Chapter 154

At this time, Guo Xiaoke also took advantage of the situation and made a series of arrangements.

First let Zhongqing deliberately approach Guo Fang.

Then he deliberately aroused Guo Fang's resentment.

Let Yuan Shouwei keep an eye on Lehong's every move.

At the same time, more than ten confidants were arranged to obey Yuan Tiangang's orders and pretend to be Yingxiao.

All soldiers are on standby in their respective camps and are not allowed to sleep.

In the end, in order to appease Guo Fang, Yuan Shou pretended to be a Blood Rakshasa to lure out Jiu Hesi.

The formation was finally broken.

And out of everyone's sight, the monks who maintained the formation spurted out mouthfuls of blood, their bodies shrank, and they were obviously no longer alive.

With their deaths, the dark clouds in the sky cleared.

After several twists and turns,

Yuan Shouwei finally kills Jiu Hesi!
Finally defeated the "Demon Suppressing Blood Brake Formation"! ! !
As if sensing something, everyone looked up at the sky.

It’s just that the weather at this time is still around [-] o’clock, and there is a faint fish belly white floating in the sky.

Everyone was stunned and looked left and right.

If we say that their experience in the Loulan Ghost Town really made them feel like they were still in a dream, they suddenly didn't know where they were.

But this time it gave them a feeling of reality and fantasy.

Because they were forced to enter the game that time, and this time they entered the game proactively and with precautions, the situation was naturally different.

Many people first looked at the wounds on their bodies. If what they experienced was a dream, these wounds were all real.

It was all caused by the general letting him act and pretending to beat him.

Although they are acting, they are rough guys, so their hands and feet are inevitably a little heavy, and injuries are inevitable.

It's just because the general warned repeatedly not to see blood, otherwise all the rewards will be deducted.

So everyone is a little more restrained.

Looking around, the military camps were all neatly set up, and there was a lot of blood on the ground, and I didn't know who it belonged to.

Like a dream, like an illusion, like true or false.

So was the attack on Luntai City yesterday true or false?
This must be clarified, as it involves real money and personal interests.

The soldier who saw the chicken thief went over to ask his commander.

The answers I got were also very inspiring.

There will definitely be rewards, but we have to wait until Kucha City is captured.

Only then did all the troops suddenly realize that it was really a fucking dream.

At this time, Guo Xiaoke, Yuan Shouwei and several others were discussing matters in the military tent.

Na Lehong had committed suicide out of fear of crime and asked several of his fellow villagers.When did Lehong and Jiu Hesi get together again?

No one can tell clearly.

Guo Xiaoke always felt that this matter was not simple, and planned to report this matter to the court after he captured Kucha.

Then there is the issue of dealing with Guo Fang.

After this incident, Guo Fang's character flaws have been fully exposed.

Guo Xiaoke would never dare to use him again when attacking Qiuci.

After much thought, Guo Xiaoke finally decided to send a team of troops to send him back to Gaochang City first.

Please ask Qiao Shiwang to take care of it first and wait until he returns from the battle to make further arrangements.

After everything was discussed, Guo Xiaoke gave the order to continue marching while it was getting light, and to rest where they were after it became light.

The army set out again.

When the sun rose in the east, the scouting horses from the front came to report that they had discovered a sand dune where the army could rest.

Guo Xiaoke nodded in agreement.

After arriving at the place, sergeants had already set up several temporary tents to facilitate Guo Xiaoke and the others' discussion.Others rested where they were.

Yuan Shouwei, Yuan Tiangang, and Zhongqing were also allocated a small tent.

Originally Guo Xiaoke wanted to give each of them a tent, but both Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang felt that this was inappropriate.

So a separate room was arranged for Wu Fu, and the three of them crowded together.

For several hours in the early morning, their spirits had been tense, and now they could finally relax.Just when he was about to take a short rest, he saw the military tent raised and Guo Xiaoke, whose eyes were red from the exertion, walked in.

Zhongqing was curious and spoke first:

"General Guo, you worked hard all night yesterday, why don't you take a break?"

Guo Xiaoke shook his head and said in a hoarse voice:
"I couldn't sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, all I could think of was the scene of the attack on Luntai."

"I also thought about the upcoming attack on Kucha. I also thought that Jiu Hesi is already so powerful, so wouldn't his senior brother Jiu Heyou, the national master of Kucha, be even more powerful?"

"I just can't fall asleep."

Hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel happy.

He took out the compass beside him and said:
"Do some calculations?"

"Is this what the general means?"

Guo Xiaoke nodded,
"That's what I mean, please excuse me, Master."

Yuan Shouwei smiled and replied:

"Actually, even if you don't come to me, I will go to you. As you said, Jiu and You are both national masters and senior brothers of those two monks. I'm afraid their strength is even more unfathomable."

"Let's do some calculations first so that we can have a better chance of winning."

Guo Xiaoke said in a deep voice:

"This time it still counts life and death."

After saying that, his hands were already placed on the compass with ease.

The compass leads to the stars.

The Big Dipper moves.

As the starlight entered the compass, the brass pointer slowly rotated.

When all the stars entered the compass, the pointer slowly stopped.

Several people stretched their heads to watch.

【bad omen】

[Meteor running black and entering the three stars, indicating that the general will have a bloody disaster]

What a familiar picture!
What a familiar text!
Zhongqing looked at the hexagram above, then at Yuan Shouwei's face, and asked cautiously:

"The compass is broken?"

Yuan Shouwei's originally relaxed expression became serious, he shook his head and said:
"There is no problem with the compass. It seems that this trip to Kucha will not go smoothly."

After seeing the hexagram, Guo Xiaoke relaxed and said with a smile:

"I almost died several times."

"This is reassuring."

"Let's keep going, Taoist priest. Let's see if I can escape death this time."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and looked up at the golden characters in the sky.
【bad omen】

[Disaster: accidentally caught in a treacherous plot and died unexpectedly]

[Jie Gua Reward: Five Years of Martial Realm Cultivation]

[Resolve bad omens: Reward Buddhist magical feet]

Falling into a treacherous plot and dying unexpectedly?
This old Guo has been tricked not once or twice, isn't it all right?

You should be able to escape death this time, right?

The reward is 'Magic Foot Power'.

If you refer to this reward, then compare it to the last reward.

Then the risk should be smaller this time.

Oh, right.

I haven't received the reward of the vajra yet, so I have to hurry up to get it. After all, there are many crises now, and it is always good to have one more magic weapon.

While thinking about it, Yuan Shouwei turned his attention to the second line of the Tianji Diagram, the introduction to Shenzu Tong.

[Shenzu Tong: One of the six magical powers of Buddhism; Note: You need to learn clairvoyance. 】

This is obviously one of the six magical powers. It may not be very powerful now, but after collecting all six, it may be possible to summon the dragon.No, it is to summon Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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