Chapter 130 The Heart of Obsession
At this moment, all the weapons "Danglanglang" in the hands of Guo Xiaoke and the sergeants of the Tang Dynasty fell to the ground, and the people also fell limply on the ground as if their bones had been ripped out.

Yuan Shouwei grabbed Guo Xiaoke's hand and let out another 'lion's roar', but Guo Xiaoke didn't react at all.

Is this because the realm of women has not disappeared yet?

But the woman had obviously disappeared into thin air.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but cast doubtful eyes on the brilliant phoenix crown on the ground.

I saw that the phoenix crown suddenly rose up without any wind and floated into the mid-air. As the surrounding spiritual energy fluctuated, the figure of the goddess of mighty virtue recovered unexpectedly.

With her resurrection, Guo Xiaoke and Tang Jun also woke up and attacked Yuan Shouwei again.

I said the dog!

It turns out it’s your hat that’s causing trouble!

Yuan Shouwei roared angrily,

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you twice."

He has already used the third level of the lion's roar: both body and soul are destroyed.

The roars turned into countless swords, like gangrene attached to the bones, directly cutting the mighty goddess alive with thousands of swords.

As a burst of phosphorus fire flashed around her, it turned into aura and spread out again.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but catch the phoenix crown that had not fallen to the ground, and put it directly on his head.

Then he shouted to everyone who had not yet fallen:

"Guo Xiaoke, don't wake up yet. I will promote you to the ninth level and grant you the title of Langjuxu."

Then he pointed to Tang Jun below:
"You will be promoted to the fifth level and become a champion general."

"If you are promoted to the fifth level, you will be granted the title of General Huaihua; if you are promoted to the fifth level, you will be granted the title of Commander-in-Chief."

"Wake up now."

But as he shouted the last time, he suddenly found that his voice turned into a female voice, and it was obviously the voice of the goddess of mighty virtue.

It's over!

Yuan Shouwei knew something was wrong, so he took off the phoenix crown on his head.

But as the eight coiled dragons on the phoenix crown shone with rays of light, Yuan Shouwei's hand that was about to touch the phoenix crown fell down weakly, then turned around and walked towards the broken dragon chair behind him.

Regardless of the layers of spikes, he sat on it, blood flowing, and remained motionless.

Everyone watching the battle from a distance looked at this scene in front of them and couldn't help but look at each other. No one expected this result.

Zhongqing covered his head in distress and said, "Yuan Shou went through many twists and turns in this battle, but he didn't expect that he would get caught in it in the end."

Yuan Tiangang said with a solemn expression: "He fell in love with the goddess of mighty virtue because he was eager to save people."

"For the current plan, it should be enough to take off the phoenix crown on Yuan Shouwei's head."

After hearing this, everyone fell into silence.

The method is right in front of you, and it is really that simple, but there is a prerequisite here, that is, you must have that strength.

Not to mention surpassing Yuan Shouwei, but at least having the same strength as him, could he possibly break through the siege of the Tang army, and only if he could find a way to subdue Yuan Shouwei could he succeed.

After a while, Yuan Tiangang announced a Taoist title and said:

"I'll go."

"Wu Fu, give me the remaining Five Elements Talisman, and I will try to break through."

Wu Fu obviously understood what he meant,
"Uncle Tiangang, are you planning to use the Five Elements Talisman to carve out a bloody path?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded and said helplessly:
"It's the only way right now."

"I don't want to commit murder, but it's better to die some people than to die here."

After hearing this, Wu Fu shook his head and said:
"Uncle Tiangang, let me try. I have thought of a way that may be able to rescue Yuan Shouwei."

Yuan Tiangang said with a little surprise: "Zhao'er, do you have a good method?" "Then tell me, I'll try it."

"It's up to me to handle this kind of thing. If anything happens to you, I really can't help Ying Guo Bus on your behalf."

Wu Fu looked at Yuan Tiangang, his eyes became extremely determined, and whispered:

"Uncle Tiangang, I can only do this."

"Before coming to Loulan, Yuan Shouwei also gave me the Dragon Attracting Talisman, which can draw out the few remaining hidden dragon auras in my body and leave them for me to save my life."

After speaking, he looked up at Yuan Shouwei who was above the main hall in the distance, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes.
"You also know about me. That goddess of mighty virtue is fake at first glance. She can control my sergeant of the Tang Dynasty, so the real dragon should be able to control her."

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang looked around calmly and said:
"This is feasible. But how can you help Yuan Shouwei get out of trouble?"

Wu Fu's voice became louder,
"Uncle Tiangang, do you remember what Yuan Shouwei said about obsession? He said that it is the deepest thing in everyone's heart."

"And I think the obsession in his heart should be to protect the people of Tang Dynasty from worries. I can feel this from my daily contact with him."

"The obsession of these soldiers should be to protect Gaochang. Compared with their obsession, I think dignitaries and the like are just floating clouds."

After listening to Wu Fu's analysis, Yuan Tiangang pondered for a long time and finally nodded in agreement.

"Okay, this is the best way at the moment. You can give it a try."


Wu Fu suddenly interrupted him, "There is no if."

"If I fail, you should go back quickly."

Then he turned to look at Yuan Shouwei in the distance and said in a dazed way:
"If he fails, I'll be here with him so he won't be alone."

When the voice fell to the ground, people were already walking towards the dark Tang Jun.

When she activated the dragon attracting talisman in her hand, she heard a clear dragon roar, and a golden dragon of more than ten feet appeared behind her.

Everyone was stunned.

With the golden dragon behind him, Wu Fu walked in front of the Tang army and saw all the Tang soldiers kneeling to the ground with a "hurrah".
He called him:
"Wei Chen greets His Majesty."

Wu Fu's heart was already filled with turmoil.
"That's great, it really works."

But on the surface he remained calm, with a pink face like frost, and he snorted coldly:

"Hmph, why don't you all get out of my way?"

When the soldiers heard this, they gave her a "clatter" and made way for her.

After Wu Fu revealed the real dragon, Yuan Shouwei stood up suddenly on the broken dragon chair. Ignoring the pain coming from his buttocks, he grinned and said in a high-pitched voice:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"How could a real dragon appear here, and also appear on a woman? It must be fake."

"Generals, kill this impostor."

Some of the expressions of the sergeants who were kneeling down and worshiping became very struggling, and some had already stood up and picked up the weapons at hand.

Everyone watching the battle in the back couldn't help but feel anxious.

Seeing this, Wu Fu also tightened his grip on the Five Elements Fire Talisman in his hand.

At this moment, a rough male voice was heard from above the main hall:

"Stop it, everyone, that's my woman. Anyone who dares to do it, I'll kill him right now."

Then he said as if talking to himself:
"You bitch, if you dare to touch her, I will die with you."

But then it switched to a female voice again:
"Kill her."

Male voice: "Can't kill."

All the soldiers suddenly fell into a state of confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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