Chapter 140

His words reminded Yuan Shouwei, and he limped to the entrance. After looking inside for a while, he said:

"It's possible that the remaining Yin Qi can transform into a demonic spirit body."

"It's fine for us, but it's fatal for ordinary people."

"Just seal this place up."

After saying that, he pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword from his waist and blasted directly towards the entrance with a 'Hidden Dragon Moving Mountains'.

Accompanied by a loud boom and clouds of dust, the entrance to the Loulan Ghost Town collapsed completely and was buried in the long river of history.

The people in Wu Fu who had recovered had also gathered around. After asking about the situation, they all agreed.

Wu Fu found two soft cushions for Yuan Shouwei to sit on, and they all sat cross-legged together, resting and chatting.

Wu Fu picked up the map of the forest maze he drew and asked curiously:
"Yuan Shouwei, from above, I can see that the forest is full of roads and exits everywhere, and my eyes are full of flowers."

"If you give me a little more time, I can find an exit."

"So I'm curious, how did you find a way out so quickly?"

After saying this, everyone looked at Yuan Shouwei with curious eyes. Even Phoenix tilted his head, showing a very human expression of curiosity.

As a woman, you are indeed smart enough, but you are definitely no better than a smart bastard named Yuan Shouwei who complained silently.

With nothing to do, he decided to explain it to everyone so that everyone could have a deeper understanding of his intelligence.

He coughed lightly and said in a low-octave voice:
"If we didn't find the exit quickly at that time, Brother Tiangang's life would really be in danger."

"Fortunately, I have played mazes several times before, so I was able to find the exit so smoothly."

Everyone suddenly realized that Yuan Tiangang also bowed his head slightly to express his gratitude.

Wu Fu neatly handed over the pen and paper and said curiously:

"You can draw pictures for us. I think it's quite fun."

Upon seeing this, Zhongqing was very discerning and moved over a simple small marching table.

Yuan Shouwei closed his eyes, recalled for a moment, and then began to draw on the table.

He first used a brush to roughly draw a map of the forest maze.

Then use a lead (pencil) to start drawing the walking route.

After finishing the painting, he explained to everyone:
"First of all, I have to thank Phoenix. Without it, I wouldn't be able to observe from the air, and it would be difficult to find the nearest exit."

"I saw from the air that this forest maze has three entrances and exits. This is the first one. You can take a look."

I saw that there was an extra hexagon in the middle of the maze he drew, mixed with a rice shape, in the center of the maze.

The rice-shaped horizontal line runs through the entire hexagon.

Yuan Shouwei explained:

"I call this a circular forest. Only the doors on both sides can lead to the exit!"

"But you have to remember which door you have opened. If you don't make the right choice, you will continue in this hexagon in an endless cycle."

"With the hexagon and the word rice, there are ten ways to go, so I chose to give up."

Everyone nodded secretly as they watched, this cycle was indeed not the best choice.

Yuan Shouwei put the first map aside and quickly drew the second maze map.

Everyone also hurried over,
Just look at this map of the labyrinth forest, Yuan Shouwei drew two shapes of snakes, one thick and one thin. The entrance is at the tail end of the snake, and the exit is at the mouth of the snake. The whole body is densely covered with small S-shaped .

Many people saw this map and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he simply explained:

"I call this the Viper Forest, and you have all seen it." "The most deadly and time-consuming are these little S-shaped ones. Once you go wrong, you don't know when you can get out."

Everyone also nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei quickly drew a third map.

Just look at the left and back of the maze. There is a triangle on each side.

On the left side of the triangle is the entrance, on the right is the exit, and there is a zigzagging right-angled curve in the middle.

Looking at this map, everyone couldn't help but frown.

Of the three mazes, the last one has undoubtedly the longest path.

Yuan Shouwei pointed to the two triangles and explained:

"These two areas are very similar. After walking out of the first triangular area and entering the second triangular area, you probably don't realize that you have come out, and you think you are spinning in circles!"

"You have to accurately distinguish this subtle difference to determine where you are."

"Although this path is undoubtedly the longest, it is significantly less difficult than the previous two."

"So I ended up choosing this."

Everyone is amazed.

Yuan Tiangang said with admiration: "Fellow Taoist Yuan Shouwei is not only able to find three paths in such a complicated maze."

"And I was able to resist the temptation and choose my own path."

"Sure enough, the Taoist heart is clear."

Zhongqing was also beside him and said:

"Yes, if you make the wrong choice, the master's fate will be sealed."

Zhongqing, although your ability has improved, your level of flattery has dropped drastically. Yuan Shouwei glanced at him and secretly cursed.

Yuan Tiangang didn't take it seriously and smiled freely:
"Time is fate."

Then he asked again:
"Yuan Shouwei, your idea of ​​using that fixing needle to fix your soul is really wonderful."

"But how did you identify the true forms of those witches?"

Yuan Shouwei laughed, looked up at the Big Dipper that had disappeared in the sky, then looked at Yuan Tiangang and said:
"It's thanks to Brother Tiangang that this happened."

"When I was doing divination for Brother Tiangang, I was impressed by watching the Big Dipper and realized the 'Sky Eye'".

"Just after I realized it, I encountered the goddess of change and attacked Tang Jun, so I didn't have time to master it."

After saying this, he took a sip of the tea that Wu Fu poured for him, and then said:

"After the goddess of disillusionment was destroyed. When the monk appeared with these goddesses, I knew that I had to use the 'clairvoyance'."

"But I really don't have time, so I have no choice but to take risks and use the fixing needle to fix my soul first."

"Then I pretended to be confused by them and took the time to learn a few things that I can put to use."

"It's a fluke."

After saying this, everyone gasped, Yuan Shouwei was clearly fighting for life and death.

Yuan Tiangang sighed again,
"This 'clairvoyance' is a Buddhist magical power. I think it was because of this environment that Yuan Shouwei had the opportunity to understand it."

"And to be able to master the realm of life and death is truly a feat of celestial authority. It's hard to match the power of Heaven."

Tiangang, you are undoubtedly very talented in brain supplementation. Yuan Shouwei said with a smile:

"Good sentences are made by nature, but they come by chance. Brother Tiangang is overly praised."

(End of this chapter)

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