Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 145: Build the plank road openly, but secretly visit Chencang? (5 updates)

Chapter 145: Build the plank road openly, but secretly visit Chencang? (fifth update)
But after entering, he was still a little surprised. Why were there so many people?

Just look at the three rows of seats on both sides of the hall, which are densely packed with officials of all sizes in Gaochang City, and they are all whispering in low voices.

Qiao Shiwang was sitting on the main seat with a serious face, and there was a tense atmosphere in the air.

Seeing him coming, he also said:
"Taoist Master, do this here. After everyone arrives, I have important military affairs to tell you."

Yuan Shouwei nodded, stepped forward, and sat down next to Yuan Tiangang, whose eyes were red from drawing the talisman.

After a while, everyone arrived.

After Qiao Shiwang and Guo Xiaoke were polite for a while, they said:
"Everyone, everyone knows about the defense change between General Guo and Qiao."

"I thought it would be a smooth handover, but unexpectedly someone refused to let us stop."

"I just received an urgent report from Yining City. The Turks have assembled at least [-] troops and are preparing to attack Yining City."

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar.

"This Turk is a wolf cub and won't stop for a moment. Why did he suddenly think of attacking Yining City?"

"It's easy to understand. One of the three 'Silk Roads' passes through Yining, and the Turks obviously want to get a piece of the pie."

"The Turks are also brainless. I didn't see that General Guo led [-] Tang troops. With the support of troops and horses from other places, the Turks are talking about iron this time."

"Yeah, fuck them, kill these wolf cubs."

Master Qiao watched everyone finish their discussion, then looked at Guo Xiaoke and said:
"General Guo, how do you think this matter should be resolved?"

Guo Xiaoke said in a deep voice:
"The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. Since the Turks dare to invade, we will let them go without return this time."

"Captain Qiao is here to guard Gaochang. I will personally lead the troops to kill the Turks."

Qiao Shiwang opened his mouth and said:

"No, there have been a lot of things going on in Gaochang City recently, and you and I are still in the process of handing over."

"It's not easy for you to leave at this time."

Guo Xiaoke pondered for a moment and said:

"What Lieutenant Qiao said makes sense, so who do you think can go to fight?"

Qiao Shiwang looked at Sheng Xin who was below him and said:
"General Sheng Xin has followed me for many years. He is well versed in strategy and is brave and good at fighting."

"And he is very familiar with the situation in the Western Regions. Just let him lead the troops into battle."

Guo Xiaoke turned to Sheng Xin and nodded:
"General Sheng has outstanding abilities and is indeed the best person to go into battle."

"Then I wonder how many troops General Sheng needs?"

Sheng Xinpin calculated it and said:

"If we are to defend Yining, 5000 troops are enough."

Hearing this, Guo Xiaoke frowned in displeasure:

"You can't defend it blindly, or you will ruin the reputation of Datang."

"We must take the initiative to attack. What do you think, Captain Qiao?"

Qiao Shiwang nodded,
"We wouldn't have been able to hold on in the past. Since we have enough troops today, we naturally have to take the initiative."

The people below also agreed and nodded.

After getting Qiao Shiwang's consent, Guo Xiaoke turned to look at Sheng Xin again:

"Since Captain Qiao agrees, I will make the decision and allocate the [-] Tang troops to you for deployment."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. This was a big move, and they wanted to beat the Turks to death.

There was also a smart person who vaguely guessed what Guo Xiaoke meant. He had just succeeded to the position of Protector of Anxi.

Naturally, he needed a battle to consolidate his position. This Turkic man was really considerate. When he saw that he was sleepy, he immediately brought him a pillow.

After the big opinions were reached, the rest was about the details. The group of people discussed it for a long time before they dispersed.

It's just that Yuan Shouwei is a little puzzled. The Turkic soldiers came by chance.

Could it be that Qiuci got some news and contacted the Turks privately to delay the Tang army.

But when I think about it, I feel that it is a bit unreasonable. If the Turks get the news, they should be working together with Qiuci instead of simply delaying.Or did the Turks simply come to plunder?
He didn't come up with a clue, so he didn't bother to think about it anymore.

Thinking about his own affairs alone, since Guo Xiaoke will not attack Qiuci in the near future, he and Yuan Tiangang should go to Suiye City to have a look.

Because he also asked people to find out that the red mountain was near Suiye City, and it was extremely hot. It was the closest to what he saw on the Tianji List.

the seventh day.

All the soldiers and horses from everywhere arrived, even the farthest Beiting arrived, three days faster than expected.

After everyone handed over and prepared, the entire Gaochang City started to move, and a stormy momentum filled the sky above Gaochang City.

eighth day.


Fifteen thousand troops have already assembled outside Gaochang City.

Qiao Shiwang and Guo Xiaoke brought the city officials to see him off.

After a ceremony,
Sheng Xin said goodbye to everyone, got on his horse and led the army to Yining City.

After the army departed, Yuan Shouwei, Yuan Tiangang, Wu Fu, and Zhongqing returned to his residence.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the crowd and said:
"Everyone, since General Sheng has gone to support Yining, it will be difficult to attack Kucha in a short time."

"Why don't we set off tomorrow and go to Suiye City to find out."

Yuan Tiangang let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, finally I don't have to draw the talisman anymore."

Wu Fu and Zhong Qing looked confused. Aren't they going to support Yi Ning?Why did it turn into beating Qiuci again?

After Wu Yan brought it up, Yuan Shouwei told the two of the situation inside.

He also stated that this was a military secret, so he did not tell the two of them.

It dawned on them and they agreed to leave for Broken Leaf City tomorrow.

Looking at Yuan Tiangang who was relieved, Zhongqing quickly reminded him kindly:
"Tianshi, you still have to draw the Pure Heart Talisman."

"Before attacking Kucha City, you can just draw the talisman to slow down for a few days."

There is a hint of shrewdness in my words that cannot be hidden from me in anything.

As soon as I said this, I heard Guo Xiaoke's voice at the door:
"Master Yuan, are you in the house?"

Yuan Shouwei agreed, and opened the door to welcome him in.

After Guo Xiaoke saw everyone, he was stunned for a moment, and then said:
"Everyone is here, and the Heavenly Master is also here."

"It just so happens that I have something to tell everyone."

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang felt his heart tightening. Could it be that Guo Xiaoke came here to urge me to get the Pure Heart Talisman?

Preemptively opened the mouth and said:

"General Guo, it just so happens that we also have something to tell you."

"Since there is nothing going on here, we plan to go to Broken Leaf City tomorrow to complete our work."

"After all, we have been helping Gaochang City to do things, and we haven't done our own work yet."

The last sentence was specially emphasized.

After hearing this, Guo Xiaoke smiled apologetically at him.

"Master Tian, ​​I'm afraid you won't be able to go."

"Our original plan to attack Kucha remains unchanged. The Turks' attack on Yining was just a ploy."

When everyone heard this, except for Zhongqing, the other three people understood the meaning after thinking for a moment, and they couldn't help but feel shocked.

Yuan Tiangang said:

"General Guo is trying to build a plank road openly and secretly attack Chen Cang?"

(End of this chapter)

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