Chapter 129 No distinction between enemy and me
In a short time, he had already reached the center of the square.

The 'noble' Goddess Weide who was sitting on the dragon chair, as steady as Mount Tai, also stood up at this time, stared at Yuan Shouwei and said:

"What is he doing?"

Guo Xiaoke next to him saluted and said:
"Your Majesty, let me capture this thief."

Goddess Weide narrowed her eyes and looked at him, smiled sweetly and said:

"How can such a petty person use a general to make a move."

"You can just stand here and protect me, and you will inevitably be promoted to the noble."

After hearing about the promotion, Guo Xiaoke couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he cupped his hands and said:
"Write your Majesty's favor."

"Let me give the soldiers an order to trap this traitor to death."

The Goddess of Mighty said a majestic 'hmm',
"Thank you, General."

Guo Xiaoke turned around and picked up the command flag beside him and waved it. As his command flag waved, the soldiers who were originally like a swarm of bees began to slowly change their formation.

In a short time, a long snake formation was formed, wrapping up Yuan Shouwei in layers.

As the soldiers retreated, Yuan Shouwei began to feel relieved and took the opportunity to rush forward.

But not far after he rushed out, he suddenly found himself surrounded by many people.

Tang Jun's attack was like the tide of the Qiantang River, wave after wave without stopping.

The space for Yuan Shouwei to move became smaller and smaller. On several occasions, the weapon even scraped against his skin, and even the Taoist robe was poked with several holes.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but let out a strange scream when he saw this.

"Everyone, don't blame me for taking action."

After saying that, he picked up the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and used the 'Tai Chi Sword Technique'.

The green dragon came out of the water, the wild horse jumped into the stream, and the stars were picked for fighting. They were used one by one, and the Tang army's formation was instantly thrown into chaos.

A few soldiers were driven by his sword style, and they fell crookedly towards the tip of their comrades' spears.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei pulled them back from the edge of danger with another "Hold and Shou Yi" gesture, and continued to rush towards the main hall.

But his scene was also clearly seen by the goddess of power on the dragon throne.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had reached the end of the square and was under the steps.

He looked up at the woman on the dragon chair, grinning in joy, and after a few vertical jumps, he had already reached the middle step.

When Guo Xiaoke saw this, he let out a tiger roar and dived down with his horse spear.

Yuan Shouwei moved his feet quickly, dodged the attack, and shouted at Guo Xiaoke:
"Guo Xiaoke, wake up."

After hearing this, Guo Xiaoke immediately stopped attacking, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, and stood straight on the spot.

But at this moment, the goddess of mighty virtue on the dragon chair also stood up and said coquettishly:
"General Guo, kill him for me. I will make you the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses."

When she said this, the eight coiled dragons carved on the phoenix crown on her head flashed a glimmer of light, and Guo Xiaoke, who had just fallen into confusion, roared at Yuan Shouwei and killed him.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei complained crazily:

"Old Guo, you don't remember me, don't you remember the little girl we met at Huancai Pavilion? You still let someone play the flute for you. Don't you remember?
Then do you still remember Xiaocui from Jinfeng Tower?Don’t remember either?

Then do you still remember Xiaoli from Xiaoxiang Pavilion?Don’t remember either? "

The expression on the face of Goddess Weide on the steps was twitching, and she even looked at Guo Xiaoke with a hint of disdain. How many women did Guo Xiaoke find.

Without paying any attention, Yuan Shouwei had already bullied her.

When he saw Yuan Shouwei in front of her again, he suddenly turned around, used the Xuanyuan Sword style 'Hanming Jiao', and went straight to the chest of the goddess of mighty virtue.

When Kankan stabbed her, he yelled:
"Look at the sword." Unexpectedly, the goddess of mighty virtue was already on guard. Her body twisted like a big snake. In the blink of an eye, she had dodged Yuan Shouwei's attack and hid behind the dragon chair.

and shouted:

"General Guo, help me."

Yuan Shouwei wanted to attack again, but when he heard the sound behind his ears, he knew that he had missed the opportunity for a sneak attack.

He sighed secretly in his heart, turned around again, and fought helplessly with Guo Xiaoke.

Since trickery doesn't work, I'll give you an overlord to force the bow on you.

Yuan Shou forced Guo Xiaoke back with a few sword blows. Sword intent burst out from his whole body, and he fiercely inserted the Xuanyuan Sword into the bluestone of the steps.

With the burst of supreme sword energy, it overturned the dragon chair directly.

But he never expected that the mighty goddess would say:
"General Guo, save me."

Guo Xiaoke unexpectedly rushed over and stood in front of her, intending to block the sword for her with his flesh and blood.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei violently withdrew his sword energy. As he groaned, there was blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, which turned out to be internal injuries.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei was really angry. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with some hatred:

"Lao Guo, please be careful. We are friendly forces, and those girls are our enemies."

Unexpectedly, Guo Xiaoke waved his horse in front of him, looked at Yuan Shouwei and said sternly:

"I'm a sensible person, so I can clearly distinguish between black and white and the enemy."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that there was a long sword on his neck. He couldn't help but be stunned. He looked down at the long sword across his aorta, and then turned to look at the goddess of mighty holding the long sword.
Incredibly said:
"Your Majesty, why can't you tell the difference between black and white, the enemy and me?"

The goddess of mighty virtue snorted coldly and ignored Guo Xiaoke at all. Instead, she looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Little Taoist, I'll call you three, throw away the sword in your hand, tie your hands, and kneel in front of me."

"Otherwise I will kill this man."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei looked at the stunned Guo Xiaoke and gloated:

"Lao Guo, now you understand. He wants to kill you, and you still have to sacrifice your life for him."

At this moment, Guo Xiaoke had already overcome his final surprise. He looked at Yuan Shouwei with dignity and said:
"If you want your minister to die, I will have to die. Don't try to drive a wedge between us."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei shrugged his shoulders, made a helpless expression, and said to the Goddess of Weide:

"It's really not a thing for you to threaten such a loyal subordinate."

"Let me tell you, don't do this to me. I'm sure I won't restrain myself. If you dare to touch a hair on him, I will definitely crush you to ashes."

"You wait here, I will find a way to deal with you later."

After saying that, he turned around. At the moment when the goddess of mighty spirit relaxed a little, Yuan Shouwei had already turned around and turned back again.

Suddenly there was a loud roar in the mouth:
"Guo Xiaoke, don't wake up yet."

The strong and high-pitched roar of the lion was deafening.

The real sound wave went straight towards Guo Xiaoke, and all it blew was flying sand and rocks. The sky was dark and the earth was dark. Guo Xiaoke and the goddess of mighty were stunned on the spot.

Yuan Shouwei took advantage of this momentary opportunity to fly in front of Guo Xiaoke and kicked him away.

The Xuanyuan Sword flew up and down in his hand, already cutting into pieces the goddess of mighty virtue who had not recovered yet, and even the phoenix crown fell to the ground with a clang.

But although the goddess of mighty virtue was cut into pieces by Yuan Shou, not a drop of blood fell. Instead, she turned into spiritual energy and disappeared like the demonic spirit body.

Because he had learned from the past, Yuan Shouwei didn't take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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