Chapter 134 The wrong direction
This time I finally walked out, but there were three forks in front of me.

At this time, Wu Fu was obviously a little impetuous, but Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang were both tough-minded people, so naturally they would not waver in the slightest.

Yuan Shouwei asked Wu Fu to recite the Calming Mantra silently and put a heart-purifying charm on her, which allowed Wu Fu to recover.

After finally identifying the three forked roads, they suddenly discovered that they were facing five forked roads this time. Everyone still gritted their teeth and kept moving forward.

But after everyone finally walked through the five forked roads again out of breath, Yuan Shouwei suddenly discovered that they were back to the starting point.

Because he clearly saw the first mark he made, the character '1' with bones visible on a dead tree.

He quickly turned his head and told the two of them.

But after turning around, I suddenly realized that Wu Fu had become even more beautiful. Under the light of the fireflies, she was charming and dazzling.

And it seems that even the height has become taller, and the figure has become more and more convex and tilted, which is very sultry.

Could it be that this forest also has the effect of beautifying the skin? It would be great if there was a bronze mirror. I could also see how much more handsome I have become.
Yuan Shouwei, who was enjoying himself in pain, accidentally cast his eyes on Yuan Tiangang, but he couldn't help being startled by Yuan Tiangang's appearance.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang's temples were already gray, and the nasolabial folds on his face were all visible.

has a problem!
Yuan Shouwei suddenly remembered that this level was the changing goddess of "longevity". Then he thought about the wildly growing plants and the big trees with dead trees turning into spring, and he shuddered.

In this forest, time flows faster, and people age faster.

Yuan Tiangang saw Yuan Shouwei looking at him in surprise, and was a little confused. He touched his face and said:

"Yuan Shouwei, is there something on my face?" His voice was hoarse, showing his age.

He was startled, subconsciously touched his throat a few times, and coughed a few times.

"Did I catch a cold?"

"No." Yuan Shouwei blurted out.

This is not the time to tell white lies, he immediately told the situation of the two of them.

After Wu Fu heard this, he quickly lowered his head and looked at his chest, and suddenly said smugly:
"It's true, it's obviously gotten a lot bigger."

Sure enough, all women have the aura of motherhood. At this time, shouldn't you be afraid of aging? Yuan Shouwei complained silently.

Yuan Tiangang was relatively calm now. After looking at Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu, he said with slight surprise:
"Zhao'er has indeed changed, but Yuan Shou has not changed at all for you."

Yuan Shouwei was surprised. He immediately calmed down and felt his body, and found that except for being a little tired, his body did not show any signs of aging.

Could it be related to the fact that I ate the beggar's chicken from "The Secret Book of Food"?
That’s not right, Wu Fu ate much more than he did.

Yuan Shouwei inexplicably thought of the goddess of mighty virtue again, and always felt that this matter might have something to do with her.

At this moment, Wu Fu was also looking at the two of them. Only when she saw Yuan Tiangang's appearance did she realize the horror of the problem.

He quickly took out a bronze mirror from his chest. After looking at it, his face suddenly turned gray and he said in a trembling voice:
"I won't grow old quickly like Uncle Tiangang, right?"

She even wears a mirror?Women, indeed, are two completely different species from men.
While Yuan Shouwei comforted her, he took the bronze mirror and looked at himself in the mirror. Sure enough, there was no change.

But was this the time to worry about this matter? He handed the bronze mirror to Yuan Tiangang,

"Master Tian, ​​take a look for yourself."

Yuan Tiangang took the bronze mirror as he was told. After reading it, he counted it with his fingers and said solemnly:
"This is obviously the fault of the "Longevity" person who transformed into a goddess."

"I've been counting the time. We've just been walking for almost an hour. Wu Fu and I should be about ten years older, so we can still hold on for a while."

"The plan for now is to quickly find the exit and destroy the Changing Goddess. We should be able to recover."

Wu Fu also regained her composure now. After all, considering her age, she could survive Yuan Tiangang. "Yuan Shouwei, let's summon the phoenix and pass through the air."

"Find the exit first, kill the goddess, and then lead the army there."

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had already taken out his jade flute.

"This is the best way at the moment."

"Come and play the flute with me."

After finishing speaking, the melodious Xiao sound had already sounded, Wu Yan also took out another flute and joined the ensemble.

The melodious and melodious whistle echoed in the forest, dispelling a lot of the surrounding haze.

After the Xiao sound was halfway through, the phoenix came with a hundred birds, but when they reached the sky, they looked at the countless bugs in the forest, but none of the birds dared to fly down.

The three of them immediately understood that the birds must be aware of the danger in this forest.

Only Phoenix was completely unmoved. It saw all the birds just hovering in the sky, but it didn't force them to order them.

Instead, the phoenix chirped, flapped its wings alone, and flew to Wu Fu's side.

Phoenix lowered his head and looked at Wu Fu in front of him, with a hint of endearment in his eyes.

Wu Fu stood on tiptoes, gently stroking the phoenix feathers on its neck, muttering something to it, probably discussing the ride.

After hearing what she said, Fenghuang glanced at Yuan Tiangang with a look of disgust on his face and shook his head repeatedly.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Tiangang felt a 'click' sound, and his extremely strong Taoist heart suddenly felt like it was falling apart.

When people grow old, they never expected to dislike even a bird.

Seeing this, Wu Yan immediately hugged the Phoenix's neck and acted coquettishly. Yuan Shouwei shook his head repeatedly and sighed in his heart:

Do you think everyone is the same as me and does what you do?

But what he didn't expect was that Fenghuang would actually do this. He let out a soft cry and nodded slightly, apparently agreeing to Wu Fu's request.

Well, just treat what I just said as fart.The trick of acting coquettishly works well, I will learn from Wu Fu later. Yuan Shouwei looked at Fenghuang, who had a low eyebrow, and thought to himself.

The three of them jumped up and flew onto Phoenix's broad back.

Wu Fu asked:

"Uncle Tiangang, please identify the direction so that I can let the phoenix fly in that direction."

It turns out that you are a blind bird. Yuan Tiangang took the opportunity to slander Phoenix as revenge.Then he held the compass in his hand and murmured to himself:
"Mountain 24, Xiangeng, You and Xin mountains, belongs to the west. This is the direction of due west. Let's explore further to the west."

Wu Fu pointed out the direction, and the phoenix chirped, spread its wings, stirred up countless smoke and dust, and took off in the wind, flying straight to the direction pointed by Yuan Tiangang, with hundreds of birds guarding behind him with great momentum.

Everyone was overjoyed at this time. They should have summoned Phoenix if they had known earlier.

Now it's all right, just wait to go straight to Huanglong.

But after flying for a full quarter of an hour, everyone came to visit and found that there was still an endless forest under their feet.

Looking into the distance, there is still no end in sight.

The three of them combined, at Phoenix's speed, it should take at least one stick of incense to exceed their footsteps. Obviously, this direction is wrong.

Under the guidance of Yuan Tiangang's compass, he turned around and flew south. After flying for a while, it was still wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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