Chapter 148 Missing and Filling the Void
The few people next to him seemed to understand, and Wu Fu smiled and said:

"Uncle Tiangang, please tell everyone about this formation."

Yuan Tiangang teased her,

"Who stopped me from talking about it just now?"

Wu Fu immediately grabbed his arm and acted coquettishly:

"Uncle Tiangang, we just like to hear you talk and like your erudition, right?"

After saying that, he winked at Guo Xiaoke and Zhongqing, and they quickly nodded in agreement.

Wu Fu even obediently stood behind Yuan Tiangang and pressed his shoulders.

Yuan Tiangang then slowly took a sip of tea on the table, coughed, cleared his throat and started talking.

"Okay, this formation actually requires 72 monks to form the force of the Earthly Evil, which echoes the Eyes of the Earthly Evil Formation, in order to gather the evil energy, and finally gather the evil energy to become the Blood Rakshasa.

“To put it simply, it is divided into three steps.

The golden sand all over the ground mentioned by Yuan Shouwei is actually the earth evil spirit. The procedure is that after the monks set up a large formation, Jiu Hesi sprinkled the golden sand in the formation, and the monks chanted sutras, so that the golden sand formed the power of the earth evil spirit.This is the first step.

The second step is to need a formation eye full of resentment, which complements the Earth Sha, so that the resentment here will not disperse.

The third step is to arouse the grievances of the enemies in the formation, starting with ten thousand people. When the grievances are enough, they can be turned into evil spirits. The formation eyes gather evil spirits and select the people with the greatest grievances to become Blood Rakshasa.

Once you become a Blood Rakshasa, you can kill people for thousands of miles and flow like rivers of blood. "

Everyone took a breath after hearing this. The strength of this Blood Rakshasa has long exceeded the capabilities of humans.

But if you think about it carefully, having accumulated the evil spirit of thousands of people, his strength must not be underestimated.

Zhongqing asked:
"Tianshi, let's just kill a few of their monks and prevent them from forming a formation. Naturally, there will be no evil spirit to speak of."

Yuan Tiangang shook his head,
"First, we don't know where they set up the formation, and Yuan Shouwei can't predict it so accurately. By the time we discover the formation, we will have already entered it."

"Second, after entering the formation, it will be difficult for us ordinary people to discover the monks who have set up the formation. Yuan Shouwei may be able to discover it, but he cannot harm them unless the formation is broken."

Zhongqing was so angry about it,

"Is this a dead end anyway?"

"Yuan Shouwei has many tricks. He will definitely be able to escape. So what should we do?"

"By the way, Heavenly Master. Can the Five Elements Talisman be used? If the Five Elements Talisman can be used, we will blast it away directly."

Yuan Tiangang shook his head again and said:

"The Blood Rakshasa is no longer among the Five Elements, and the Five Elements Talisman is useless to him."

"I guess Jiu Hesi set up this big formation this time because he knew our Five Elements Talisman was powerful."

Everyone was thinking about how to resolve their grievances.

Yuan Shouwei suddenly remembered the Sutra of Compassion that he had just learned, and said:

"Brother Tiangang, when I traveled with my mentor, I also met a wandering monk who gave me the Buddhist scriptures of mercy. Is this useful?"

Zhongqing said in doubt:
"My Taoist Pure Heart Mantra doesn't work, but his Buddhist Metta Sutra does?"

Yuan Tiangang opened his mouth and said:
"Not necessarily. I heard that this Sutra of Mercy can influence the existence of tree spirits."

"Yuan Shouwei, please recite it first for everyone to listen to."

Yuan Shou followed his words and began to recite, and everyone listened attentively.

"May I have no mental pain. May I have no physical pain. May I remain happy."

As Yuan Shouwei recited, the shadow of Buddha appeared faintly behind him, vaguely resembling the appearance of a happy Buddha.

After listening to Yuan Shouwei's recitation, everyone felt refreshed, clear-headed and happy.

The whole person was enlightened and the spirit was sublimated.

Can use!
Everyone's eyes showed a kind of joy.Wu Fu was a little worried when he saw Yuan Shouwei's shadow behind him.
"Yuan Shouwei, do you know the phantom of Huanxi Buddha behind you?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but be stunned.
"What phantom of the Happy Buddha?"

"Is there an illusory shadow of the Buddha of Joy behind me?"

Wu Fan couldn't help but feel nervous when he heard this, and quickly explained the situation.

Yuan Shouwei was startled, and quickly mobilized his internal energy and ran it through his body, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

After listening to Yuan Shouwei's description, Yuan Tiangang said:

"This Happy Buddha must have been left in Loulan Ghost Town."

"I remember Najiu Hesi said that Yuan Shouwei has a predestined relationship with Buddhism. And everyone can also see that he is also amazingly talented in Taoism."

"Buddha is the Tao. There is no need to worry."

After hearing what Yuan Tiangang said, everyone no longer doubted it.

Guo Xiaoke spoke again:

"Taoist Master, before I left, the prince asked all the soldiers to learn the Heart-Cleaning Mantra. He also said that if there is a chance in the future, we will be assigned some scholars and set up a listening room to relieve the pressure on the soldiers."

"Let me change my mind. If we find some scholars in Gaochang City, let them learn the Scripture of Compassion first."

"When it comes time to resolve grievances, wouldn't it be better to let them cooperate with you in reciting together, so that you can fill in the gaps you missed."

"After Kucha is captured, we will definitely have to replace a group of our people to serve. I brought some civil servants with me. In addition, these scholars who are willing to stay as officials can also stay."

Yuan Shouwei thought this suggestion was good and immediately nodded in agreement.

Now that the problem of grievances was resolved, everyone felt at ease, discussed some details, and dispersed.

Before leaving, Guo Xiaoke looked at Yuan Tiangang and warned him again and again:
"Taoist Master, there is still some time before departure."

"Can you draw a few more Pure Heart Talisman? You can also draw some while resting on the road."

"It doesn't matter how many pictures you draw. After all, it still has a good effect."

Yuan Tiangang.
All matters have been discussed.

At Shenshi, a group of 300 medicinal materials caravans were inspected at the Gaochang City Gate and prepared to return to Loulan.

Seeing the smiles on their faces, I think this time in Gaochang was also a fruitful one.

There are a lot of such caravans in Gaochang recently. They all know that Gaochang city lacks medicine and medicine, so many caravans come to join in the fun.

There are even large-scale caravans that have opened pharmacies in the city, and of course they are deeply supported by Tang Jun.

After Tang Jun's routine inspection, they were all released.

After the caravan walked slowly for an hour, 80 people suddenly separated from them and took a direct detour in the direction of Yining.

Needless to say, such people are Guo Xiaoke, Yuan Shouwei and their group.

In addition to them, there were dozens of scholars from Gaochang City accompanying them.

Everyone whipped up their horses and were silent all the way.

At midnight, they arrived at the appointed place.

Suddenly I saw a few figures standing there beside Guan Road and said:

"The sharp sword of the Tang Dynasty."

Guo Xiaoke immediately replied:

Then those people stepped forward and saluted:

"Meet the General."

(End of this chapter)

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