Chapter 137

Zhongqing shuddered violently, and his eyes quickly became clear.

He looked at Yuan Shouwei in front of him and suddenly said with some embarrassment:

"I'm going to change my pants. I was a little too nervous just now and couldn't control myself."

Yuan Shouwei smelled the smell of urine at the end of his nose, smiled and said nothing, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang and Wu Fu had also gotten off Phoenix's back.

When Yuan Shouwei killed the goddess of transformation, the two of them quickly changed back to their original appearance, as if they were rejuvenated.

Wu Fu glanced at Yuan Tiangang, then took out the bronze mirror and looked at himself, caressed his whole body, and let out a long breath.

The phoenix has now returned to its original appearance, still dazzling, colorful and bright.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei also received the reward of 'Tianyantong'.

In his sea of ​​​​consciousness, there was already a monk sitting cross-legged and holding the Buddha's seal with his hand. Looking at his handsome face, he looked very much like Yuan Shouwei himself.

He was about to study when he suddenly heard a Sanskrit sound in his ears. He couldn't help but feel nervous and looked up in the direction from which the Sanskrit sound came.

Just look at the horizon of the desert in the distance, and there is a faint light. As the light becomes stronger and stronger, it is as bright as day in a moment.

Along with the bright light, a monk wearing white monk robes with a circle of Buddha's light on his head suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

Behind him, eight graceful women from the Western Region appeared on each side on the left and right sides.

As they approached the crowd, the sound of the Sanskrit sounds became closer and louder.

The yellow sand under their feet had now turned into a dazzling golden color, and as the Sanskrit sound slowly approached the crowd.

It's like boiling a frog in warm water.

Looking at the soldiers at this time, as the Sanskrit sounds invaded, some of them began to look dull and confused.

Yuan Tiangang, who had recovered by now, looked at the approaching monk and shouted angrily:
"Heavenly Demon Dance!"

"This is the Buddhist dance of demons!"

"General Guo, let everyone recite the meditation mantra quickly!"

Before he finished speaking, he already took out more than [-] Qingxin Mantras from his arms and handed them to Guo Xiaoke.

"First put it on all the main generals."

Guo Xiaoke's consciousness was a little confused at this moment. Hearing the words, he quickly took it and hurriedly applied it to himself first.

Then he said loudly:
"Master Tian, ​​I need ten thousand."

Yuan Tiangang looked like he was about to cry. He looked over his body, took out a few more, and handed them to Guo Xiaoke.

"That's all. Who can carry ten thousand Pure Heart Charms with them?"

At this time, Wu Fu and others also dug out more than ten Qingxin Talismans and handed them to Guo Xiaoke. He immediately turned around and ran through the crowd, distributing the charms.

Yuan Tiangang immediately explained to Yuan Shouwei and the others:

"Anyone who falls into the devil's dance will inevitably fall into dual cultivation and cannot extricate themselves."

"The final result may be to become the most devout Buddhist and dedicate everything to the Buddha."

"Or you may fall into the hell of lust and be unable to extricate yourself."

Yuan Shouwei stared at the opposite side, holding Xuanyuan Sword tightly in his hand.

"How can we defeat them?"

"Kill them." Yuan Tiangang didn't hesitate at all this time.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here." When Yuan Shouwei's words fell, he had already rushed forward.

It's just that the way he was running was a little awkward, not to mention limping, and his left hand was still hanging there, motionless.

Wu Fu looked a little sad when he saw him running.He turned around and asked Zhongqing beside him:

"Yuan Shouwei was injured when he killed that banshee just now?"

Zhongqing, who had already changed his pants and was standing in the background, said doubtfully:
"I don't care."

"Then the banshee is not dead." After saying that, he pointed forward with a frightened face.

Wu Fu followed the sound and looked, and sure enough, the goddess of transformation who had just been defeated by Yuan Shouwei was among the sixteen women, and there were four of them, all with the same face.

Not only her, but the Goddess of Transformation, Goddess of Transformation, and Goddess of Power are also in it, and they are all four people with exactly the same faces.

Just look at their attire at this time and have also changed a lot.

Her head is covered with pigtails, she wears an ivory Buddha crown, a tassel, a long and short red gauze skirt, a gold miscellaneous jacket, a cloud shoulder, a sleeveless robe, and ribbon shoes and socks.

Each holds a pipa, huqin, dragon flute, head pipe, and snare drum.
Play the music according to the dance and dance gracefully.

Is this an illusion again?
At this time, Guo Xiaoke also came over at this time, and while reciting the mantra of pure heart, he pointed at the monk angrily and said:

"This bald donkey is our guide."

Wu Fu couldn't help but become worried, looked at Yuan Tiangang and said:
"Uncle Tiangang, let's go up and help Yuan Shouwei?"

Yuan Tiangang continued to say angrily:

"If Yuan Shouwei doesn't do it, it will be free if we go. Let's see the situation."

Then he gave Wu Yan another order,
"Zhao'er, if I fall into the Sanskrit sound before you, you can kill me with one sword."

After saying this, everyone took a deep breath, and Zhongqing suddenly felt the need to urinate frequently.

Everyone turned their hopeful eyes to Yuan Shouwei, who was heading towards the 'Heavenly Demon Array'.

Yuan Shouwei galloped to the edge of the golden sands, made a sudden stop, and then inserted the Xuanyuan Sword into the ground with one hand.

As the sword intent around him burst out, the 'Hidden Dragon Moves Mountains' was already used.

Just watch dozens of sword energy sneaking into the golden sand, like earth dragons, killing the enemy menacingly.

But as the Sanskrit sounds sounded and the golden sand changed, those sword-qi earth dragons gradually became smaller visible to the naked eye.

When they arrived in front of the enemy, they had already disappeared without even a grain of gravel being splashed.

Yuan Shouwei still didn't believe in evil, and launched several moves, but still had no effect.

If it doesn't work underground, then try the air.

Yuan Shouwei jumped up without any hesitation, and used Xuanyuan Sword's second style 'Han Ming Hua Jiao'.

Just look at the sharp sword energy directly transformed into a white dragon, emitting a dense cold air, carrying a huge wave, and rushed towards the monk with its claws fluttering.

But it was still unable to shake the enemies inside the Demonic Formation at all.

While Yuan Shouwei was doing crazy output, he didn't notice that the golden sand had spread to his feet, and he was trapped in the formation.

Yuan Shouwei felt stunned for a moment, and then he saw a giant Buddha descending from the sky.

I saw two people sitting close to each other in the big Buddha. The man sat cross-legged, with his right leg bent more and his left leg bent inside his right leg.

The woman is facing the man, with her legs spread wide, her plump buttocks sitting on the man's left leg, her four arms hugging each other, and her chests tightly touching each other, naked in the posture of intercourse.

This is the Buddha of Joy.

Along with the joy, flowers rained down from the sky, falling on Yuan Shouwei's body and on the sand.

The monk in the distance, dressed in white robes, had a kind face and compassionately pronounced the Buddha's name:
"Namo Amitabha."

"Congratulations to Yuan Shou for living his past and present lives for his benefactor, transforming into an ant lion, becoming a noble person, living a long life, and obtaining his true body."

"I have a destiny with the Buddhist family. I specially entrust the donor to be a boy who sits down in the pure altar of Happy Buddha, and can practice double cultivation with the dragon girl."

Yuan Shouwei seemed to have lost his soul, standing upright and motionless, as if struggling, hesitating, and compromising.
(End of this chapter)

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