Chapter 150

At this time, Luntai City in the distance was no different from the real one. Except for the word "Luntai" written on the top of the city, it was exactly the same as Gaochang.

Apparently it was absorbed by the cicada, and it had something to do with the original resentment in Gaochang City.

This is also the first step of the 'Demon-Suppressing Blood Brake Formation'.

After Yuan Shouwei confirmed, he nodded to Guo Xiaoke, who was still immersed in acting next to him.
"It's time to act."

After Guo Xiaoke heard this, he immediately raised the horse in his hand and shouted:
"My general ordered me that the Luntai Kingdom intends to rebel and capture the city for me."

At this time, the effect of the Meditation Spell was constantly decreasing. The soldiers, who were dominated by fear and resentment, had no time to think. They raised their weapons and rushed towards the city wall of Luntai.

When the soldiers began to attack, 72 scholars had already begun to recite the "Metta Sutra" throughout the camp.

The power of these grievances is continuously weakened silently.

At this time, the defenders on the Luntai had spotted the Tang army who was rushing up viciously, and they also hurriedly sounded the horn of the enemy's attack.

The defenders gathered on the city, and for a while rocks and trees rolled down the city wall.

This time, in order to achieve the effect of the surprise attack, the Tang army only brought more than a dozen "eight oxen crossbows" and grappling hooks, and they could only rely on the soldiers' personal courage.

At this time, some soldiers stretched out their grapples and climbed onto the cracks in the city wall, and began to climb up quickly.

The Luntai soldiers on the city wall immediately braved the rain of arrows and worked hard to cut off the ropes.

At this time, Tang Jun had finished assembling the "Eight Ox Crossbows". Crossbow arrows as thick as an adult's arm were placed on the lathe, and the arrows at the top emitted a cold light.

Following the officer's order, more than ten 'eight ox crossbows' roared and fired arrows one by one.

But they were obviously not targeting the soldiers on the wall, but the towering city wall of Luntai City.

With a loud bang, bang, bang, bang, many thick eight-niu crossbow arrows had been nailed deeply into the city wall.

Rubbles were flying everywhere, and the tail of the arrow was still shaking.

Tang Jun, who had been waiting below, jumped up, climbed on top of the arrow, and then jumped straight to the top of the city.

It was Guo Fang who rushed to the front.

Just look at him like a spirit ape, while climbing fast, while flexibly dodging rolling stones and trees.

Yuan Shouwei, who could only see in the distance, nodded secretly. He was indeed a fierce general.

The siege was exceptionally smooth. In a short time, many Tang troops had climbed onto the city wall of Luntai.

The first person to rush onto the city wall was Guo Fang.

As soon as the enemy and we came into contact, the enemy troops dispersed, and the Tang army quickly occupied the city.

Soon a sergeant rushed downstairs, opened the gate of the tower, and welcomed the army into the city.

Guo Xiaoke flew into the city on flying horse. After entering, he immediately commanded the army to start clearing out the remaining Luntai troops in the city.

At the same time, he sent an order to supervise the military officers to be strict with anyone who robs the people's property, kills and injures innocent people, so as to avoid being entangled in killing.

At this time, Guo Fang and another general Lehong had already rushed into the city first.

Guo Xiaoke heard this and immediately gave orders to several soldiers around him, asking them to watch Guo Fang's every move, but not to stop any of his actions.

All of a sudden, flames erupted in the city, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

Small battles were taking place in many places, and supervisory officers were running around to conduct inspections.

Anyone who fights against the enemy will be ignored.

Anyone who sees people looting people's property and killing innocent people indiscriminately will immediately say: behead without mercy.

Some people want to defend themselves, but they are met with a slap in the face.

On the battlefield, there are a few people who will give you time to reason.

After a day, the remnants of the Luntai City army had been cleared away. Although burns and looting had occurred, they were very few.So there wasn't a lot of resentment.

At this time, a prison officer came to report that Generals Guo Fang and Lehong had entered the palace in Luntai, burned, killed and looted.

The supervisor officer repeatedly tried to dissuade him, but General Lehong restrained the soldiers in time to stop.

But General Guo Fang ignored it and acted on his own.And he almost had a conflict with the supervisor.

Guo Xiaoke sneered, and asked the soldiers around him to call Guo Fang and Le Hong.

In a short time, Guo Fang and Le Hong, covered in blood and smiling, walked into the tent excitedly.

Pay homage to Guo Xiaoke,

"Guo Fang and Lehong met with the general. I wonder why they summoned their subordinates?"

Guo Xiaoke's complexion sank and said:
"Guo Fang, let me ask you, did you hear my military order?"

Guo Fang was stunned for a moment and quickly defended:
"General, if the last general did not do this intentionally, he actually chased and killed a group of remnants of the army to the Luntai Palace."

"Wait until the last general kills all the rebels. The King of Luntai leads his army to resist again, so the last general will have to kill him."

Guo Xiaoke sneered,
"Then let me ask you again, after killing them, why didn't you exit the palace in time?"

"Why did you allow the soldiers to burn, kill, and loot without permission?"

"Why did you ignore the orders of the supervisory officer?"

After hearing this, Guo Fang quickly continued to argue:
"General Mingjian, I am also afraid that some scoffing people will take advantage of the chaos and rob the treasures of the Luntai Palace. After all, these things are our trophies."

"Besides, we didn't keep these belongings as our own. They were all prepared to be presented to the general."

Lehong next to him also smiled flatteringly and said:

"As the General's subordinates, we naturally consider the General's interests at all times, and not only have to hand over all the property."

"And also captured a beautiful woman in the palace, and dedicated it to the general."

After speaking, he pointed outside the account, nodded and bowed again and said:

"The woman is outside the tent now."

Guo Xiaoke said with a straight face:

"You two are so brave. Have you forgotten the lessons learned by Hou Junji?"

"Now you have brought such a woman for me, are you trying to kill me too?"

"Come here, Guo Fang and Le Hong don't listen to orders in front of the formation. They must be killed according to the law. Push them out and chop them down."

Only then did the two of them realize that they were afraid, and they immediately fell to the ground and began to beg.

And Zhongqing and the two of them have been hanging out every day for the past few days, seeing this, they also stepped forward to help and intercede.

Under his pleading, Guo Xiaoke spoke again:

"For the sake of Taoist Master Zhongqing's repeated pleas to you, I will spare you both the death penalty."

"But you can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the living penalty."

"Deprive them of their military rights and serve as ordinary soldiers from tomorrow on."

"Come here, drag them down and beat them with forty military sticks."

"Instruct the whole army to confiscate all their belongings and register them in the register. They will all be distributed according to their military merits tomorrow."

Some prison officers had already pulled Guo Fang and Lehong off, who were begging for help.

Guo Xiaoke also turned around and left the tent. Looking at the pitiful and charming woman under the light of the torch, he laughed lewdly:
"I will first imprison this woman in my military tent."

(End of this chapter)

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