Chapter 125 The Strange Bug in the Desert
Taking advantage of this time, Yuan Tiangang asked Yuan Shouwei how he passed the test.

Yuan Shouwei told everyone roughly his experience.

At the same time, he realized:
"If I were alone, I would probably fall into this formation."

"I found the key points to break the formation from each of you."

"From Brother Tiangang, I see the immortality of Taoism, from Zhao Yi, I see the seven emotions and six desires, from Zhongqing, I see the kindness to others, and from Wu Fu, I see the obsession."

After that, he told everyone their respective experiences, except that he concealed the fact that Zhongqing was reincarnated as a vicious dog.

When Yuan Shouwei talked about the last appearance of the woman, Yuan Tiangang seemed to have some insights and murmured to himself:
"This is not the six realms of reincarnation; there is only this life and the time to come; a two-faced woman;"

"I always feel that there is something wrong here. If I find the answer, I may be able to find the key to breaking the formation."

Everyone felt that Yuan Tiangang's words made sense. However, due to time constraints, they could only think about the key to breaking the formation while passing through the levels.

At this time, all the corpses had been buried, and Yuan Shouwei led everyone forward.

After killing a few more spirit demons on the way, everyone came to the edge of an endless desert.

As you enter and exit, you can see rolling yellow sand and the sound of wind.

And in the middle of the desert, a sweet laughter suddenly came. With this laughter, the surrounding environment became a little brighter.

Just looking at the center of the desert, there is a huge and exquisite Hu couch, and a woman as beautiful as a flower and with a belly as big as a drum is reclining on it.

She looked at the people in the distance, her eyes lit up, she covered her mouth with a sweet smile and said:

"Sister Shi Wei said that I can keep you. Look at this, not only did you not stay, but you also lost your own capital."

After saying that, he pulled out a human leg from the side of the couch, took a bite elegantly, and said with a mouth full of blood:

"Then I'll suffer the consequences and leave you all here."

"It just so happens that I'm going to be very hungry right now."

With Tang Jun's sharp eyes, he could tell at a glance that the clothes on his thighs were Tang Jun's military uniforms, and he couldn't help shouting indignantly:

"That's our man, kill this bitch."

After saying that, he rushed into the desert with his weapon and ran towards the woman with all his strength.

But at this moment, the sand under his feet suddenly turned into an hourglass, and in the blink of an eye, half of Tang Jun's body had sunk into it.

"Be careful." Yuan Shouwei picked up a spear beside him, jumped into the desert, handed it to the man and shouted: "Catch it."

Tang Jun also knew that he had encountered quicksand and quickly grabbed the spear. But at this moment, he suddenly shouted, "There is something sneaking up on me below."

The expression on his face became extremely distorted, and his facial features were all deformed in pain.

Yuan Shouwei's heart tightened, and he used his arms to pull out the Tang Jun.

As the man kept screaming, everyone suddenly realized that what Yuan Shouwei had picked out was only the man's upper body and a trail of blood splattering in the air.

By the time the man landed, he was no longer breathing.

At this time, Wu Fu suddenly shouted again:
"Yuan Shouwei, be careful where you step."

After saying that, he jumped into the desert.

But Yuan Tiangang grabbed him and said, "Don't move, Yuan Shouwei will definitely be able to save himself."

It turned out that a vortex with a diameter of one meter appeared under Yuan Shouwei, sucking him into it.

Then Yuan Shouwei suddenly thrust the spear into the ground until it had no handle.

Everyone only heard a cry of "chichi", and the whirlpool disappeared immediately, and Yuan Shouwei returned to the beach safely.Everyone gathered around and asked, Yuan Shouwei shook his head to indicate that nothing happened.

Turning to look at the Tang Jun just now, he said in a deep voice:
"Is that brother still saved?"

Zhongqing shook his head,

"By the time you rescued him, he was already dead."

Yuan Shouwei said "Hmm" and looked at the strange woman in the middle of the desert, with anger burning in his eyes:

"Then kill this woman and bury her with her brother."

Yuan Tiangang asked:
"Then what attacked you in the sand?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head.
"I don't know. It sounds like a bug."

Zhao Yi also came over and said:
"If it's a bug, its front limbs must be two huge pincers."

"That brother was cut off at the waist. The wound was neat and smooth, and it was fatal at once."

Zhongqing also said angrily:

"Let me try it with the Five Elements Talisman?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded,
"Don't go near the desert."

Zhongqing obeyed and stood beside Yuan Shouwei, throwing out the Five Elements Water Talisman in his hand.

As the torrential rain poured down, the strange woman smiled coquettishly again, and conjured up two bloody thighs from the Hu couch:
"What a powerful five-element talisman. If I can't offend you, I can't afford to hide."

After saying that, gnawing on the bloody thigh, the entire Hu couch sank into the desert and disappeared.

Zhongqing's first water talisman looked powerful, but because the desert was so large, all the rainwater that fell was quickly absorbed by the dry sand, and not even a wave appeared.

Zhongqing took out two more and tried them, but it still had no effect.

Wu Fu stopped Zhongqing at this moment, frowned, took out a handful of fire talismans, and threw them out. Zhongqing couldn't help but feel distressed again.

The fire soared into the sky and directly enveloped the entire desert.

After a long time, the fire dissipated. Wherever you looked, the desert had been burned and calcified, and a layer of masonry like glass was condensed on the surface.

Seeing this, Zhongqing quickly clapped his hands and shouted:
"The princess is so powerful, she completely sealed the witch inside."

But Wu Fu ignored his flattery, and still frowned and stared at the glazed ground in thought.

He said to himself: "You passed the test so easily?" After saying that, he cast doubtful eyes on Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei also felt that it was a bit too simple. He picked up two spears again and said:
"You guys stay here and don't move. I'll go try it first."

Then he carefully walked forward while observing the glass sand surface.

After taking a few steps, he realized something was wrong. Under the glass, dark sand was surging, and in the blink of an eye, it was at his feet.

There was a loud bang, and two cold lights flashed, like the pliers of a machete breaking through the glazed sand surface, and they twisted towards his legs viciously.

Yuan Shouwei was also well prepared, and jumped up again, dodging the attack, like a goshawk and a rabbit, and inserted two long spears into the sand.

After feeling that the target had been stabbed, he then took advantage of the situation and tried to pick out the monster on the sand bottom. However, he only heard a strange "chirp" sound in the sand, and then he felt that the gun was light and the target was empty.

The monster escaped again!

Yuan Shouwei did not dare to stay any longer and quickly retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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