Chapter 124 Awakening from a Dream
The trial has entered its final level.

The judge found that he had beaten his younger brother and attempted to kill his mother.

Yuan Shouwei fell silent this time and did not issue any defense.

Because this matter has always been a thorn in his heart, and it will hurt whenever he thinks about it.

Just when he fell into infinite guilt, the judge's words completely drove him into a bottomless abyss.

It turned out that when he was preparing to take his mother to die, her mother was conscious.

The mother didn't know what Yuan Shouwei was thinking, but she didn't want to be a burden to her child and hoped that her departure would make her child's life better.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei collapsed. He fell to his knees, cried loudly, and was willing to accept any punishment.

Just before entering reincarnation, I want to see my mother again and say 'I'm sorry' to her face to face. '

The judge couldn't help but sneer after hearing this.

"You obviously have ten years to apologize, but you have been evading and refusing to admit your mistakes."

"With such great evil, you will inevitably enter the animal realm and undergo endless reincarnation."

At this time, Yuan Shouwei felt calm, and the voice in his heart sounded again:

do you know?Be a good person and do good to others.It is what your mother taught you since you were a child. You have engraved these words in your heart and become your own obsession.

After the sound disappeared, the market suddenly shook, and Yuan Shouwei's mother appeared on the ground.

She had always been deaf and mute, but now she actually called out the name 'Yuan Shouwei'.

It turns out that this obsession also exists deep in the mother's heart. In her dream, she saw everything Yuan Shouwei did.

In fact, she never blamed her son. Instead, she felt that everything was her fault. In turn, she began to apologize to her two children continuously.

Everyone was moved by it. Faced with mother's kindness, no one said anything.

As a white light flashed, Yuan Shouwei, who opened his eyes again, had successfully passed through the market.

Not far in front of him, the charming woman from the Western Region appeared in front of him again, and asked with surprise:
"You, a Taoist priest, are really capable. You can actually pass through this rebirth formation."

After saying this, half of his face suddenly turned into that of a monk, he shouted the Buddha's name, and spoke again:

"I've seen everything you do. I'm curious how you control the emotions of an ordinary woman?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at the yin and yang face, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and shouted:
"Infinite Heavenly Venerate."

"You two-skinned person only knows how to put an end to the seven emotions and six desires and destroy human nature. But you don't know that the family values ​​tranquility and inaction, and the Buddhist values ​​​​saving others and oneself."

"Today, I will teach you on behalf of Buddha, so that you understand that Buddha is the Tao, and that all aspects of life are wonderful."

After saying that, he raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and rushed forward.

The Erpilian didn't have time to recollect the meaning of Yuan Shouwei's words, and when he saw him rushing, he snorted coquettishly and shouted boldly:

"I'll swallow you up today, and get a good understanding."

After saying that, his mouth split into a 360-degree bloody mouth, biting at Yuan Shouwei.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shouwei directly stuffed a handful of Five Elements Talisman into Erpilian's big mouth and stepped aside.

He held up the Xuanyuan Sword and slashed Erpi's face wildly.

As the Five Elements Talisman exploded in the witch's mouth, the witch felt as if a shop of oil and salt had opened in her mouth, and all five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty were instantly available.

His head and body were in constant pain, and in a moment, Yuan Shouwei had cut him into seven, eight, nine, or ten pieces.

As a wave of unwilling wailing sounded, it dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

As Erpilian disappeared, the market behind Yuan Shouwei also disappeared.

What replaced it was a vast expanse of boundless desert, and the traffickers, cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, and the monsters and monsters had all disappeared.

People of all ethnic groups from the Western Regions in strange costumes were lying all over the ground, including hundreds of soldiers dressed in Tang army uniforms.

Yuan Shou was overjoyed. Once the formation was broken, everyone seemed to have survived the disaster.He also hurried forward and looked for his companions in the crowd.Soon, he spotted Wu Fu's familiar figure. He came to her side in a few steps, gently placed her head in his arms, and called softly.

After a while of burning incense, Wu Fu woke up. When he saw Yuan Shouwei, he said softly with a "嘤咛":

"Brother Yuan Shouwei, I just had a terrible dream."

After Yuan Shouwei listened to her quietly, he patted her gently and said:
"It's okay, it's just a dream, just let it go."

After calming her down, looking at the people on the ground, a few water talismans were directly sacrificed, turning into majestic heavy rain, forcibly waking up everyone.

Said to himself:
"Don't blame me for favoring one over the other. That's not how life is."

With the heavy rain, it poured down like a pillar.

After a short while, someone began to move slowly.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei quickly put away the charm and pretended to search the crowd.

As he staggered forward, he shouted miserably:

"Brother Tiangang, Zhongqing, Zhao Yi."

The voice is as sad as a cuckoo weeping blood, which really makes the listener sad and the listener shed tears.

At this moment, someone whispered:
"Wang, Wang Yuanshou is a fellow Taoist, and I am here."

Yuan Shouwei followed the sound and saw Zhong Qing stood up slightly from the ground and looked around blankly.

Said to himself:
"Woah, what's wrong with me?"

"Ah, I seem to have had a dream. I dreamed that I turned into a dog."

At this moment, Zhao Yi, Yuan Tiangang, and the rest of the Tang army woke up one after another.

Everyone has a different expression, as if they are waking up from a big dream.

But at this moment, Yuan Shouwei no longer had any interest in playing pranks, because he found that except for these people, most people were not awake at all.

When he got closer, he realized that these people were already skinny and skinny.

Yuan Shouwei squatted in front of a person, carefully felt the person's pulse, and found that the person had already stopped breathing.

He still didn't believe it. After looking at several people one after another, he realized that these people were already dead.

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang's voice sounded from behind:
"Don't look at it, these people have long been hopeless."

Yuan Shouwei felt a little disappointed and turned to look at Yuan Tiangang with a look of compassion on his face.
"Is there no hope left?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded,
"If the prediction is correct, they were admitted here by the woman from the Western Region very early."

"Life is entirely supported by reincarnation. Once you return to the present world, your body and mind will naturally be separated."

After saying that, regardless of the mud on the ground, he read out "Infinite Lord", then sat cross-legged on the ground and recited the mantra of rebirth.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei started to recite along with him. Zhongqing saw it from a distance and sat cross-legged and started to recite.

After the simple ritual was completed, Tang Jun came over to thank Yuan Tiangang for his life-saving grace.

Yuan Tiangang also returned the gifts one by one, and said that he was also deeply involved, and that he could save everyone thanks to Yuan Shou as Taoist Priest.

The soldiers thanked them again, but Yuan Shouwei refused and asked how they got here.

Everyone explained the situation. They were all scouts from Loulan City, searching for traces of Guo Xiaoke and others.

They heard someone calling them, and when they woke up again they were here.

Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang knew that Sanskrit sounds were causing trouble, so they directly taught everyone the Pure Heart Mantra and asked them to memorize it to avoid intrusion by Sanskrit sounds again.

After everyone became familiar with the Pure Heart Curse, some soldiers looked at the corpses on the ground and began to bury them on their own initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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