Chapter 132 Let them have no return

After Kankan finished speaking, Yuan Tiangang and the others had already arrived on the steps. Looking at the three of them and Tang Jun below the stage, they couldn't help but sigh. In such a short period of time, they felt as if they were in another world.

After the two sides met each other, Yuan Tiangang asked Guo Xiaoke how he ended up here.

After hearing this, Guo Xiaoke explained to everyone with a depressed look:

After arriving at Yumen Pass, Geng Jinzhong still sent him a guide, who was also the defender of Yumen Pass.

The walk was going smoothly at first, but when they arrived not far from Loulan, he and the guide took out the map and looked at it.

As usual, he asked Tan Ma to report the news to Loulan, while he continued to lead the team forward.

But as I walked, I felt something was wrong, because the time was obviously more than an hour, and there was no return from exploring the horse so far.

He felt something was wrong, and when he went to find the guide again, he found that he had disappeared.

A group of people had no choice but to look at the map and wander around like a blind man touching an elephant. They didn't know how they came to the ancient city of Loulan.

He also vaguely felt that this ancient city seemed a little strange, and with the disappearance of the guide, he was a little more vigilant.

Looking at the sky and thinking about it again and again, I decided to set up camp here.

There was really no choice at the time. They were just running around like headless chickens during the day, let alone at night.It can only be a temporary rest and more vigilance.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the night fell, he heard constant whimpering sounds from all around. Guo Xiaoke asked all the soldiers to recite the Qingxin Mantra silently while letting others go out to investigate.

It turned out that on the eve of the army's departure, Li Chengqian had already arranged for people to popularize the Heart-Cleaning Mantra to these [-] soldiers, which happened to be useful at this time.

The person who could be investigated has not returned for a long time, and as time goes by, the effect of the Pure Heart Curse is obviously weakening.

Guo Xiaoke knew that something was wrong, so he set up his camp overnight and prepared to leave here.

But as he turned, his consciousness began to change, and he became the leader of the army to attack Dou Zhengde.

In fact, he was still a little confused as to why the current Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was a woman, but considering that she was also more considerate of the soldiers, he didn't think much about it.

The people who had experienced several scenes next to them looked at each other and knew that Guo Xiaoke's troops were also under the illusion.

Yuan Tiangang said thoughtfully:

"I'm afraid that the guide's origin is a bit weird. When we leave this ghost town, we will contact General Geng to find out the guide's origin."

"There are just two things I still don't understand. Why did these four so-called goddesses lead an army of [-] into Loulan Ghost City?"

"Besides, if they want to kill these 1 horses, shouldn't they let Tan Ma go and notify them in advance?"

After saying this, everyone felt that there was a lot of fog, and they still couldn't find the answer after discussing for a long time.

Yuan Shouwei stood there and listened silently, but in his mind he recalled the charming scene with the goddess of power in his dream just now, and he always felt that she was a little too proactive.

I vaguely thought of something, but couldn't catch anything.

Zhongqing said at this time:

"Since we have rescued people, we might as well return here."

"This place is too dangerous and is not a place to stay for a long time. We will make long-term plans after we return to Loulan."

Guo Xiaoke looked at the [-] troops below and said angrily:
"I will write down this account for this ghost city first. After I return to Gaochang, I will definitely send someone to completely destroy this ghost city."

After everyone's discussion, they didn't stop for a moment and immediately let the army set off, being careful and on guard, heading back towards the road.

All the sergeants also understood the situation at this meeting, and when they heard that they were going back, they also cheered in unison.

Wu Fu was worried about Yuan Shouwei's wounds, so he chose a docile horse for him, and thoughtfully placed a soft cushion on the saddle. Yuan Shouwei then sat on it with a grin on his face.

Guo Xiaoke wanted to clear the way, but Yuan Shouwei was still a little worried, so he endured the pain and led everyone to the front.

But after walking for a while, he felt something was wrong. The road seemed different from when he came.

The original road was first a bluestone road, and then a yellow sandy road.But now he vaguely saw some plants on the roadside.

He turned over and dismounted with a grin on his face, walked to the roadside and observed carefully, and found that there were indeed many grasses and unknown small trees on the roadside.When everyone saw him dismounting, they also stopped and turned over to dismount.

Yuan Shouwei pulled a handful of weeds on the roadside and said to everyone in a deep voice:

"Everyone, this is the wrong way. Please recall, have you seen these plants and small trees on the way here?"

Yuan Tiangang was the first to react, and it was also after observing carefully with his body.

Turning her head to look at everyone, she said, "Three of the four goddesses appeared, and one did not appear. She must be playing tricks."

Guo Xiaoke, who was next to him, had just figured out the situation. Hearing this, he was immediately furious. He rubbed his waist and said angrily:

"These damn bitches, I don't find fault with them, yet they keep coming before they're done."

"Celestial Master, Yuan Shouwei, can you find their location?"

"Let's lead the army and kill them."

Yuan Tiangang looked at the darkness in the distance ahead and said:

"There's no need to look for them, they're just waiting for us in front."

Yuan Shouwei also raised his head and looked forward:
"should be."

"General Guo, let's go. Since they are seeking death, let them never come back."

Guo Xiaoke heard this and immediately ordered the soldiers to prepare for war.

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty showed extremely high military literacy. They stringed their bows, unsheathed their swords, held their titles, and picked their bells from their horses.

Like a ferocious beast that chooses people to devour, it silently moves forward to cover up and kill them in the dark.

At this time, the scenery ahead was also quietly changing.

There are more and more weeds and trees, getting taller and taller, until they are knee-deep, and even scattered big trees can be seen.

There was a faint flicker of light, and the little fireflies were flying.

Everyone felt more and more weird as they walked forward. As they walked further, they saw that the fluorescence was already shining like countless stars, and they could vaguely see a dense forest.

Yuan Shouwei, who was at the front of the team, whispered to Guo Xiaoke:
"General Guo, this scene is getting weirder and weirder. You tell the three armies to stop, I'll go and have a look alone first."

Guo Xiaoke whispered:

"I'd better send a scout to take a look first."

Yuan Shouwei shook his head.
"They're all human, there's no need to let them take risks. If I go, the risk factor will be smaller."

He whispered to the others, got off his horse and walked forward alone.

When he got closer to the fireflies, he realized how strange the forest was.

Wherever you can see it, there are only some huge, towering, lifeless dead trees.

The shadow of the giant tree shrouded this hazy land, and with the light of fireflies, it looked even more eerie.

Su Yang slowly approached, only to find that in addition to fireflies, there were countless small insects in this gloomy and lifeless forest.

Honey, ant, class, grasshopper, wax, dragonfly.

These little creatures flap their industrious wings, humming happy tunes, and busily shuttle through the forest;

Honey is a bee, ant is an ant, class is a bee, grasshopper is a cowhopper, wax is wax, and dragonfly is a dragonfly.

Death and life are intertwined, making all this extremely strange.

When they saw someone approaching, they rushed toward him like sharks that smelled blood.

(End of this chapter)

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