Chapter 136 Escape from the Dead!

He pushed Yuan Tiangang who was opposite him and said loudly:
"Brother Tiangang, this hexagram is final stinginess. I have found a solution. Our crisis is almost over."

Opposite Yuan Tiangang raised his head when he heard this, looked at Yuan Shouwei with dim eyes, pointed to his ears, shook his head, and then opened his mouth.

Yuan Shouwei understood what he meant. He first said the hexagram words loudly and stopped explaining the hexagram words to him.

Instead, he said directly:

"It's okay. I have everything."

After he finished speaking, he hit his chest with his fist. Yuan Tiangang clearly understood what he meant and reluctantly smiled at him, with a hint of life in his eyes.

Yuan Shouwei was still a little worried, so he picked up his bony wrist and felt his pulse.

Although his pulse was weak, fortunately it was beating steadily and his life was not in danger for the time being. Only then did he feel relieved and turned his attention to the maze below.

After observing for a while, he said:

"Wu Fu, go straight and head east."

"If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the last section of the road."

After hearing this, Wu Fu was extremely surprised and said:

"Then will I look young again soon?"

Yuan Shouwei stared closely at the road below and comforted:

"Definitely is."

"But I just calculated that Zhongqing and the others will be in danger."

"After we get out of the maze, the forest will disappear. You ask Phoenix to turn around immediately, and we go back to rescue them."

Wu Fu was startled, turned to look at Yuan Tiangang, and said worriedly:
"Are you sure? If we turn around, we won't get stuck again, right?"

"Uncle Tiangang, we can't mess with it anymore."

"I don't want to grow old anymore. I would rather die than grow old."

Yuan Shouwei said categorically:


"I think the one who attacked Zhongqing and the others should be the goddess of transformation."

"I will definitely let her die this time and take revenge on you and Brother Tiangang."

Wu Fu also nodded fiercely, touched the wrinkles on his face and said:
"Well, scratch her face."

As soon as they finished speaking, they heard the cry of the phoenix, and their voices were filled with infinite joy.

The two of them quickly looked down, and wherever they looked, they could see a vast expanse of yellow sand, and no trace of plants could be seen.

Wu Fu couldn't help but feel in a trance. After the trance passed, he jumped into Yuan Shouwei's arms and cried with joy:

"Yuan Shouwei, we are out, we are finally out alive."

Yuan Shouwei also showed a smile. He gently hugged Wu Fu's soft shoulders and comforted:
"Come out, we made it."

But his spirit did not relax at all, but he stared closely at the forest below.

Looking at the forest below, first the fluorescence is slowly decreasing, and the buzzing of those little bugs is also slowly disappearing.

After a while, the dead trees and plants as tall as a person also began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye until they disappeared.

It's now!

Yuan Shouwei sternly shouted:
"Wu Fu, hurry, let's go back."

When Wu Fan heard this, his body immediately tensed up again, and then he asked Fenghuang to turn his head back.

Just looking not far behind him, a fire suddenly rose up. Under the light of the fire, it could be seen that it was the [-] Tang troops waiting on the spot.

At this time, the Tang army was obviously in a commotion, and there seemed to be some danger, but they were too far away to see clearly.

At this time, the phoenix was also very excited because it was out of trouble. It let out a loud phoenix cry, spread its wings, and flew towards the Tang army in a colorful ray of light.Yuan Shouwei, who was on the back of the phoenix, looked far into the distance and saw a slim and graceful figure at the forefront of the Tang army's camp, stepping into the Tang army's position as if strolling in a courtyard.

As a cold light flashed between her arms, blood spurted out like a fountain from the necks of more than ten Tang soldiers, and they immediately sat on the ground, seemingly dead.

Behind her, Zhongqing had disheveled hair and roared like a madman:

"Who will tell me why this five-element talisman is useless to this banshee?"

"Witch, come and kill me if you dare."

At the same time, he threw the five-element talisman in his hand towards the figure.

And Guo Xiaoke, who was not far from him, also roared angrily,

"Line up, fire volley."

Many Tang soldiers who were not afraid of death also put up their long shields and formed their formations after hearing this.

The crossbowmen behind them were already bending their bows and shooting arrows at the figure.

Dozens of arrows hit the woman like a swarm of bees, making a deathly 'whooshing' sound, but all the arrows passed through her body without causing any harm to her.

Spiritual demon?

Yuan Shouwei's pupils shrank and he shouted in the air:
"Zhongqing, use the Dingling Needle."

Zhongqing, who was already a little delirious, suddenly woke up as if he had found his backbone when he heard Yuan Shouwei's reminder.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, took out the spirit-fixing needle and threw it at the woman, looking like they would both die together.

The woman couldn't help but look back when she heard Yuan Shouwei's shout.

What kind of face is this!

The sky is fragrant, the face is peerless, and the skin can be broken by blows.

But in a blink of an eye, her appearance has changed from a young girl's face that is about to bloom into a round and beautiful face of a young woman, a middle-aged beauty with outstanding grace, and an old woman with a bright head and pale face.
The goddess of transformation!

Yuan Shouwei watched Zhongqing pounce and jumped down from Phoenix's back. Holding the Xuanyuan Sword tightly in both hands, he slashed straight down from the air.

He shouted loudly:
"Witch, suffer death!!!"

At this time, Zhongqing was almost face to face with the goddess of change.

The goddess of change obviously felt the threat of the spirit-fixing needle, and she hurriedly raised her arm and scratched it between Zhongqing's neck.

She thought Zhongqing would hide away, but at this time Zhongqing was already red-eyed and didn't care about her own life or death. He just stabbed the spirit-fixing needle into her back with his bravery.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and all the soul-fixing needles were inserted into the back of the goddess of transformation until they were gone.

The sharp fingertips of the goddess of transformation had already scratched his neck, barely scratching Zhongqing's skin, and blood beads slipped from his neck.

But her fingertips could no longer go any further, because at this time her body turned into a physical entity and was nailed to the spot by the spirit-fixing needle.

Zhongqing succeeded!
Narrow escape!

Looking at Yuan Shouwei in the air, he had already flown above the two of them, with fierce sword intent bursting out from his body.

With a 'swish' sound, the transformation goddess was split into two halves from head to toe, and the tip of the Xuanyuan Sword brushed against the tip of Zhongqing's nose.

The body of the goddess of change was split in half, separated left and right, fell to the ground with a 'bang', and disappeared with a wave of spiritual power.

Zhongqing also sat down on the ground, staring blankly ahead, muttering to himself:
"Kill you, I'm going to kill you."

"I promised Yuan Shouwei to protect the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty."

Looking at the demented Zhongqing, Yuan Shouwei was also moved.

He patted Zhongqing's shoulder and softly comforted:

"Taoist Master Zhongqing, the goddess of transformation is dead. We killed her together." There was already a hint of a lion's roar in his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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