Chapter 128

Thinking of this, he struggled to get up and said:

"Zhongqing is a good idea, I might as well give it a try."

He turned to Wu Fu and said:

"It's okay, it's still easy for me to catch a soldier."

"Wait for me here. I'll come back as soon as I go." After saying that, he got on his horse and left.

Another toss.

Not long after everyone waiting in the desert, they heard the ground trembling slightly. They knew that the cavalry of the Tang Army was charging over, and everyone raised their heads in anticipation.

With a burst of dust and mist rising, accompanied by bursts of rushing sounds, Yuan Shouwei fled back on horseback, followed closely by countless cavalry.

Yuan Shouwei ran into the desert like a gust of wind. When the cavalry reached the edge of the desert, they retreated back the same way.

Yuan Shouwei got off his horse, then lifted a Tang Army soldier off his horse and placed him gently on the ground.

Everyone quickly gathered around and saw that Tang Jun had his eyes closed tightly, his lips pursed tightly, and he had passed out.

Yuan Shouwei explained:

"I knocked him out. Zhao Yi, get some water and wake him up."

Zhao Yi followed suit.

After pouring cold water on his face, the soldier shivered and slowly opened his eyes.

Everyone was surprised,

"Wake up, this will be easier."

But when they looked at the soldiers carefully, their hearts sank again.

The soldier's eyes were dull and he looked at everyone with a blank expression, as if he was lost.

Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang first recited a Heart-Cleaning Mantra to him. Seeing that he had no reaction, he then posted a Heart-Cleaning Talisman on him, but the soldier still had no reaction.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei also walked up and said:

"I'll try."

While the internal energy was circulating, a lion's roar was directed at the soldier.

The soldier who heard the roar suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out again.

Yuan Shouwei was taken aback, he should not have yelled at him to death.

He quickly grabbed the soldier's arm, checked his pulse, and found that his breathing was stable, so he was relieved.

Then he shouted softly for the soldier to wake up. After a while, the soldier woke up again.

Just watch his eyes move, first he looked around at everyone blankly, and then he jumped up suddenly, trying to touch his waist.

Everyone was also startled and instinctively stepped back. Only Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang remained unmoved.

Yuan Tiangang looked at the soldier's eyes and said:
"Don't worry, we are all our own people, and we are here to save you."

"My name is Yuan Tiangang. I wonder if you have heard of my name."

After hearing this, the soldier's tense mood relaxed a little, and he looked around cautiously.

Seeing many people wearing Tang Army uniforms looking at him with concern, he completely relaxed.

He asked suspiciously:
"Why am I here? Where are the general and the others?"

Yuan Tiangang handed him a water bag and said softly:

"Drink some water first. This matter starts with His Majesty sending you to Gaochang."

This time, no one interrupted Yuan Tiangang's ramblings. They all stood quietly and listened to his story.

When Yuan Tiangang told Yuan Shouwei what had happened and captured him, the soldier showed a painful expression on his face, covered his head and said:

"I thought it was a dream, but it turned out that everything was true." "I dreamed that Her Majesty the Queen summoned us and asked us to conquer Dou Jiande, saying that after this battle, the Tang Dynasty would be completely unified."

"We were also promised that everyone should be promoted to the third level."

After hearing this, Zhongqing couldn't help but sneer.
"Do you really believe what she says?"

"With 1 people, there are not so many officials in the entire Tang Dynasty."

The soldier who was robbed blushed and argued:

"Isn't that in a dream?"

"Besides, doesn't the general believe it too?"

Yuan Tiangang comforted him and then asked:

"What kind of official title did she give Guo Xiaoke?"

The soldier said:

"It's General Hussar."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, they really dared to make a bid, but when they thought about it, it was all empty talk, so naturally they would seal whatever was big.

Zhao Yi asked:
"What should we do next? We can't let Daochang Yuan arrest them one by one. Can we go and shout?"

Yuan Tiangang smiled confidently and said:
"I have already thought of a way, 'distinguished person', let's start with the distinguished person."

Wu Fu interrupted him,

"Uncle Tiangang, we don't have much time, I can't go around in circles anymore."

Yuan Tiangang's face turned red.
"How can you say it's a roundabout way? I just want to break it apart, crush it into pieces and explain it to everyone, so as to avoid any accidents."

Then he said:

"Of course Zhongqing's statement is not advisable. After all, even if a few people are awakened with the 'Lion's Roar', it is still within the control of the 'eminent' Goddess of Power, so it is of little significance."

"The best way is to 'capture the thief first, capture the king', let Yuan Shouwei go to the woman's side, kill the woman directly, and then wake up everyone with the lion's roar."

After hearing this, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Yuan Tianshi's speech this time was really clean and neat, without going around in circles.

However, it is simply an impossible task for Yuan Shouwei to kill the "noble" Goddess Wade in an army of [-].

Yuan Shouwei carefully recalled the battle with the Tang army and said:
"Brother Tiangang's method can be tried."

"Because I fought against those Tang soldiers, and their reactions were slower than normal people. Maybe it was because they were bewitched."

Wu Fu thought about the way those Tang troops fought, and it was indeed a bit slow.

But he still asked a little worriedly:
"Can you do it?"

Yuan Shouwei had already begun to move around and said:

"Coupled with Lingbo Weibu, if I pay attention, it won't be a big problem."

Wu Fu nodded, straightened his clothes and said:

"Well, be careful yourself, and if it doesn't work, return it quickly. We are trying to figure out a way."

Yuan Shouwei responded with a hello.

After finishing speaking, he got on his horse and gave everyone a slap in the face.

"Everyone, wait for my good news." He jumped on his horse and rode away.

Everyone looked at each other and followed him from a distance, hoping to help him somewhat.

In a short time, Yuan Shouwei had reached the edge of the square. When the Tang soldiers saw him, they rushed forward again like flies seeing carrion.

Yuan Shouwei laughed loudly,
"Let me test the strength of Tang Erlang today." Before he finished speaking, he had already got into the crowd.

Just look at his figure swaying, as graceful as a giant dragon, as graceful as a swimming dragon, as if dancing on the tip of the knife, and he can barely avoid it the moment the sword approaches.

(End of this chapter)

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