Chapter 149 Enter the battle!

After Guo Xiaoke saw them, his anxious heart calmed down and he asked:

"Where's the army?"

Someone kept heading southeast and said:

"There are several large sand dunes there where the army rests and stands ready."

Guo Xiaoke nodded in response and rode forward under their leadership.

A stone's throw away from the official road, we saw more than a dozen tall sand dunes, each at least two or three stories wide.

The Tang army was well hidden. At least from Yuan Shouwei's perspective, he found no trace of anyone.

As Tan Ma quickly stepped forward, several figures suddenly emerged from the uneven sand.

After the two men exchanged passwords, the figures went to the back of the dune to report.

After a while, more than a dozen officers in armor came out from behind the sand dune.

It was the officers who came to the Western Regions with Guo Xiaoke. Everyone had dealt with them in Loulan Ghost Town and were relatively familiar with them.

Both parties greeted each other.Guo Xiaoke pointed out to Yuan Tiangang in a very vague way the general named Guo Fang.

When Yuan Tiangang was chatting with Guo Fang, he took a casual look at his face.

The tip of the head is narrow and the eyebrows are connected.It's a very narrow-minded look.

After looking at Guo Fang, he looked at all the others again and found nothing unusual.

He nodded affirmatively at Guo Xiaoke, and naturally all this was seen by Yuan Shouwei and the others.

Zhongqing also followed the plan and struck up a conversation with Guo Fang.

And Guo Fang didn't notice anything strange at all.

At this time, Guo Xiaoke also admired Yuan Shouwei a little more, and he could judge people's character by divination.

Because Guo Fang and the generals were waiting for Guo Xiaoke and the others here, they did not set up camp.

After standing and giving Guo Xiaoke a brief introduction to the situation of their separation from Sheng Xin and the current situation of the army, everyone set off again.

The [-]-strong army was like a long black dragon, rushing towards Qiuci silently in the vast desert.

At Xu o'clock on the third day, there was a report from the scouting horse, and the front was the boundary of Luntai.

After hearing the report of the horse exploration, Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang also changed into the attire of ordinary soldiers and took turns exploring the road ahead.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang, who was exploring the way ahead, came back, his expression became serious, and he had obviously discovered something.

After waiting in front of everyone, Yuan Tiangang said in a low voice:
"I just saw Luntai City."

"And I have also observed the sky. The spiritual energy above Luntai City is disordered, and there is black energy mixed in it."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Guo Xiaoke got off his horse, took out a map and started surveying with everyone.
According to the distance on the map, their location at this time should be still one day away from Luntai City.

From a cautious perspective, Guo Xiaoke called the guide specially arranged by Qiao Shiwang to confirm that there was no problem with the journey.

In this way, it is certain that this Luntai City must be a fake, and the 'Suppressing Demon Blood Brake Formation' is ahead.

finally come!

After confirming it, Guo Xiaoke's mood calmed down.

He immediately issued an order that the soldiers had been lying down day and night, and had been raiding for three days. Now they are resting on the spot and will set off in two hours.

After the order was given, there was a small commotion in the army.

The soldiers were very happy. After all, they had been running desperately for several days, and their spirits were always in a state of high tension.

Being able to rest for two hours now is simply a luxury, and it can indeed effectively relieve physical and mental fatigue.After thanking the general silently in their hearts, they all fell to the ground and fell asleep.

After a short while, snoring was already everywhere.

At this moment, behind the army, a figure slowly sat up, leaning on his horse.

After carefully observing the circle, he found that no one cared about him.

Then he stood up and sneaked all the way, avoiding the sight of the patrolling soldiers, and arrived outside the camp.

After carefully observing the surrounding environment under the moonlight, I came to an 'S' shaped sand dune and started digging.

After a short while, I saw him dig out a wooden box. After opening it, I saw a snow-white homing pigeon inside with a rope wrapped around its mouth.

The figure took out a note from his body, tied it to the pigeon's leg, let go and let the pigeon out.

After confirming that the pigeon had flown away, he buried the wooden box and returned to the camp.

Seeing that no one found his whereabouts, he lay down beside the horse again, pretending to fall asleep.

But what he never expected was that all his whereabouts would fall into Guo Xiaoke's eyes.

And this break is to lure him out.

Jiu Hesi only knew that he was about to succeed in fishing, but he didn't know that the fish had already planned to eat him.

At around ten o'clock, after two hours of rest, everyone felt that they had recovered a lot and became in high spirits.

The army set out again.

After walking for a while, the figure of Luntai City appeared in everyone's line of sight.

Join the battle!
At this time, Guo Xiaoke showed the quality of an Oscar winner.

He first sent an order to the army to circle around Luntai.Then he pretended to lead the army around twice.

Then he looked at the Luntai still standing not far away, with a look of panic on his face.

In fact, not only him, but many soldiers have already discovered the clues.

One is that there is no way around this Luntai City;
Second, it was obvious that it was almost dawn, but after walking for so long, it was still pitch black, which was obviously wrong.

Third, the sand underground has quietly changed and turned golden.

These officers had all seen this color when Yuan Shouwei was fighting Jiu Hesi in Loulan Ghost City that day.

Immediately, a general came to Guo Xiaoke and began to report.

Guo Xiaoke also immediately took out the Pure Heart Talisman and had people distribute it according to the size of the official position.

Then he ordered all the soldiers to start chanting the Pure Heart Mantra.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei was also observing nervously, using his 'clairvoyance',
He has discovered monks chanting sutras far away, and cicada chrysalises spewing resentment in the air.

As far as he could see, there were more than a dozen monks, each sitting far apart on the yellow sand, bowing their heads and chanting sutras.

As they chanted, the aura in the air continuously twisted and deformed, making the illusory building look extremely real.

There should be 72 monks. Yuan Shouwei was too lazy to look for them one by one.

He then raised his head slightly and looked at the cicada in the sky with squinting eyes.

Although this position is a bit uncomfortable, it is better than being told by Jiu and Si that he has discovered the cicada.

Just look at the cicada pupa, which is still red all over, hanging in mid-air, with more than ten valves around its body continuously emitting black resentment.

After the black air fell to the ground, it blended with the golden sand and turned into blood red.

(End of this chapter)

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