Chapter 123 The Truth
Seeing this scene, Yuan Shouwei suddenly had an epiphany.

Yuan Tiangang: The heart of Tao is immortal.

Zhao Yi: Seven emotions and six desires.

Zhongqing: Be kind to others.

Wu Fu: The obsession is in my heart.

The voices of these four people floated before Yuan Shouwei's eyes like a revolving lantern.
Yuan Shouwei suddenly raised his head and laughed, looking up into the void and saying:
"It doesn't matter what my identity is, whether it's an ant or a hungry ghost."

"It depends on how I break your broken six paths of reincarnation."

After saying that, he strode into the market without hesitation.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already a child from a poor family.

His father died young, and his mother endured hardships with him and a younger brother to survive.

At this time, he had long forgotten his true identity and was just living a hard life according to his current trajectory.

When he was in his teens, his mother fell ill and became deaf-mute, basically losing her ability to work, and all the burden of life fell on him.

He went to work for others during the day and took care of his mother and brother at night.

Although life is difficult, Yuan Shouwei, who is kind-hearted, smiles every day and is kind to his family, himself and others.The days just move forward painfully and happily.

Until one day, he met a girl, and the girl's smile made him feel a long-lost warmth.

The two started dating, and the girl was attracted by his kindness and sense of responsibility. Not only did she not dislike his poverty, but she was willing to shoulder the burden of the family with him.

And he was also attracted by the girl's beauty and thoughtfulness, and the two fell into sweet love.

But happy days are always short.

When the girl's parents found out about their family situation, they resolutely separated them and married the girl away.

For the first time, Yuan Shouwei felt the helplessness of life and the burden brought on him by his family, so he drank to relieve his sorrows all day long.

One day, when he was drunk, he looked at his sleeping mother and brother, and felt a sense of malice in his heart:
This world is too miserable. It would be better to die. If you die, everything will be liberated. You can die with your mother and brother.

He lifted the pillow beside him, trying to smother his mother to death.

After several hesitations, he finally made up his mind.

But just when he was about to push the pillow onto his mother's face, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart: Be a good person and be kind to others.

He suddenly woke up, sweating profusely, threw the pillow aside, and stumbled out of the room.

Thinking that he had no face to see his mother again, he left all his money at home and went to the capital to become a hidden fire soldier.

In a fire, he rescued a little girl, but unfortunately he died and was taken to the underworld for trial by Impermanence.

If you do good deeds, you can be reincarnated as a human being.

If you do evil, you will be reincarnated as an animal.

The first trial determines whether Yuan Shouwei has committed murder.

Just when Wu Chang thought that Yuan Shouwei had no problem at this level, the judge in charge of the review asked a question:
"Yuan Shouwei, why did you abandon your injured companion in the fire when you were putting out a fire, which eventually led to his death in the flames?"

The guilty Yuan Shouwei said nothing. When the judge saw this, he thought that he had no words to defend himself and was about to throw him into the realm of animals.

Just when he was about to accept his fate, the voice in his heart sounded:
"Good people should speak out loudly when they are wronged. Being good does not mean allowing others to bully and remain silent."

Hearing this, Yuan Shouwei looked up at the judge, and argued loudly with clear eyes:
"My lord, it is clear that the fire situation was urgent at that time. My companion's leg was crushed to death by a wooden pillar and he needed tools to rescue him."

"At this time, there were still many people in the building who needed rescue. My companion asked me to rescue other people, and finally I rescued him."

"I rescued six people that day. When I finally went to rescue my companions, it was already too late."

"Please, sir, investigate the truth and clear my name, Yuan Shouwei." The judge immediately sent people to investigate the truth of the matter, and the facts were indeed as Yuan Shouwei said.

The judge immediately pronounced Yuan Shou not guilty and passed the first trial safely.

The second level of judgment is to judge those who wasted their time during their lifetime.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei breathed a sigh of relief and smiled confidently. There was no word 'lazy' in his dictionary.

Although he lived in poverty, he never dared to slack off for the sake of his family. At most, he had to work four jobs and had no time to waste his time.

The judge who heard all this was very satisfied and prepared to let him pass his trial.

At this moment, the judge curiously asked him why he had to do so much work at the same time.

Yuan Shouwei said truthfully: "For money."

After hearing this, the judge immediately became sad and decided to retry the case.

Because money is called a false god in the underworld, those who believe in him will be punished.

This time, Yuan Shouwei took the initiative and said without using the reminder from the bottom of his heart:

"Sir, I believe you will not wrongly accuse a good man. Can you give me a chance to explain?"

Seeing his calm appearance, the judge felt that there must be something hidden in his heart, so he nodded and asked him to tell.

Yuan Shouwei said:

"Sir, I have to be on duty at the Yamen during the day to prevent fires. When I'm not on duty, I go to restaurants to serve dishes and go to bathhouses to rub people's backs."

"The reason for all this is because I lack money, my mother is blind, my younger brother is still in school, they need me to earn money to live, without money they may not be able to live."

"Although money is a false god, it is very tolerant of human beings. It will not despise the identity of the person who owns it, but only acts according to its own value. For the sake of your family, what is the sin of believing in a false god?"

"Please learn from me, my lord."

In the end, the judge recognized his actions and allowed him to pass the trial.

The third trial.

Anyone who has told lies in front of him will suffer the pain of having his tongue pulled out, and then be thrown into the realm of hungry ghosts.

The judge has already found out that Yuan Shouwei lied to two people all the year round, so he must be severely punished to warn the world.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei didn't know why, but every time he passed a level of trial, he became more courageous, as if there was another daring soul living in his body.

He defended loudly:
"My lord, please find out the truth and restore Yuan Shou's innocence."

"I admit lying, but lies are divided into good and evil. My lies are all to make other people's lives better, so why am I guilty?"

Then the truth of the matter was told.

It turned out that he left his mother and brother and arrived in the capital.

In order not to worry his mother, he always reported good news but not bad news every time he wrote home.

He also told his mother that he was married and had children in the capital, and his life was very good.

And his mother knew that he was living a good life, so she felt relieved and could take good care of herself.

The second person who lied to him was the daughter of his companion who died in the fire.

He pretended to be a companion and sent messages to his daughter so that she could always live in hope.

Is it wrong to be so kind?

After hearing this, the judge asked someone to find out the truth, and remained silent for a long time, and finally allowed Yuan Shouwei to pass the trial.

(End of this chapter)

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