Chapter 126 Antlion!

Seeing this scene, Yuan Tiangang pondered for a moment and said:

"The five elements wood overcomes the earth, let me try it with the wood element."

After saying that, he took a few wooden talismans from Wu Fu, chanted the incantation, and then sacrificed the wooden talismans.

Just watch the wooden talisman become more than ten feet in size in the air, and when it landed in the desert, it turned into towering trees.

Countless huge tree roots flashing with rules directly ignored the glazed sand surface and burrowed into the desert.

After a while, the gravel on the surface of the desert began to shake slowly, and then the shaking became more and more severe, as if the entire desert was in a huge sieve, shaking back and forth.

It can be clearly felt that the tree roots are fighting against the monsters in the sand.

As the movement got louder and louder, with a bang, a tree root as thick as a thigh threw out a black insect.

The insect was half the size of a human, shaped like a rhinoceros, with sharp hairs all over its body, and two huge pincers on its head emitting a cold light.

"Ant lion, it's an ant lion!" Tang Jun recognized the origin of this monster.

Look at the ant lion wielding its huge pincers and fighting desperately with the roots of the tree, trying to cut off the roots.

The tree roots were also waving up and down, trying to scare the ant lion to death, and the two sides were inextricably killed for a while.

After a while, the tree root finally missed and was cut off by the ant lion, and landed softly on the glazed sand.

The ant lion chirped a few times, and in an instant it burrowed into the sandy bottom and disappeared.

This kind of battle is also going on around other big trees. Countless ant lions rush out from the sandy bottom and bite the big trees without fear of death.

With a 'bang', an overwhelmed tree fell down, followed by the second and third.
Soon all the big trees fell on the glazed sand and turned into spells.

Although wood can conquer earth, a tree without roots will not last long.

Failed again!

Everyone watching the battle looked annoyed.

But on the other hand, Yuan Tiangang not only did not show a depressed expression, but instead showed a trace of relaxation.

He called Tang Jun who recognized the ant lion to him and asked about the origin of this thing.

Tang Jun looked at the disappearing ant lions, swallowed his saliva, and said with lingering fear:
"Daoist, I also heard about the origin of this ant lion from a wandering monk."

"This thing is somewhat similar to the Pixiu of our Tang Dynasty. It only eats but doesn't poop."

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang finally showed a smile and said to Yuan Shouwei:
"I heard Brother Chunfeng tell a Buddhist allusion. Maybe this is the key to breaking the formation."

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked when they heard it, and urged him to tell it quickly.

Yuan Tiangang said:

“In the past, Master Padmasambhava set out from Nepal to Nalanda Temple in India to pick up the Sutra of the One Hundred Thousand Verses and Tantras of the Vajra Prong. He hired two Nepali porters, Xia Jiayu and Nai Su, to carry it.

When passing through the Western Region, I encountered four witches who devoured all passers-by at dusk, including the two porters.

At this moment, Master Lotus showed great power, pretending to be dying, and touched it with his hand.

The Four Demon Goddess screamed "squeak" and were immediately captured. Master Lotus put her in his hat and walked away.

Arrived at Nalan Temple, took out the hat, and the four witches showed a very beautiful female figure.

He immediately made an oath to Master Padmasambhava and prayed to become the protector of the Buddha's vajra prong. Accepting his prayer, he was designated as the protector of the Dharma, showing auspicious signs, and offered a handful of gold sand as a donation.

Afterwards, he invited the Sutra "The One Hundred Thousand Verses and Tantras of the Vajra Prongs of the Buddha" and returned to the Nepal Ocean.

The four witches who have not yet transcended this world are also named by lotuses.
The phantom goddess who grants "the next life";
The god who gives "food" becomes a goddess;
The goddess of great power who bestows great virtues on those who are “noble”;

The goddess of transformation who gives "longevity". "

After Yuan Tiangang finished speaking, Yuan Shouwei had an epiphany.

"Brother Tiangang, your guess is correct. We are facing these four witches now." "Remember that you said that the first witch only has this life and the next life, and no previous life, which corresponds to the 'afterlife' The transformed goddess.”

"No matter how the second witch looks, she corresponds to these ant lions, it is the 'Eater Goddess'."

Yuan Tiangang smiled and nodded in agreement, and then said:

"Now that we know her origin, it will be easier to handle."

"I've thought of ways to deal with them."

As soon as this was said, everyone was curious.

Wu Fu even urged:
"Uncle Tiangang, don't be too pretentious, just tell me quickly."

"There are two witches waiting for us below."

Yuan Tiangang smiled and said:
"Okay, I'll reveal the secret to you now."

"Do you still remember when you and Yuan Shouwei asked hundreds of birds to kill locusts in Chang'an City?"

Wu Fu suddenly woke up,

"You mean for us to summon the birds to destroy this ant lion?"

"But this antlion is too big, can the little birds do it?"

Yuan Tiangang said confidently:

"No problem. It all starts with the mutual restraint of all things."

If there is a Luolibasuo hell in reincarnation, I guess the heavenly master will definitely not be able to get through. Yuan Shouwei took out the jade flute from his body while cursing.
Said to Wu Fu:
"Time is tight, let's start now."

Wu Fu smiled brightly at Yuan Tiangang,
"Uncle Tiangang, I don't want to listen to your nagging anymore."

After saying that, he and Yuan Shouwei played "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" together.

Yuan Tiangang is left alone and desolate
As a faint whistle sounded, there was a faint sound of birds chirping in the distance.

At first it was almost inaudible, then it could be faintly heard, and when it was not very young, it was already full of birdsong.

After the Xiao sound was halfway through, a phoenix cry that resounded through the sky resounded in the east, and everyone looked into the distance.

In the distance, there was an endless stretch of colorful auspicious clouds galloping from the horizon. When they got closer, everyone saw that the colorful clouds were actually composed of countless colorful birds.

At first, a big fiery red bird soared in the air. The dazzling fiery red tail feathers and perfect body all showed the majesty of the king of birds.

The red color is also mixed with golden lines, which is noble and noble, and the chirping sound is also particularly ethereal.

It is none other than the king of birds: the Phoenix.

It hovered over the desert, nodded slightly to Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu, and let out another high-pitched cry.

Seeing this, Wu Fu jumped up and greeted it excitedly.

Yuan Shouwei also smiled and bowed his head in return.

After saying hello, the phoenix chirped again. As it chirped, countless birds were already scrambling to get into the sand pits in the desert. Most of them were sand larks and gray rock swallows.

Soon, the entire desert seemed to have been boiled by boiling water. Densely packed antlions emerged from the sand and fled in all directions. Behind them were flocks of birds that were like dark clouds.

Although these birds are too petite compared to antlions, it does not affect the quality of their attacks at all.

They flew over to the ant lion's head and pecked it twice. By the time the ant lion waved its pincers to fight back, they had already flown far away.

When the ant lions stop attacking, they will fly back as fast as lightning and continue their attack.

This was repeated, and soon the antlions were pecked through the forehead, exposing their pink brains, and died violently.

This wasn't even a battle, more like a one-sided massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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