Chapter 127 'Noble' Goddess of Wade

At this moment, the sand in the center of the desert suddenly spewed out like a waterfall, mixed with the figure of the witch, and rushed toward the phoenix in the air.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Wu Fu couldn't help but remind him loudly:

"Careful, Phoenix. Watch out for that witch."

Phoenix had obviously also discovered the witch, with a trace of human ridicule in his eyes, and he dived directly towards the witch.

He took the witch into his mouth in one gulp, raised his neck, and swallowed her into his belly in a few seconds. He was hovering over the desert with unfinished thoughts, as if he wanted to eat a few witches to satisfy his cravings.

While it was circling, the antlions had been completely killed by the birds, leaving only corpses on the ground for the birds to peck at.

The phoenix circled down from the sky again, flew to Wu Fu's side, and tilted its head at her.

Wu Fu jumped up again excitedly and said to Yuan Shouwei:
"Brother Yuan Shouwei, look. The phoenix is ​​going to fly us there."

"Come on, let's go up."

Yuan Shouwei looked at the people behind him, waved his hands gently, and said:
"You sit down, I'd better take everyone through it."

After Wu Fu heard this, he nodded and said:
"Okay then, I'll be with you."

She was afraid of letting down Phoenix's kindness, so she turned to Phoenix and said:

"Phoenix, I want to accompany Yuan Shouwei as my brother. How about you fly with us?"

The phoenix chirped again, raised its forehead slightly, spread its wings, and slowly flew up.

Seeing this, Wu Fu took the lead to step into the desert with his head held high, while Yuan Shouwei looked at her slender figure dotingly and carefully guarded her from behind.

Zhongqing trotted under Phoenix's claws and walked forward quickly, holding two fire talismans tightly in his hands to be careful.

Seeing this, everyone followed him one after another.

The journey was uneventful, and we passed through the desert safely, without seeing another antlion again.

After everyone had passed, the phoenix also spread its wings and flew high into the sky. It chirped at the martial arts man who was waving constantly underground, and then galloped away with hundreds of birds.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang looked at the Phoenix going away and said to everyone with great ambition:

"Come on, let's see what the 'distinguished' Goddess Weide looks like in the next level."

"I'm sure it won't be difficult to pass."

Everyone also swept away the haze, and walked towards the darkness ahead with their heads held high.

Not far after the fighting-minded people walked out, they felt that the scenery in front of them had changed.

Before they knew it, they had walked out of the desert and came to a vast palace square.

Just looking at the square, countless Tang troops were in attack formation, with their swords unsheathed and bows strung, looking at them eagerly.

Over the square, a murderous aura filled the air as if it were real.

At the end of the square, walking up the stairs, there is a heroic woman from the Western Region wearing a phoenix crown sitting on a dragon chair.

Beside her stood a general, fully equipped with armor and holding a horse spear. It was Guo Xiaoke, the general of Zuo Xiaowei.

Someone who knew Guo Xiaoke couldn't help shouting in surprise:

"General Guo is here, and our people are also here. That's great. They are fine."

Before he finished speaking, the heroic woman stood up and said sternly:
"General, our Tang Dynasty can unify the world after this battle. Kill me."

Guo Xiaoke next to her heard this and immediately raised the horse in his hand and pointed at everyone angrily:


As the sound of "咻咻咻" broke through the air, countless bows and arrows were flying towards everyone.

Yuan Shouwei knew something was wrong the moment he saw the woman.

Soon after, the arrows had already been shot, and Yuan Shouwei also shouted: "Run quickly." Then he waved the Xuanyuan Sword and used the Great Shift to resist the arrows all over the sky.

Everyone was taken aback, and hurriedly backed away, the speed was so fast, they really only hated their parents for giving birth to two legs for themselves.

Wu Fu retreated slowly while looking at Yuan Shouwei, who was alone in front of thousands of troops, knowing that he would only become a burden to him here.

He shouted at Yuan Shouwei:
"Yuan Shouwei, be careful."

After saying that, he also retreated in a hurry.

He secretly swore in his heart:

If any of you dares to kill Yuan Shouwei's brother, I will definitely let all 1 of you be buried with him.

Look at Yuan Shouwei at this moment, using Lingbo Micro Steps at his feet, and in his hands, he is using all seven moves of the Great Shift of the Universe.

Dragon Elephant Achievements, Ten Jue Sword Qi, and Qiankun Guiyi resisted and retreated at the same time, barely able to withstand three waves of arrows.

Looking at the Tang army's arrows, a thousand light cavalry on each side were already rushing towards them like fire.

Yuan Shouwei took advantage of the situation and turned to look, seeing that everyone had disappeared, knowing that he alone could not compete with the cavalry.

There was also a strange cry, and the waves under his feet flashed slightly, and he fled away like lightning.

The two thousand cavalrymen followed closely behind, and from time to time they would throw axes, bolas and other objects at Yuan Shouwei's side.

It was only because Yuan Shouwei was too fast that he was not hit.

But not far after running out, he spotted Wu Fu and the others. Yuan Shouwei had no choice but to stop, turned around and rushed towards the group of cavalry, buying some time for everyone to escape.

I remember your appearance. Now that you are all deceived, I will temporarily forgive you.

After you wake up, we will calculate the general accountant. Yuan Shouwei was moving around among the cavalry.
While secretly complaining.

He was also helpless at this moment. Naturally, he could not kill these Tang soldiers, he could only dodge back and forth.

But these Tang soldiers were rude and regarded him as a life and death enemy. They all killed him without mercy.

Yuan Shouwei watched Wu Fu and the others go away again, and he also jumped into the air, kicked a knight over, jumped on his horse, and fled again.

After repeating this process several times, everyone finally escaped into the desert again.

After arriving here, they suddenly discovered that the Tang troops did not continue to pursue, but slowly retreated. This made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei also rode up here. Without waiting for the horse to stop, he had already turned over and dismounted, and lay down on the sand without caring about his appearance.

He gasped and said:
"Hoo ho ho, Taoist master is so exhausted."

Seeing this, Wu Fu quickly brought him a water bag and fed him a lot of water distressedly. Everyone also came forward to greet him.

After Yuan Shouwei recovered, everyone began to figure out how to get through this pass and save these people.

Yuan Tiangang looked at the direction where the cavalry disappeared and said thoughtfully:

"The woman in the main hall should be the 'distinguished' goddess of mighty virtue, but how could she bewitch so many of our Tang Dynasty soldiers?"

Wu Fu said angrily:
"That bitch is indeed evil. How charming is she that she can seduce 1 people at once?"

Zhongqing was one of the first people to escape, so he observed them more carefully. He looked at everyone and said:

"The scope of that woman's bewitchment actually has a limit. You should have discovered that when we reach the desert, it is beyond her scope."

"I think we can ask Yuan Shouwei to capture a soldier and see if he can find a solution."

Wu Fu immediately shouted back at him.

"Why don't you go?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei was moved in his heart. He sounded his own dragon domain. Maybe this so-called 'noble' goddess of might also has her own domain.

(End of this chapter)

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