Chapter 151 It's Not A Thing

After everyone around him dispersed, he looked at Yuan Shouwei beside him with some pride and said:

"Taoist Priest, how did my performance go?"

Yuan Shouwei laughed and teased,

"Excellent performance."

After speaking, he glanced into the big tent again and said with a half-smile:
"Why don't you go in and pamper that beautiful girl from the Western Region?"

Guo Xiaoke couldn't help but shuddered when he heard Ji Ling Ling, looked around, and whispered:
"Please forgive me. Who knows whether the person in the house is a human or a ghost."

"Speaking of which, Taoist Priest, do you think the resentment from that thing above our heads is finished?"

"Although I can't see him, I always feel a little scared."

Yuan Shouwei squinted his eyes and looked at the sky at the cicada chrysalis that was still emitting black gas, and couldn't help but feel angry about it.

How many men would envy your endurance? He said:

"It looks like it's going to be soon. Just wait for an hour and then we can proceed as planned."

Guo Xiaoke nodded, pretending to be dignified, and said to the soldiers in the distance:
"Left or right, let's go. First, come with me to visit the soldiers."

Then he glanced at the big tent and said:

"Wait until I come back to discuss matters in the big tent."

After saying that, he pulled Yuan Shouwei out of the tent and separated in a dark place.

He really wanted to visit the soldiers to see if their grievances were serious.

After walking through several military camps in a row, I felt relieved when I saw that everyone was in high spirits because of the reward.

Looking at it this way, the soldiers' resentment is very small, and the evil spirit that the Blood Rakshasa can absorb will be reduced accordingly.

When he moved to one of the camps, he asked the soldiers who had followed him to wait outside, while he walked in alone.

I saw two people sitting in the tent, it was Yuan Tiangang and a soldier.

Guo Xiaoke didn't talk nonsense, swallowed his saliva, and asked slightly nervously:

"Master Tian, ​​are you ready?"

Yuan Tiangang took a sip of the tea on the table, licked his chapped lips and said:

"Everything has been arranged, just waiting for Zhongqing to come over."

Only then did Guo Xiaoke feel relieved, poured a cup of tea for Yuan Tiangang himself, and said:

"Master Heaven, thank you for your hard work."

He nodded to the soldier again, showing an approving expression.Then he exited the camp and continued to visit the sergeant.

But intentionally or unintentionally, there were more than ten tents.

Let’s talk about Guo Fang and Lehong who were punished with the cane.

Because of Zhongqing's repeated persuasion, the soldiers who executed the execution knew that Zhongqing had a high status in the army, so they fooled the forty army sticks with loud thunder and small raindrops.

But although his skin and flesh were intact, Guo Fang's heart was seriously hurt.

With Zhongqing's support, he limped back to his tent.

After Zhongqing gave him the medicine, he began to comfort him.

Guo Fang remained silent, lying on the marching couch, sulking.

The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged, the more I think about it, the more angry I become, and the more I think about it, the more angry I feel.

At this moment, just looking at the military tent, Lehong also limped in, holding a wine jar in his arms and saying:
"Guo Fang, come here. Have a drink with me. I'm so fucking wronged." Seeing him like this, Guo Fang also turned sideways.
"Lehong, you came just in time. If you hadn't come, I would have planned to find you."

"Damn it, let's just get drunk today, and then we'll stop doing it tomorrow."

Lehong had already sat down sideways at this time. Seeing that there were only three of them in the tent, he also said:

"You said we were also doing good for Guo Xiaoke. How could he repay kindness with hatred and not know what is good or bad?"

Guo Fang picked up the wine jar, poured a bowl of wine for each of the three of them with difficulty, drank it all in one gulp, took a drink and said:
"I gave him the money. I also gave him the women."

"But what the hell did he do? He beat me up in turn."

Zhongqing next to him took a sip of wine and advised worriedly:
"Two generals, be careful. General Guo is just showing off to others. Don't think too much about it."

After hearing this, Guo Fang drank another bowl of wine, pointed at his heart with red eyes and said:
"Taoist Master, this little injury to me, Guo Fang, is really nothing. What hurts me is my heart."

"I'm risking my life and death today to be the first one to climb up the city wall of Luntai, so I should be rewarded according to the law?"

"Didn't Guo Xiaoke follow military regulations? But why do I have to be punished for disobeying orders, and why am I not rewarded for attacking the city wall?"

Lehong poured him another bowl of wine and said:

"To be honest with the Taoist priest, I also suffered from him. But I also feel sorry for Guo Fang."

"We can't just watch Luntai soldiers attack us, why don't we fight back?"

"Besides, that girl is so beautiful, I even advised him to stay quietly. But Guo Fang refused without hesitation, saying that she wanted to dedicate her to the general."

Guo Fang drank until his glass was dry and said angrily:
"Taoist Priest, after spending the past few days with you, I feel that you are a very capable person and you are really helpful when something happens."

"I won't hide it from you. Do you know how many times I followed him, Guo Xiaoke, on horseback and just blocked his injuries?"

"Look at the scars all over my body."

After saying that, he tore open his clothes to reveal the scarred wounds on his body.
"But damn Guo Xiaoke, has he remembered this? How did he treat me?"

Zhongqing looked at the hideous wounds on his body and sighed and said:
"If you want to say that, then Guo Xiaoke is really not a thing."

He and Lehong took a sip of wine and cursed Guo Xiaoke, making Guo Fang angry.
Guo Fang also got more and more arrogant as he talked, and in a short time he blurted out:

"Guo Xiaoke, this piece of shit..."

After hearing this, Lehong's eyes lit up, he calmly shook the wine jar on the table and said:
"There's no more wine, I'll get some more."

After speaking, he stood up staggeringly.

Guo Fang heard this and stopped him:

"No, I have it here."

After hearing this, Lehong smiled mysteriously,
"Your wine is not as good as mine."

"To tell you the truth, I ordered a few bottles of good wine from the palace today. Now bring them over and let's drink to our heart's content."

Guo Fang hiccupped and stammered:
"Okay, drink. Win, drink and win. Go quickly, come back quickly."

Lehong hummed, turned around and went outside the tent, glanced behind the military tent, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, his drunkenness disappeared, and he turned around and walked towards a military tent.

But not far after walking out, I saw a person flash out of the darkness, looked at him and said:
"General Le, if you don't rest in the middle of the night, where are you going?"

Lehong was startled and stumbled again. He squinted his eyes drunkenly at the speaker and said politely:

"Who is it? It turns out to be Taoist Yuan."

"Why don't you rest in the middle of the night? Are you on night patrol?"

(End of this chapter)

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