saw a lively and weird market.

The weird things can be divided into three categories: people: traffickers and pawns, princes and generals;
Livestock: cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, insects, ants and moths;
Ghosts: demons, harps, and lutes;
Yuan Tiangang took a breath and blurted out: Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Just look at these three categories, humans, beasts, and ghosts.

Some are doing their own thing, some are walking side by side, some are quarreling, or some are having a serious fight.

Everything in the world is found in it.

Not far away, there was a fat sheep, munching on the grass underground leisurely.
After gnawing on the abundant green grass above, he deliberately dug the grass out with his hoof, which not only killed the vitality of the grass, but also caused the sheep behind to have no food to eat, and complained endlessly.

The fat sheep ignored him at all. After eating and drinking, he left in high spirits.

When passing by a meat stall, I just looked at a hawker, grabbed it, put it on the butcher table and then disemboweled it.

The fat sheep begged and cried, completely losing the majesty it had just now.

The sheep in the distance looked at this scene with gloating expressions.

The poor fat sheep still couldn't escape the knife. The hawker slashed it, and blood spattered out. Countless insects and birds flew in quickly, surrounding the blood and meat.

The vendor threw down a few broken bones and let them peck at them.

Several vicious dogs immediately rushed out to fight with the insect bird.

There are those greedy insects and birds that are still lying on the meat table and pecking.

Disgusted by the peddler, 'Zi La' picked off a good piece of meat and threw it on the side of the meat case. Immediately, precious birds flew over and preyed on those ants and insects.

After driving away all the insects and ants, he enjoyed the good meat alone.

A vicious dog had been waiting nearby for a long time. Taking advantage of the precious bird, it suddenly pounced down and ate its food.

The peddler laughed loudly as he watched, chopped down the vicious dog with a knife, and put it and the meat of the noble bird on the meat case.

After the cleaning was completed, he picked out a pile of good meat and flatteringly delivered it to the official's house next to him.

The official looked at the quality of the meat and scolded him. Not only did he kick the hawker out, but he also refused to pay him a penny.

The hawker dared not speak out in anger, so he spat bloody spit at the door of the official's house.

Angrily, he picked up the remaining meat on the table and went to a ghostly temple to pay tribute.

The kid smiled and accepted his tribute, then went to the official's house and took the official's life.

The family members of the officials cried and complained to the general's mansion. In a rage, the general demolished the little ghost's temple and killed the peddler.

The little ghost's resentment persisted, he possessed Lord Hou, and killed the general.

The hawker's son was left unchecked and turned into a rebel. He broke into the capital and killed the marquis.

While celebrating, he was killed by several vicious dogs, his flesh and blood turned into maggots, and he was hunted by noble birds.
These scenes of the jungle and the cycle of retribution appear constantly in the market.

What Yuan Shouwei only noticed was that his spine felt chilly and he broke out in cold sweat.

Isn't this just how life is?

Zhongqing said in a trembling voice: "Master Tian, ​​is this the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Yuan Tiangang frowned: "Three realms are missing: gods, Shura, and hell."

Wu Fu looked at this with disgust,

"Uncle Tiangang, maybe those three paths will not be known in the next level."

"How do we crack this level?"

Yuan Tiangang pondered for a long time,
"Just walk over."

"No greed, no anger, no delusion, no hate, no love, no evil, no desire, no karma can be broken."

Zhao Yi, a tough-as-nails man, was trembling a little when he spoke.
(End of this chapter)

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