Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 141: Chief Yuan, do you think I am easy to fool? (1 update)

Chapter 141: Chief Yuan, do you think I am easy to fool? (first update)
Just then, an officer came over and said that the army was ready and ready to go.

After everyone heard this, they also got up and mounted their horses, preparing to march.

After everyone dispersed, Wu Fu pulled Yuan Shouwei's sleeve and asked in a low voice with a cold face:

"Taoist Master Yuan Shouwei, when you were entangled with the goddess of mighty virtue in your dream, besides the posture of the Happy Buddha, what other postures did you use?"

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. In the scorching hot environment of the desert, he could only feel the cold air coming from his back.

He quickly explained with a careless eye:

"Wu Fu, it's not what you think."

"Didn't you watch everything? She was just sitting in my arms. I was learning 'clairvoyance' at that time, and nothing happened with her."

Wu Fu snorted softly, wrinkled his beautiful nose, glanced at Yuan Shouwei with disgust and said:
"Yuan Shou is the Daoist, do you think I have a low IQ and am easy to fool?"

"I'm not asking about what happened between you and that fake succubus just now."

"I'm asking about what happened between you and the Weed Banshee in the palace."

Yuan Shouwei was already inspired when he heard Wu Yan talk about the fake banshee.

The whole person also relaxed and replied:
"Oh, that's what you're talking about. Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you."

"In the dream, the succubus was entangled with me. Just when I was determined not to obey, you suddenly woke me up."

"Then the succubus dissipated as it is now."

"Zhao'er, it's all fake, why are you so worried?"

This sentence "曌儿" immediately made Wu Fu feel elated.

Thinking about it again, I was indeed a bit too petty. Yuan Shouwei had to take care of everything that happened in his dream, so he had to be able to take care of it, right?

After thinking about it, I was still stunned by the scene just now.

Then he snorted softly and gave up in frustration.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei also closed his eyes. On the surface, he was resting, but in fact, he was meditating on the 'clairvoyance'.

The essence of clairvoyance is actually to observe images composed of various colors. It can be said that if there are no colors, there will be no images.

Therefore, in order for the celestial eye to see images, it must be able to see colors.

The colors seen by the Heavenly Eye can also be said to be various kinds of light. If you can see light with your eyes closed,
It means that the color appears in the heavenly eye, which means that the ignorance of the eye root is broken. This light is also called sexual light.

Close your eyes and visualize the light in front of you. You can also visualize objects of various colors.

The specific practice varies from person to person, that is, you can only visualize one color, or you can direct the movement of light.

Controlling image content includes: image clarity, brightness, size, distance and movement.

It also includes screen movement, that is, changing the static images you see into dynamic movies.

The only reason Yuan Shouwei could see through the real and fake goddesses was because of the fluctuations of spiritual energy on their bodies.

If the aura is clear and bright, it is naturally true, otherwise it is false.

There was silence all the way, and after more than two hours, we were almost above the official road.

In the distance, there were reports of scouting horses. General Sheng Xin was waiting to greet them on the official road with a thousand cavalry.

When everyone heard this, they all stepped forward on horseback and reached the front of the team. Guo Xiaoke was held in the middle by the stars.

Everyone had already discussed it on the road. If it were said that Guo Xiaoke and the sergeant fell into a trap designed by others, it would be a huge loss of face.

This is not only the face of Guo Xiaoke, but also the face of the entire Tang Dynasty.

Fortunately, in the end, he not only escaped successfully, but also killed many witches, and finally earned his face.

So naturally it was said to the outside world that Guo Xiaoke had heard that Loulan Ghost City was causing harm to people, so he personally led an army to conquer the place and returned victorious.

In a moment, I saw a flag flapping in the wind on the official road, with a big Chinese character "Tang" written on it.Under the flag stood a group of generals wearing helmets and carrying armor. The leader was short, upright, and had firm eyes. He was Sheng Xin.

Sheng Xin had already seen them at this meeting, and strode up, first cast his eyes on Yuan Shouwei, and then saw Yuan Shouwei smiled at him and nodded.

I also had some concerns in my mind, so I immediately raised my armor and bowed.

"Congratulations to General Zuo Xiaowei for capturing Loulan Ghost City and returning victoriously from the first battle."

Behind him, a group of generals fell to their knees.

The thousand cavalrymen who followed did not know the specifics of what happened, but they only knew that they might go to the Loulan Ghost City to support Guo Xiaoke.

Now that they heard that Guo Xiaoke had captured the Loulan Ghost City, there were loud cheers.

Guo Xiaoke also got off his horse at this time, walked a few steps quickly, helped Sheng Xin up and said:
"Generals, please stand up quickly. It seems that Guo is causing trouble for everyone."

There is a lot of sadness in the words.

Everyone in Shengxin stood up while continuing to be polite.

When both sides are at peace, they will fight against each other.

Once again, like stars holding the moon, Guo Xiaoke slowly walked towards Loulan City.

At this time, Feng Xizhi also knew the situation.

When he found out that Guo Xiaoke not only led his troops out of the Loulan Ghost City unscathed, but also destroyed it, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After all, Loulan Ghost Town is his territory. If something happens to Guo Xiaoke here, he will definitely be implicated.

Immediately let people prepare to welcome the army.

When the army arrived at a stone's throw outside Loulan City, he was already waiting here with his people.

Seeing the people and horses coming, they immediately went to greet them.

When they came closer, Tiao Jia knelt down on one knee to greet him, "Congratulations to General Zuo Xiaowei for capturing Loulan Ghost City and winning the first battle."

Along with his congratulations, firecrackers were blasting, gongs and drums were noisy, and it was very lively.

Guo Xiaoke and others also got off their horses at this time, helped Feng Xizhi and others up, and headed to Loulan City hand in hand.

Not to mention the placement of troops and horses.

Feng Xizhi invited Guo Xiaoke and others to the general's mansion and held a banquet for them.

After the food and wine were served, Feng Xizhi, who was seated at the head seat, raised the wine bottle and said:
"General and princes, please drink this cup to congratulate me on your first victory."

Everyone was also drunk.

After putting down the wine bottle, Guo Xiaoke said with a smile:

"Old Feng, there are no outsiders here."

"The next thing is to drink and gossip, and don't mention anything about putting money on my face again."

"It's not like you don't know the real situation. If it weren't for Taoist priests Yuan and Yuan, I'm afraid we would really capsize in the gutter."

That makes sense. Am I not a Taoist priest, Zhongqing?Why didn't he defend the Tang army when the disillusioned banshee came to kill him? Zhongqing laughed and cursed secretly.

When Feng Xizhi heard this, he also said:

"It can only be said that the two heavenly masters Yuan and Yuan are amazed by their Taoism. The general is so lucky that he can naturally turn disaster into good."

Everyone laughed and drank the second cup, and Guo Xiaoke started chatting and told everyone about his experience in Loulan Ghost Town.

After he finished speaking, Zhongqing also added some more.

After hearing this, everyone was filled with admiration and praised Yuan Shou as a Taoist priest who was truly a heavenly being.

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(End of this chapter)

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