Chapter 146 Small Movie

Guo Xiaoke nodded and said:
"Yes. There are many monks in the Western Region, so such a large-scale transfer must not be hidden from some thoughtful people."

"Captain Qiao and I discussed it and decided to add another layer of insurance."

"Captain Qiao first sent someone to spread the news, saying that a large caravan had recently passed through Yining.

"Then he bribed some Turkic wanderers and asked them to pretend to attack Yining, and then asked Yining's guard to call for help. Then he sent troops to attack in front of everyone to make Kucha relax his vigilance."

After taking a sip of tea on the table, he continued:

"After halfway, Sheng Xin brought [-] troops to pretend to support Yi Ning."

"The remaining 1 people are waiting where they are, waiting for us to join them and go to Kucha."

These words immediately confused Zhongqing next to him, and asked:
"But General Sheng has 5000 troops. Anyone who knows military affairs can see the problem at a glance?"

Wu Fu looked at Zhongqing as if he were a fool and explained:

"General Sheng will definitely spread suspicion."

Guo Xiaoke glanced at Wu Su approvingly and said:

"The princess's intelligence is really far beyond ordinary people."

"That's right. Sheng Xin has one man and three cavalry, and he carries more flags. He still puts on a posture of 5000 men to confuse the enemy."

"After arriving in Yining, go directly south to support our joint attack on Kucha."

"Of course," Guo Xiaoke said with a confident smile:

"We must have captured Kucha by then and were ready to meet them."

Only then did everyone understand the situation, and they couldn't help but secretly praise him. No one could become a prince.

Yuan Shouwei also spoke at this time:

"General Guo means to inform us to set off together tonight?"

Guo Xiaoke's expression was a little twitchy, and he said:

"It's one of them."

"In addition, I have always heard that Master Yuan's predictions are extremely accurate, and I have always been yearning for him."

"Although there is a certain chance of victory in this expedition, I also want you to do the divination again, just in case something happens."

Yuan Shouwei understood and came here to seek comfort. He nodded with a smile and said:
"no problem."

"It's a good idea to do some calculations before the army sets off. I guess there won't be any big problems."

Everyone nodded in agreement. As he spoke, Yuan Shouwei had already explained the divination process to Guo Xiaoke.

Guo Xiaoke obeyed and put his hands on the compass.

The compass leads to the stars;
The Big Dipper moves;
The stars in the sky fell into the compass, and the brass pointer turned slowly.

When all the stars fell in, the hands slowly stopped.

They are all acquaintances, and they are all vying to be the first to stretch their heads and look at the contents of the compass.

【bad omen】

[Meteor running black and entering the three stars, indicating that the general will have a bloody disaster]

Everyone's expressions showed a bit of surprise.

Guo Xiaoke's face also darkened at this time. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Yuan Shouwei's ability, but he instantly remembered Jiu Hesi who tortured him unspeakably in Loulan Ghost Town.

He spoke doubtfully:

"Taoist Priest, could this bad omen be attributed to that Jiu Hesi?"

Yuan Shouwei had the same idea as him and said in a deep voice:

"Don't be impatient."

After saying that, he looked up at the big golden characters in the sky.

【bad omen】

[Disaster: blood splattered on yellow sand, external and internal troubles]

[Jie Gua Reward: Five Years of Martial Realm Cultivation]

[Resolve bad omens: Reward the most precious Buddhist vajra pestle]

Guo Xiaoke is dead?
Judging from this disaster, he probably died on the way to conquer Kucha.

And it seems that the danger does not only come from the outside.

Who will it be?
Well, by the way, the rewards are good, I haven't seen such a good reward for a long time.

At this time, the heavenly secret map in the sky has slowly opened.Yuan Shouwei turned his attention directly to the second line. Let's look at the introduction of the vajra first.

[Vajra: Symbolizes the invincible, indestructible wisdom and true Buddha nature.

It can accomplish all things and be indestructible.Cut off all kinds of troubles, destroy all kinds of demons that hinder the practice of Taoism, and serve as a magic weapon for monks from all walks of life. 】

I thought only monks could use it, but it turns out that it can be used by all cultivators. Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but yearn for this legendary magical weapon.

At this time, the Tianji Tu movie also started to play.

first screen.

It was a night, but fortunately the moonlight was bright and the sight was pretty good.

Guo Xiaoke was leading an army that was speeding through the desert. He and Yuan Tiangang were following him, their eyes showing the slightest hint of exhaustion.

And looking at the road, it was obviously not the official road.

Thinking about it, I feel relieved. If I take the official route, the news will inevitably be exposed.

At this moment, suddenly there was a spy horse coming from the front to report, although I didn't know what he was talking about.

But judging from the position of Tan Ma's front finger, Luntai City should be in front of him. Tan Ma must have asked if he needed a rest.
Guo Xiaoke was obviously afraid that the news would be leaked. After all, the Tang army was not stationed in Luntai.

He just shook his head, gestured to go around the platform and continue moving forward.

But at this moment, a problem arose.

They were clearly avoiding Luntai, which was probably getting farther and farther away, but Luntai City took the initiative to get closer.

No matter which way you go, you can't avoid it.

And under everyone's feet, the yellow sand turned into a golden color that frightened everyone.

The lingering ghosts of Jiu Hesi.

Yuan Shouwei could guess with his big toe that Jiu Hesi was up to something.

Second screen.

The moonlight in the sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds.

The desert suddenly fell into darkness, with only the golden sand underfoot glowing faintly.

After a while, many soldiers lit torches and looked up into the sky.

I saw a familiar cicada chrysalis appear in the sky, and more than ten valves around it continuously ejected clouds of black air.

After the black air fell to the ground, it blended with the golden sand and turned into blood red.

What kind of formation is this?
How should it be broken?
Yuan Shouwei didn't have an answer for a while, so he decided to ask Yuan Tiangang after the divination was completed.

third screen.

They arrived at the city gate of Luntai.

Guo Xiaoke also became fierce and began to attack Luntai City.

The resistance of Luntai City was very weak, and it was quickly attacked.

One of Guo Xiaoke's generals sent him a beautiful girl, but Guo Xiaoke refused.

He also reprimanded the general, who walked out of the camp dissatisfied.

He went back to his tent to drink alone. There was an officer beside him who was comforting him while pouring him wine.

The fourth screen.

At night, when the black fog cleared, there was suddenly a commotion in one of the campsites.

Soon there were soldiers carrying weapons, shirtless, covered in blood, and came out with ferocious faces.

This kind of thing is happening in many camps.

This is Yingxiao!

As the roar of the camp grew louder and louder, it finally converged on the previous general like a substance.

The soldier turned into a Rakshasa. The first thing he did was to find Guo Xiaoke and kill him.

The screen ends here.

Why did the last two scenes seem familiar again? Yuan Shouwei suddenly remembered that he had seen them when he was doing fortune-telling for Li Chengqian.

This scene is very similar to the scene when Hou Junji attacked Gaochang, as well as the beauty and Ying Xiao.

Thinking about the cicada pupa again, Yuan Shouwei understood a lot.

Let’s take a look at the hexagrams. Combined with the small movie, I should be able to find a solution to the problem. My goal is to ensure that every Tang army will not die. Yuan Shouwei secretly made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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