Chapter 139 Military Fortress
"The reason why you didn't kill me in the end was because it was for your family's happy Buddha, right?" Yuan Shouwei asked.

There was a hint of surprise on the monk's face.
"How did you guess that?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled slightly, smoothed his hair again, and said:

"Since I learned that Tang Jun entered the Loulan Ghost City, I have been confused. Why did you let Tan Ma go? This is an obvious loophole."

"You should be playing the long game to catch the big fish."

"Combining the legends here, Sanskrit music and my experience in Gaochang City, I understand that you want revenge."

Except for Yuan Tiangang, everyone around them showed expressions of sudden realization.

Yuan Shouwei went on to say:

"It's just that ten thousand Tang troops are trapped here. I have no choice. This is a conspiracy."

"Although it's not easy to come all the way, it's not to the point where it's life-threatening."

"But when I killed the Goddess of Might for the first time, I actually put on the phoenix crown involuntarily. In my dream, when I was entangled with the Goddess of Might, I used this posture of the Happy Buddha."

"She could have killed me at that time, but she didn't. At that time, I was a little confused."

The monk nodded beside him,
"Yes, at that time the Buddha of Joy sent a 'Buddha's Edict' to take you under his seat."

Yuan Shouwei sneered and said slightly sarcastically:
"Do you want to take me under your seat or do you want my skin?"

The monk was stunned,

"Did you think of it in the Maze Forest?"

Yuan Shouwei pointed to his face and said:
"How obvious."

"The Heavenly Master and Wu Fu have both grown older, but I have not changed."

"There is no difference between me and them. I still know this."

The monk took a deep breath,

"At what point did you become defensive?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled confidently,
"Of course. From the time you showed up with these women, I figured out all the problems."

"Since you want this skin, I will use your plan."

"Use the spirit needle to fix my soul, and I will let you demons dance wildly, so what can I do."

As he spoke, his arrogance was evident.

Then he looked at the monk who was bowing his head in silence and suddenly said:

"Master, let me ask you by the way, have you recovered after delaying it for so long?"

The dull monk suddenly raised his head, only to see that his originally empty eyes had already regained their vitality.

Seeing that Yuan Shouwei had seen through his trick, he jumped to leave before he had time to talk to him.

But he was shocked to find that he was standing barefoot on the sea, and there was still half a desert there.

This is?

Yuan Shouwei, who was floating in the air, looked at his shocked look and couldn't help but put his hands under his head and said with great enjoyment:

"Let me introduce you, Master."

"This is my territory, and I named it Dragon Domain. If you want to escape from here, you have to defeat me."

"And it just so happens that I am immortal here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was already slashing at him with the Xuanyuan Sword.

It turned out that Yuan Shouwei had already discovered that the monk was stalling for time, so he simply took advantage of the trick. After clarifying some of his doubts, he directly pulled him down into the dragon domain and killed him.

But the monk didn't panic at all, a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips:
"Do you really think you can trap me here?"

Look at his white monk's robes suddenly rising from the wind and making a hunting sound.

In an instant, it turned into a pair of wings and flew directly out of Yuan Shouwei's territory like a meteor. Without encountering any obstacles, he fled straight to the northwest.

Wave your hand without taking away a cloud.

Pretend to be too big!
Yuan Shou used Lingbo to chase after him with a slight step, but it was like a BMW racing against a tractor. He could only watch the monk flee in a hurry, shouting in vain.Seeing this, everyone hurriedly intercepted him, but in the end it was all in vain.

Zhongqing was still indignant and threw a fire talisman towards the way the monk was running, brushing his sense of presence.

As the monk left, the sky became dark again, leaving only the faint thin light and the firelight.

Suddenly I heard someone from the Tang Army behind shouting,

"It's dawn, it's dawn, it's really dawn this time."

"Look, look, that's the sun, that's definitely the sun's light."

As his words fell, more and more people shouted towards the east.

Amidst the chaotic shouts, there was also the faint sound of crying.

When Yuan Shouwei heard this, everyone looked at each other and smiled, and they all turned their attention to the east.

Just looking at the eastern horizon of the desert, there is a faint red light reflecting at first.

A moment later, a round of red sun jumped out from the horizon, vigorously.

Its daybreak!

Looking at the booming red sun, I thought about what I had experienced in Loulan Ghost Town.

From Yuan Shouwei to every soldier of the Tang Dynasty, there is a feeling as if they have passed away.

It turned out that they had already walked out of the ancient city at some unknown time.

Looking around at this time, there is a vast Gobi in the distance, and the sky is full of yellow sand.

Nearby are the ruins of Loulan Ghost Town, which is full of devastation.

Not far ahead is the entrance to the Loulan Ghost Town. Looking from a distance, it is still dark and eerie inside.

Guo Xiaoke waited until everyone's emotions calmed down before giving orders to the officers around him.

After checking the loss of personnel, they rested on the spot for half an hour and prepared to leave. Everyone cheered when they heard this.

Zhongqing also murmured to himself after hearing this.

"Leave quickly, the experience in this night is more exciting than the first half of my life."

"Even if I die, I don't want to come here again."

After hearing this, Guo Xiaoke began to think deeply. After a while, he looked at the dark entrance and asked:
"Daozhang Yuan, do you think those things that trapped us are still down there?"

Yuan Shouwei was stunned for a moment and said:
"General Guo, why are you asking these questions?"

Guo Xiaoke said in a deep voice:

"I've seen this location. It's at a three-way intersection."

"To the northwest, you can go to Gaochang, to the southwest, you can go to Loulan, and to the northeast, you can go to Dunhuang. It is definitely a battleground for military strategists."

"If possible, I would like to build a military fort here."

Yuan Shouwei became more and more confused.

"General Guo came here this time to switch defenses with Captain Qiao to guard Gaochang?"

"Is there any other military intention?"

Guo Xiaoke nodded and said, "Yeah."
"It's not that I'm hiding it from the Taoist priest. I will explain it to you after I arrive in Gaochang."

Yuan Shouwei stopped asking, looked at the dark entrance and said:

"The monk's various formations were arranged based on the terrain. Although the formation is broken, the Yin Qi is still there, so we shouldn't set up troops here for the time being, right?"

After Guo Xiaoke listened, he thought about his experience last night, and he still felt frightened. He laughed at himself and said:

"What the Taoist said makes sense, then let's give up here for the time being."

"In fact, even if I set up troops here, I'm afraid few people would dare to defend them."

(End of this chapter)

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