Chapter 133 Dead End

Yuan Shouwei threw out a fire talisman, and a fire ignited with a bang, immediately burning all the insects that came towards him, and the smell of barbecue filled the air.

Seeing this, the other bugs flapped their wings and fled away.

Seeing this, Yuan Shou couldn't help but throw out several fire-moving talismans in succession, and deliberately threw a few on the dead giant tree.

The fire soared into the sky, turning Yuan Shouwei's eyes into a sea of ​​fire, and the surrounding area was illuminated like daylight.

Yuan Shouwei was not happy but worried, could this level be so simple?
Just when I thought of this, I saw that the flames were slowly extinguished visibly to the naked eye, and it was the dead trees that extinguished the flames.

No, it should be said that a dead tree will grow into a new tree in spring.

I saw that the dead trees that had been burned to char suddenly sprouted many new green shoots from their bodies.

And those green leaves continued to ooze green juice, and the fire was put out calmly.

And those dead trees have grown into leafy and green trees in a short period of time.

You have succeeded in subverting my simple outlook on life. For the first time, I know that it takes fire to inspire dead trees to grow. Yuan Shouwei backed away crazily while complaining.

This scene is too weird, it is safer to retreat to the army.

But when he just came back, he saw Yuan Tiangang telling him in surprise,
"Yuan Shouwei, these plants around us are growing."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before our place is just a forest."

Yuan Shouwei was frightened and quickly told everyone what happened to him.

After hearing this, Guo Xiaoke immediately asked:
"You mean the flames will help these plants grow."

"Then it will attract those flying insects to attack us."

Yuan Shouwei said quickly:

"That's what it means."

"Let the soldiers cut down these plants first and don't let them grow up."

"Brother Tiangang and I will think of a solution."

Guo Xiaoke didn't waste any words and immediately asked the army to start cleaning up the wildly growing plants around them.

Yuan Tiangang stopped being wordy now and said quickly:

"This should be the goddess of transformation who gives 'longevity', and the person who gives longevity."

"The so-called longevity phase means that the life span of living things is limited, but the soul is immortal after death and enters reincarnation. This is what Yuan Shouwei saw."

"The way to crack this formation is actually very simple, just find its exit."

Wu Fu summed it up succinctly:
"You mean this is a maze and we just need to find the exit?"

"If this is the case, then we must first find the direction. The problem is that we have no reference at all. How can we find the direction?"

"How do you get out of the maze after you find it?"

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang smiled slightly and took the simple tortoise shell compass from his arms.
"This compass will not be disturbed by this formation. You can use it to identify the direction."

"What I mean is for General Guo and Zhongqing to wait here while the three of us go to the forest to find an exit."

Yuan Shouwei was a maze enthusiast in his previous life. Hearing this, he couldn't help but feel itchy and said:

"I have walked through the maze a few times, follow me and try."

Wu Fu nodded, and Guo Xiaoke immediately nodded in agreement.

Zhongqing said in an awe-inspiring manner:
"How can I survive alone in this military camp in this critical moment?"

"No, I want to accompany you to explore the unknown danger."

Everyone present would not understand what he meant. This time Wu Fu did not expose him directly, but directly gave him all the five-element talismans and solemnly said: "Zhongqing, these are all the five-element talismans."

"The people here are ordinary warriors. Those monsters and monsters are not something they can deal with, so the life and death of these 1 people depends on you."

After hearing this, Zhongqing also fell silent. After a while, he also solemnly took the Five Elements Talisman.

"You go ahead. Leave this place to me."

"If I die, I will die before them. I hope you can come back soon."

"Also, Yuan Shouwei, can you lend me the spirit-fixing needle? I also want more opportunities to save my life."

Yuan Shouwei smiled, then took out the Dingling Needle and handed it to him, taught him the formula and said:
"Don't be impatient. We'll be back as soon as we go."

Yuan Shouwei's power made his words seem extra weighty. After Zhongqing took the spirit-fixing needle, he lowered his head and waved his hand:

"You go ahead." It seemed like a breakup.

Yuan Shouwei and the others then turned around and walked out into the forest.

But this time we didn't go far, and we were already at the edge of the forest.

Countless bugs rushed towards them fiercely again. Yuan Shouwei took out the Xuanyuan Sword directly this time.

He used the Tai Chi sword technique of "Chasing the Stars to Change the Fight", and as the spiritual power in front of him continued to fluctuate, the insects were directly minced into minced meat.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang determined the direction based on the compass position.
"Mountain 24, Xiankan, Ren, Zi, and Kui, belong to the north. This is the direction of true north. Let's go there to explore first."


After hearing what Yuan Tiangang said, Yuan Shouwei took the lead and walked in, protecting the two of them behind him.

Just after entering the forest, countless small insects pounced on them, but Yuan Shouwei still strangled them.

Wu Fu muttered:
"Yuan Shouwei, why don't we call in all the birds to clean up these little bugs?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head, looked up at the dead trees and said:

"No, these birds are not as agile as insects in this forest, and their hunting effect will not be very good."

"Besides, these bugs are relatively easy for me to deal with."

After speaking, he glanced ahead at the woods for a while, then leaned to the far left and said:
"Follow me. Some simple mazes. As long as you walk close to one side, you can usually get out."

Wu Fu said "Hmm" and followed him obediently.

It's so simple. If it were so simple, there shouldn't be the term "maze". Yuan Tiangang's complex brain circuit immediately responded in his mind.

However, he naturally would not question Yuan Shouwei at this time, but walked silently behind him, intending to help Yuan Shouwei and make up for his mistakes.

After walking for a while, they came to a dead end, blocked by countless dead trees.

Wu Fu still didn't believe in evil and tried to break through the alley directly.

He directed Yuan Shouwei to cut down more than ten big trees in succession, until Yuan Shouwei was panting from exhaustion and looked at the endless big trees in front of him.

Wu Fu frowned and turned back to his original path thoughtfully.

After returning to this intersection, Yuan Shouwei made a mark at this intersection.

Yuan Tiangang watched and nodded secretly, indicating that Yuan Shouwei did have some experience.

After walking down two more dead ends, they finally came to a fork in the road.

Yuan Shouwei observed carefully and found that there were no signs left by him on these two forked roads.

He told the two of them what he had observed, and then led everyone to the left road first. After finding that it was still a dead end, he turned around again and walked to the right fork.

(End of this chapter)

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