Chapter 138 The Demonic Formation is broken!
And among the sixteen witches, a woman also walked out at this time, it was the goddess of mighty who pretended to be the queen.

She walked towards Yuan Shouwei with a springy look on her face, gleaming eyes, and a graceful look.

He danced Yuan Shouwei like a steel pipe, his dancing posture was enchanting and charming, and the Sanskrit sound accompanying the dance of the demon only made people's blood rush.

She put her head to Yuan Shouwei's ear, her red lips parted lightly,
"Boy, please practice double cultivation with Long'er."

After speaking, he put the jade neck on Yuan Shouwei's neck.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also slowly sat on the ground, his posture was exactly the same as that of the man who celebrated the Buddha.

The goddess of mighty virtue took the opportunity to sit in his arms, and another touching 'hmm' sound came from her nose.

Wu Fu in the distance was so angry that he couldn't care less about the Sixteen Heavenly Demons. He scolded:
"Bitch, take your life."

After saying that, he had already drawn out the 'wind-cutting' sword from his waist and rushed forward.

Yuan Tiangang tried to stop him, but finally stopped his hand in the air, and sighed:
"Infinite Heavenly Lord, this is what your destiny is."

After saying that, he followed Wu Fu and rushed forward.

Guo Xiaoke has been manipulated by others since he entered the Loulan Ghost City, and his anger finally broke out.

He got on his horse, raised the horse in his hand, pointed at the demon formation, and roared:

"Brothers, this is the moment to sacrifice your life for the Tang Dynasty."

After saying that, he jumped on his horse and killed him. The sober generals behind him also got on their horses and rushed with him, shouting.

Although there were only a few riders, they were filled with murderous intent.

Although there are tens of millions of people, I am going.

Zhongqing, who was last, gritted his teeth when he saw this. He took out a Qingxin Talisman that he had just secretly hidden from his arms, put it on his chest, and rushed forward.

Only the ten thousand soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were still struggling and the phoenixes circling and whining in the sky were left.

Guo Xiaoke and his generals quickly stepped into the golden sands first.

It's a pity that he didn't walk a few steps, and he was already standing on the horse's back with a blushing face.

A moment later, Wu Fu, Yuan Tiangang, and Zhongqing were all trapped in the Demonic Formation.

Seeing that these important people were trapped in the demon formation, the monk in white as snow also stopped chanting sutras, stepped on the golden sand with his bare feet, and floated to the side of everyone.

With compassion on his face, he looked at the crowd with compassion, brushed past them one by one, and finally came to Yuan Shouwei's side.

Seeing Yuan Shouwei still looking like an old monk in meditation, he put his hand on his head and said softly:

"Put it down, Yuan Shouwei."

"Suffering is not suffering, happiness is not happiness, it is just a temporary obsession. If you stick to one thought, you will be trapped in one thought; if you let go of one thought, you will be free in your heart."

"Things turn according to the heart, the environment is created by the heart, and all troubles are born by the heart."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Shouwei suddenly opened his eyes and bared his teeth at him.
"Tell your mother's shit and you'll know how to draw a cake."

"Even giving me this bitch is fake."

The monk was startled and was about to retreat, but he saw that Yuan Shouwei had opened his mouth to the limit, and the uvula in his throat could even be vaguely seen.


The lion's roar blurted out, like thunder from the sky, shocking the monk on the spot. Blood was already flowing out of the seven orifices, snaking down the monk's face like a small snake, which was extremely terrifying.

Yuan Shouwei, however, was not happy but surprised. He looked surprised and said to himself:
"How could it not be that both body and soul are destroyed?"

But at this time, he didn't care to delve into the reason.

Between his eyes, it was like X-rays flashed across his eyes. He looked at the sixteen witches for a moment, then pointed at one of the women and said:
"Phoenix, kill her, she is truly a goddess."

When the monk was attacked by Yuan Shouwei in the Heavenly Demon Formation, the Sanskrit sound was much weaker, and Jinsha's eyes were also dimmed a lot.

After listening to Yuan Shouwei's words, the phoenix hovering in the air flew to the goddess of transformation like a dazzling lightning, and devoured her in a few mouthfuls.

The remaining three transformed goddesses suddenly became disillusioned like bubbles.

With their disappearance, the Sanskrit was once again weakened.The lion's roar just now also woke up Yuan Tiangang and others.

Yuan Shouwei kept talking and pointed at one of the four transformed goddesses again.
"Brother Tiangang, she is a true illusion goddess."

Then he pointed to one of the three mighty goddesses,
"Wu Fu, this is true. I leave it to you."

Wu Fu, who had been awakened by the lion's roar, responded crisply and said through gritted teeth:
"I'll disfigure her first."

Apparently she was quite resentful of Goddess Weide's hookup with Yuan Shouwei.

Then Yuan Shouwei quickly raised his left hand that had been hanging down, gritted his teeth and pulled out the spiritual needle nailed to his hand.
He threw it out with a "shake-shake" sound, and like a 'little Yuan flying knife', it was nailed to the forehead of one of the transformation goddesses, and he shouted:
"Zhongqing, chop her up for me."

"Hey, it hurts."

In just a few seconds, the Sanskrit sound disappeared, the golden sand lost its color, and everything returned to its original state.

Heavenly Demon Formation, break! !

At this time, the monk also woke up from the shock of the lion's roar.

The blood on his face was still spreading down, and there was no white in his eyes, they were full of emptiness.

He stared blankly at Yuan Shouwei's bloody left hand.
"Did you use a magic weapon to immobilize your soul? That's why you didn't become a Buddha?"

Yuan Shouwei stroked his hair, made a greasy gesture that he thought was handsome, looked at the monk coldly,

"What do you think?"

The monk salutes,

"Huanxi Buddha did not misunderstand the person, the benefactor is indeed superior in intelligence and enlightened in Taoism."

"Perhaps the fate with my Buddhist family has not yet come, which is also known."

"I just don't know how the donor can see through their true identities?"

Being praised by a powerful opponent is a kind of recognition in itself.

Yuan Shouwei replied flatteredly:

The monk was stunned and smiled bitterly.

"Since the benefactor is unwilling to say it, the monk will not force it."

But Yuan Shouwei looked at him meaningfully and asked:
"Master, I'm also curious."

"Who asked you to stop my Tang army?"

The monk stared at him again with empty eyes,
"Go ahead and guess."

Yuan Shouwei was angry and said:

"A lot of secrets will be revealed over time."

"I don't need to waste that energy."

"Also, why didn't you kill this Ten Thousand Tang Army? I think this can be said."

There was a hint of fanaticism on the monk's expression,
"Buddha needs 1 loyal and fighting Buddhists more than [-] cold corpses."

"With them, the Buddha can conquer more countries here in the Western Regions and promote Buddhism."

Holding a knife in one hand and Buddhist teachings in the other, they are really nothing. Yuan Shouwei then asked:

"You asked Tan Ma to go to Loulan to report the news just to attract us here, right?"

"Avenge those monks who died in Gaochang City?"

The monk smiled and said,
"Those ants will die if they die."

"I want to avenge my junior brother Jiu Heguo. That's why I brought you here."

"As for the other people who came with you, they are just rubbish."

Everyone next to me rolled their eyes. You are a loser, but you still feel so good about yourself. Who gave you the courage?
(End of this chapter)

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