Chapter 131
At this moment, Wu Yan, who quickened his pace, had already arrived at the main hall, beside Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei first took a step back, and then suddenly raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, intending to slash it at Wu He.

Wu Fu looked at him, with an expression like a little girl who was inexperienced in world affairs, and smiled sweetly:
"Brother Yuan Shouwei, do you want to dance the sword with me?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei slowly dropped the sword in his hand, and his expression became confused again.

Seeing this, Wu Fu felt happy, and then he pulled out Zhan Feng from his waist, his eyes were as charming as silk, he stumbled and fell into Yuan Shouwei's arms:

"Come on, let's dance together with our swordsmanship."

After saying that, he gave Yuan Shouwei a wink, and Yuan Shouwei, who was already in his arms, twisted.

Yuan Shouwei wanted to run away, but seeing Wu Fu's approaching figure, he subconsciously supported her.

Seeing Wu Yan dance the chopping wind in his hand, he also instinctively danced the Xuanyuan sword.

The people watching from a distance looked at the charming two people above the main hall, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Zhongqing shook his head repeatedly, sighed, covered his face with his hands, and said sadly:

"Disgusting, disrespectful."

He couldn't help but look through his fingers, wanting to see how Wu Fu helped Yuan Shouwei out of trouble.

After the dance, Wu Fu raised his jade arm, gently wiped the sweat from Yuan Shouwei's forehead, and said with a hint of tea:
"Ah, brother Yuan Shouwei, the phoenix crown on your head is so beautiful, can you give it to me?"

Yuan Shouwei, who was already as docile as a puppy, suddenly became furious when he heard these words, and shouted in a high-pitched voice:

"No, absolutely not. I am the queen."

Seeing this, Wu Fu became even more pitiful. For a moment, her eyes were full of tears, and she sniffed slightly.

"But brother Yuan Shouwei, you still remember that you said that I am the queen and I am the true dragon emperor."

"I don't care, I don't care, I want it, I want it, I want it now."

"Brother Yuan Shou, I beg you, please."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei took off the phoenix crown on his head without hesitation, and then put it on Wu Fu's head gently.

The people in the distance didn't know what Wu Fu said, but when they saw Yuan Shouwei bringing the phoenix crown to Wu Fu's head, they couldn't help being surprised and happy.

Yuan Tiangang was also unable to control his emotions and murmured to himself:
"Success or failure is here."

The moment the phoenix crown landed on Wu Yan's head, the eight coiled dragons on it shone again, intending to capture Wu Yan's consciousness.

Unexpectedly, the already faded golden dragon behind Wu Fu shone brightly again, emitting a bright red-gold light.

At that moment, Wu Fu suddenly spoke involuntarily and angrily said:
"I am the Nine-Five Lord, and the monsters and monsters from there should cause trouble again. Get out of my way."

As soon as the words fell, the eight coiled dragons seemed to be alive under the golden light. They were struggling painfully on the phoenix crown, as if trying to escape from the crown.

After a while, it turned into bursts of green smoke, floating in the air.

At this time, Wu Fu was standing there with a phoenix crown, really looking down on the world.

I saw her leaning over to look at the dark Tang army soldiers under the hall, and there was a bit of majesty in her voice;
"Commanders, your mission is to guard Gaochang, intimidate Zuixiao, and give us a prosperous country in the Tang Dynasty. Do you still remember?"

"If you do well, you will naturally be promoted to a higher position and become a wife. Don't have those sweet dreams anymore."

"Soldiers, please wake up soon."

The golden dragon behind her also let out a deafening roar, and the roar filled every corner of the square.

Suddenly there was a roar from the crowd below:

"Guard the Tang Dynasty, guard Gaochang!"

Then a second voice comes,
The third voice.,

Everyone finally woke up.

At this time, Guo Xiaoke also woke up while shouting, but when he saw the scene here, he couldn't help but be extremely surprised.

He said to Wu Yan who was not far away:

"Princess, where are you? Why are you here?"

Wu Fu smiled at him and said, "I'll explain to you later."

Then he walked up to Yuan Shouwei, who was still standing there in a daze, and whispered to him:
"Yuan Shouwei, get up and kill the locusts." As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Shouwei's eyes started to move with a dull expression, and his expression slowly became richer.

Then he made a gesture of lifting his pants and said:

"Yes, I have to kill the locusts. I can't forget about business."

"I can't deal with you bitch anymore."

Suddenly, he saw Wu Fu who was almost face to face with him. He couldn't help but startled, and subconsciously stepped back. When he saw clearly that it was Wu Fu, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wu Fu, why are you here?"

Suddenly, he looked around guiltily and suddenly realized:
"Did you kill that bitch?"

"I'm telling you, I'm telling you, it doesn't matter if I give it to that bitch."

Seeing him like that, Wu Yan knew that he must have calmed down, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said puzzledly:

"How can it be okay? You were almost taken away by him?"

After that, he briefly told what happened. Although it was very simple, Yuan Shouwei could clearly hear the difficulty in it.

Not to mention anything else, he had just faced those [-] Tang troops, and only those who had been there could feel the pressure.

He couldn't help but hold Wu Fu's hand and said with lingering fear:

"Thank you, Wu Fu, if it weren't for you, I might really have fallen."

Wu Fu deeply believed that,

"From the way you panicked just now, I can tell that you must have fought to the death with that woman in the sea of ​​consciousness."

"Because I rarely see you so nervous."

Yuan Shouwei sneered, causing the wound on his butt to sneer, and took a breath of cold air.

Wu Yan asked in surprise:

"What's wrong? Where did that woman hurt you?"

Yuan Shouwei said coyly:

"Butt. I lost control of my body just now and got stabbed while sitting on that rotten dragon chair."

When Wu Fan heard this, his face flushed:
"Then let Zhongqing show it to you."

Just after he finished speaking, he spoke in a low voice with some hesitation:
"If you are in severe pain, I will bandage you first."

"It's not a big problem, no bones are injured. Just let Zhongqing take a look at it later." Yuan Shouwei endured the pain and moved a bit and said.

This time, Guo Xiaoke walked over rubbing his waist while watching them sprinkle dog food.

Seeing that they were almost done talking, he rubbed his waist and walked up to them and asked, "Did something happen to me?"

Only then did Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu remember that there was someone else beside them, and they hurriedly paid tribute to Guo Xiaoke.

Yuan Shouwei saw him covering his waist and quickly asked: "General Guo, could it be that you are also injured?"

Before he finished speaking, he felt Wu Fu tugging on his sleeve.

Only then did he suddenly recall that Guo Xiaoke's waist should have been kicked by himself.

Look at Guo Xiaoke rubbing his waist and saying to Yuan Shouwei uncertainly:

"It seemed like a dream. In the dream, I dreamed that you kicked me."

"But why does it hurt so much? Yuan Shouwei, it's not true that you kicked me while I was unconscious, right?"

I don't know why, I saved you, but you didn't say thank you to me, but you still doubted that I hurt you.

Look, I was about to have close contact with the goddess in my dream. I was awakened by Wu Fu, and I didn't say anything. Yuan Shouwei slandered and firmly shook his head in denial.

Then he quickly changed the subject, "General Guo, let me tell you what happened."

Naturally, the part about kicking Guo Xiaoke was hidden from him.

(End of this chapter)

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