Chapter 147 Breaking the Formation
Then he lowered his head and looked at the hexagrams on the compass.

【Three thousand miles of boundless yellow sand, the bloody brakes suddenly sway.The porpoise and fish are sacrificed in great difficulty, and the stern frost and wind are heard at night. 】

This hexagram corresponds to the movie, but there is no specific solution, so I will figure it out myself.

After reading the hexagram, Yuan Shouwei looked up at Guo Xiaoke, who looked a little nervous and said:

"Relax, General Guo. Let's figure it out together."

Guo Xiaoke smiled at him and said:
"The general will inevitably die in battle. The Taoist priest doesn't have to worry about me, but it doesn't matter."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:

"Three thousand miles of vast yellow sand actually refers to the environment we are in. It is both a real scene and a metaphor."

"Needless to say, the actual scene. The metaphor means that we can only solve the problem on our own and cannot rely on others."

Everyone nodded. Running across the long yellow sand for thousands of miles was an extremely risky thing in itself.

Yuan Shouwei then spoke the second sentence:
"The blood brake suddenly breaks out. This sentence means that we were ambushed and trapped in a formation."

"This formation should have been arranged by Najiu Hesi. In other words, the news of our surprise attack was leaked."

"There is another question. If we know the situation of this formation, maybe we can work together to find a way to solve it."

Guo Xiaoke couldn't help but frowned,

"We have taken several layers of precautions. Who leaked the news?"

"Can Taoist Priest figure it out?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head.
"It doesn't count."

"But it doesn't affect the overall situation. After all, the enemy didn't expect us to have the upper hand."

The crowd nodded yes.

"The sacrifice of dolphin fish has caused great trouble. The dolphin fish is obviously a delicacy, but in fact it is poisonous."

"I don't know if the general likes flattery and is a petty person."

"If there is such a person, we must be careful during this trip."

After he said this, Wu Fu and Yuan Tiangang involuntarily turned their attention to Zhongqing.

Zhongqing was immediately panicked, and he quickly explained:

"Don't get me wrong, although I like to flatter a little, but that's only to outsiders."

"What they said to those of us was all from the bottom of their hearts."

"Besides, I am a Taoist and I have always been open-minded."

Everyone agreed with his words.

Although Zhongqing is usually a bit stretched, he is still quite reliable at critical times.

Even Guo Xiaoke denied it with a smile:
"It's definitely not Taoist Zhongqing. But I do have a general named Guo Fang who has this character."

"How about not letting him go this time?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:

"Wait until I finish interpreting the last hexagram and then make plans."

"The fourth sentence, 'Hearing the shrill frosty wind at night,' refers to the result. It means that the general and our sons of the Tang Dynasty were all killed."

"They all died in this formation."

After saying this, the air in the room suddenly became extremely depressing.

Unexpectedly, after escaping from the Loulan Ghost City, the Ten Thousand Tang Army would face death again.

Is this their destiny?
After Guo Xiaoke heard this result, he was a little confused and muttered to himself:
"Who leaked this information?"

Yuan Shouwei thought about it and asked:

"I didn't tell you the previous times, let's just say that this time, who is aware of the detailed attack on Yi Ning?"

Guo Xiaoke said in a daze:

"I, Qiao Shiwang, Sheng Xin, Yin Ning's guard. There are no others."

Yuan Tiangang reminded from the side:
"What about the Turks who attacked Yining?"

Guo Xiaoke shook his head,
"The information is not equal. Qiao Shiwang just asked the Turks to tell the Turks to attack Yining in detail."

Yuan Shouwei spoke again:

"Actually, not only the four of you, but also the five thousand cavalrymen coming from all over the place tonight." "Because General Sheng will divide his troops tonight, anyone who is interested should be able to guess it."

"If he uses the legend of flying pigeons, he can still convey the message."

Wu Fu, who was beside him, corrected:
"That's not entirely true. In fact, there is a possibility of spies among those ten thousand Tang troops."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei and Guo Xiaoke couldn't help but look at each other, feeling a little incredible.

Yuan Shouwei said:
"It's impossible. After all, these people almost died in Loulan Ghost Town."

Wu Fu sneered noncommittally and said:

"If this spy was in the Tang Army, he could have faked his death."

"After confirming that everyone is dead, he can then step forward. Or let Jiu Hesi save him."

Her analysis is not unreasonable.

At this moment, Zhongqing suddenly realized and said:
"It's obvious that the spy is General Guo's petty subordinate."

After hearing this, Guo Xiaoke shook his head firmly:
"He is a fellow countryman of mine. Although he has few minor flaws, he is very loyal to me."

"And he has never had any contact with monks since he was a child. I still know this."

After Guo Xiaoke finished speaking, Wu Fu continued:

"So, according to my point of view, I don't think now is the time to look for spies."

"But do we need to continue to conquer Kucha? Do we want to accept the challenge of Jiu Hesi?"

Yuan Shouwei and Guo Xiaoke said at the same time:

"Yes. What's the point of being defeated by your subordinates."

"Yes. The arrow is on the string and must be fired."

After hearing the affirmative answers from the two people, Wu Fu nodded and said:

"So our problem is how to break the formation."

"After breaking the formation, whoever catches the other party will have a high probability of uncovering the spy."

"They do have a grasp of our whereabouts, but they have no way of predicting their actions that we have predicted."

"So this battle can be won."

After hearing this, everyone understood.

They all glanced at Wu Fu with admiration and secretly praised him.

Yuan Shouwei also told Yuan Tiangang the details of the formation.

After Yuan Tiangang heard this, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.
"This is the Buddhist 'Demon-Suppressing Blood Temple Formation'."

"I have to say that Jiu Hesi is indeed a talented person, but it's a pity that he has gone astray."

Yuan Shouwei quickly asked:
"Brother Tiangang, do you know how to break this formation?"

Yuan Tiangang smiled and said:

"of course I know."

"But this happened when I was a teenager. When my mentor took me on a trip, I met a wandering monk."

Wu Fu could not help but urge:
"Uncle Tiangang, just talk about breaking the formation, and you can talk about the rest later during the march."

Yuan Tiangang didn't take it seriously and said with a smile:

"It's easy to break this formation, as long as you don't let the evil spirit rise."

Yuan Shouwei had seen the short movie Tianjitu and immediately understood what he meant and said:

"What the Heavenly Master means is that as long as the soldiers are not aroused, it will be fine?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded,
"That's actually what it means."

Yuan Shouwei smiled bitterly.
"easy to say, hard to do."

"The Pure Heart Curse will definitely not be able to resolve the evil spirits gathered by everyone in this formation."

"Master Tian, ​​where is the Pure Heart Talisman?"

You can’t get over this hurdle, right? Yuan Tiangang smiled helplessly,
"It's better than the Pure Heart Curse, but it can only delay it for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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