Chapter 135
At this time, Fenghuang turned around and said something to Wu Fu.

After Wu Fu heard this, he said helplessly:
"Phoenix said we were pointing in the wrong direction at all. We were basically spinning in circles."

"And it feels its life slipping away."

"I'm afraid it will turn into an egg if this continues."

Yuan Tiangang's strong Taoist heart collapsed again, and he stared at his compass for a long time.
"How could this happen? Could it be that the compass is not as strong as the big formation?"

Yuan Shouwei hurriedly expressed comfort,
"Taoist Priest, there is nothing wrong with the compass. It should be a question of strength."

Yuan Tiangang didn't reply. He handed the compass to Yuan Shouwei with a hurt expression and told him the formula.

Yuan Shouwei followed the instructions and moved the compass, but found that the compass pointer did not move at all, so he had no choice but to hand the compass back to Yuan Tiangang and smiled:
"It's broken. The compass must be broken."

Wu Fu looked at the aging Yuan Tiangang, took out the bronze mirror, looked at the middle-aged aunt inside, and said with a cry:

"Yuan Shouwei, please think of a solution quickly. I don't want to be so old. It's too ugly."

Yuan Shouwei felt extremely tormented as he looked at everyone getting older.

He comforted Wu Fu softly:

"It's okay. Didn't we do some calculations before coming here? This time it's just a near miss."

When he said this, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind like lightning and thunder: divination, the Big Dipper.

The Big Dipper can show the way! ! !

No matter how powerful this formation is, it cannot shield the Big Dipper.

After thinking of this, he quickly took out his compass and said to Yuan Tiangang:
"Brother Tiangang, let's do the divination. Among us, you are the only one who has never done the divination."

Just speak out your own thoughts.

Then he said:
"Wu Fu, you may not be able to see the Big Dipper."

"After I figure out the direction, you let the phoenix fly slower."

"I told you to go there, and you make the corresponding records."

Middle-aged Wu Fu said "hmm" slowly and kindly, and took out a pen and paper.

Yuan Tiangang also immediately put his hands on the compass.

Yuan Shouwei asked solemnly:
"Brother Tiangang, what do you want to do with divination?"

Yuan Tiangang said with leaky teeth:

"At this point, I'll test whether it's life or death."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and controlled the compass.

Just look at the compass to attract the stars, and the Big Dipper appears.

Yuan Shouwei clenched his fist fiercely.

"It's done, there will definitely be no problem with the direction this time."

He didn't care about explaining the hexagram to Yuan Tiangang, but after identifying the direction, he immediately pointed to the right:

"Wu Fu, the top is northwest, let's go down, southeast."

Wu Fu also asked Phoenix to go southeast while recording.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei used the starlight to lower his head and look at the result of the pointer on the compass.

【Finally stingy】

[Gray clouds enter the Santai Star and appear pale, indicating that the person who predicts the fortune will be harmed]

Yuan Shouwei breathed a sigh of relief, he was stingy in the end, it wasn't too bad, and it didn't endanger his life.

Then he quickly looked up at the golden characters in the sky:
【Finally stingy】

[Disaster: The secret of heaven is blinded, the will is dark and the flowers are bright]

[Jie Gua Reward: One Year of Martial Realm Cultivation]

[Resolve the disaster: Reward the Buddhist magical power of clairvoyance. 】

Rewards are good.

I roughly understand the meaning of being deceived by the secret, and it refers to our current situation.

Does this mean that we will finally get through the difficulties?Yuan Shouwei was thinking as he looked at the fluorescent forest under his feet again and pointed the way again:
"Wu Fu, there are four roads here. Let's go directly to the east road."

Wu Fu did as he was told.

Yuan Shouwei, who was busy like a spinning top, looked up at the second line of the sky map:

[Celestial Vision: One of the six magical powers of Buddhism, it can distinguish illusions and see good and evil.Able to see extremely distant objects and see through obstacles or bodies; not affected by the brightness of the light source. 】

It's a pretty good magical power, and can be used with the lion's roar or the spirit-fixing needle. Yuan Shouwei then set his sights on the third vertical row of the Tianji Diagram.

The short movie starts to play the first picture:
The three of them were standing at the entrance of the forest. Yuan Tiangang was high-spirited and confident, taking out his compass and identifying it carefully.

After a while, he pointed in a direction with his finger, and everyone walked in.

Now, looking at it from a spectator's perspective, he found that the direction of the compass pointer was obviously wrong.

He nodded secretly. Fortunately, Phoenix discovered the problem, otherwise they would really die here.

Alas, people are not as good as dogs.

Wrong, wrong, people are not as good as phoenix.

Guilt, sin.

Second screen:
The three of them walked cautiously in the forest. It was not obvious at the beginning, but when they tried to cut an exit there, Yuan Tiangang's temples had already seen gray hair.

By the time they turned around and returned to the starting point, Yuan Tiangang was already very old.

Yuan Shouwei tilted his head to one side, looked up at the movie with his right eyeball, and looked down at the road with his left eyeball. He realized that he could not do such precise micro-manipulation, so he had no choice but to give up.

Instead, my eyes moved back and forth, multitasking, looking at the road and watching a movie at the same time, which was very hard.

"Wu Fu, go up to the northeast."

I quickly turned my eyes back to the Tianji Diagram and looked at the third picture:

The three of them were on Phoenix's back, tilting their heads, their eyes shaking back and forth, and their heads shaking like fans.

Wu Fu sat next to him, concentrating on drawing and looking at the path below.

Opposite him, Yuan Tiangang was already stooped and seemed to be a little afraid of the cold.

Yuan Shouwei quickly lowered his head and saw that Yuan Tiangang lowered his head and said nothing, slowly dying, and it seemed that he was indeed dying soon.

He quickly shouted:

"Brother Tiangang, if you persist, we will soon be out of the maze."

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang weakly raised his white-haired head and nodded firmly to Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei felt relieved.

He turned to look at the ground, discerned for a moment and then said:

"Wu Fu, go straight and head east."

Then he turned his attention to the fourth picture of the Tianji Diagram:

The three of them found the exit and walked out of the forest.

The moment they walked out of the forest, the forest behind them disappeared.

When he turned to look behind him, he suddenly saw fire flickering not far behind him.

Yuan Shouwei recognized it at a glance, it was the flame of the Five Elements Talisman.

It was Zhongqing who activated the Fire Talisman. It seemed that there must have been an accident in the army.

This discovery made Yuan Shouwei secretly happy, and he quickly figured out a countermeasure in his mind. He would return immediately as soon as he came out of the battle.

Finally read it!
Finally I don’t have to go around like this anymore!

Yuan Shouwei, who was a little dizzy, sat on Phoenix's back, but he happened to touch the wound on his butt, and he grimaced again in pain.

He endured the pain, looked at the ground for a while, and then spoke again:
"Wu Fu, go up and continue to the northeast."

Then he turned his attention to the hexagram of the compass:

[Deceived by the secrets of heaven, one can move forward, but troubles force people to lament the wasted time.Ambition has not yet been fulfilled, but the evil wind blows, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, and the road is prosperous].

Considering the situation of the small movie, he already had some concerns in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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