Chapter 122 Beiming Mountain

"Master Tian, ​​how can you not be affected by cause and effect?"

"When I saw those rebels rebelling and killing ordinary people, I became very angry."

Yuan Shouwei turned around and looked at everyone and said:
"I'll try it first. If I fail, you will turn around and leave."

"Guo Xiaoke and the others don't want to save them. This is beyond our capabilities."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Yan had already grabbed the conversation,

"No. You are the last hope for all of us. You can't go."

After speaking, he pointed his finger at Zhongqing,

"Taoist Master Zhongqing, please go and I'll give you the remaining charms to protect you."

After hearing this, Zhongqing suddenly turned pale and was trembling, unable to say a word.

Yuan Tiangang said thoughtfully:

"I always feel like there's something wrong here."

"This is one of the six ways of reincarnation. Second, these things in the market have this life and the next life, but there is no previous life."

"You guys wait here, I'll go first."

He turned around and said to the crowd:

"If I don't get out of reincarnation, you will come next to each other and put Yuan Shouwei at the end."

"He should be able to find the problem through our reincarnation."

"If none of us can do it, only he has a chance to save everyone."

The crowd nodded.

Yuan Shouwei observed the situation in the market again, nodded and said:

"Well, that's probably the best way."

"Hold this, maybe at a critical time, it can save lives."

After saying that, he handed the Ding Ling Needle to Yuan Tiangang.

Yuan Tiangang was not polite, took the Dingling Needle and strode into it.

Everyone stared closely at his back as he entered the market.

As soon as Yuan Tiangang entered the market, he quickly changed into a different person, but he was still a Taoist.

Seeing him like this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Since Yuan Tiangang has entered Taoism, most of the cause and effect in the world has nothing to do with him, so he should be able to pass it.

Not greedy: I ​​saw a rich man asking Yuan Tiangang for fortune telling. After doing the fortune telling, he gave him a lot of gold and silver as a thank you, but Yuan Tiangang only took the fortune gold;
Don't be angry: In order not to pay the divination money, the fortune teller deliberately found fault, beat and spurned Yuan Tiangang, he sneered at it and laughed it off.

Bu Chi: Seeking but not finding the way, Yuan Tiangang waved his sleeves and turned around.

No hatred: His fellow disciples were jealous of his talent and went to the headmaster to accuse him. Yuan Tiangang left the Taoist temple and traveled around the world.

Not loved: He fell ill in a small mountain village. A girl took care of him for a long time and gradually fell in love with him. Yuan Tiangang finally chose to leave, leaving the girl to die alone.

Not evil: He traveled all over the world and saved countless people. Many people mentioned him as grateful.

Desire: After traveling around the world, he returned to his hometown and found that his mother was seriously ill. He served her day and night. After her mother recovered, he would go on a trip.

His mother didn't want him to leave her. Seeing her hairy temples and stooped body, Yuan Tiangang finally agreed and stayed with her.

The demon is born!
When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he said bitterly: "It's not good."

He passed six of the seven inner demons, but fell to the last one, 'undesired'.

Looking at Yuan Tiangang, he is already trapped in the market, reincarnated as a hungry ghost, and cannot be reincarnated.

But everyone else watching from behind was full of mixed feelings and resentment.

Wu Fu murmured:

"That woman treats Uncle Tiangang so well, but he still wants to leave cruelly."

"He delayed this woman and didn't even leave an explanation. Isn't this a sin?"

Zhongqing shook his head again and again,

"Those fellow students bullied him so much, but he still looked indifferent." "If it were me, I would definitely find a way to take revenge."

Zhao Yi said with an indignant look:

"People have bullied him to the point of being bullied, but he still behaves as if nothing has happened."

"If people live like this without any emotions or desires, then what's the point of living?"

"If you ask me, this reincarnation is too impersonal."

"You all wait here and let me experience the six paths of reincarnation."

As soon as he finished speaking, he already clenched the sword in his hand and rushed into the market.

After entering the market, he became a hero who robbed the poor and helped the rich. After a short time, he was killed by the government for fighting injustice.

After death, reincarnation is the way of hungry ghosts, continue to fight against injustices, uphold the original heart, but it can be regarded as seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence.

Zhongqing looked at the still noisy market, then at Wu Fu, swallowed, and said helplessly:
"Let me go first, Miss Wu, put her behind me."

Obviously in his heart, reincarnation is not as scary as Wu Fu.

Zhongqing entered the market with three turns.
He was born into a poor family. Forced to make a living, he had no choice but to castrate himself and became a eunuch in the palace.

Rely on what you are good at in your bones: flattery.

He worked hard all the way to get to the emperor's side, and finally ousted the emperor and gained power.

Full of ambition, he claimed to be nine thousand years old and became extremely popular.

But when the new king comes to power, he will be beaten to his original form and beheaded outside the market entrance.

On the day of execution, all the people rushed to tell each other and impeached Xiang Qing.

After death, he enters reincarnation and turns into a vicious dog.

The three of them didn't even get a chance to be reincarnated as human beings. It was a complete and utter failure.

It's Wu Fu's turn.

She looked at Yuan Shouwei relaxedly,
"Yuan Shou is my brother, I'm going."

"You know, the greatest luck in my life is meeting you."

"If I could, I would be willing to reincarnate like this forever."

Yuan Shouwei's heart ached, and he gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks with his hand, and said softly:

"Me too."

After saying that, he took off the Xuanyuan Sword from his waist and handed it to her.

"I have never told you the name of this sword. It is called Xuanyuan Sword. It is said to have been made by the Yellow Emperor. It can kill all demons and monsters in the world. You can use it to protect yourself."

"The Heavenly Master's Dao has a clear mind, and his pursuit is inaction, which is close to the Dao, so he doesn't care about the things in the world."

"Perhaps you can also try to imitate him, and you should have a chance to pass."

Wu Fu took the Xuanyuan Sword and listened attentively to every word Yuan Shouwei said.

After listening, he smiled at Yuan Shouwei, turned around and walked towards the market with his sword in hand.

When she was still taking the last step, she turned to look at Yuan Shouwei and suddenly threw her sword back.

"Yuan Shou is my brother, I'm waiting for you to save me."

Without waiting for Yuan Shou's reaction, he had already stepped into the market.

Yuan Shouwei wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

After Wu Yan entered the market, he became a lady of the official family again, still looks like a flower and jade, and has an outstanding temperament.

Fortunately, she was selected by the emperor to enter the harem, and became the queen after going through many hardships;
Just looking at Yuan Shouwei made her heart sour. This thing... wasn't this the original trajectory of her life?

After her husband died and her children dispersed, Wu Fu also slowly grew old. Until her son forced her to abdicate, she died of illness in Huadu.

After re-entering reincarnation, she became a female Taoist priest, and the place where she practiced Taoism was: Beiming Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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