Chapter 155 Water Spirit Orb

Yuan Shouwei complained about his dissatisfaction with this reward while looking at the small movie.

first screen.

It is in front of Kucha City.

There is an endless sea of ​​flowers.

Each flower is as tall as a person, with three flowers blooming on it, green, white and purple, in the shape of a funnel with five-lobed edges.

The green petals are emerald green, giving people a sense of vitality.

White gives people a pure and clean feeling, like an innocent child.

Purple gives people a mysterious and unpredictable feeling, which makes people inexplicably fearful.

And sitting in the center of those petals was a thin, withered, aging old monk, wearing a golden cassock, chanting sutras.

With the sound of chanting, the flowers swayed, as if they understood the scriptures of the monks.

Tan Ma, for some unknown reason, took the initiative to approach the sea of ​​flowers.

When he reached a flower, the green flower suddenly opened its petals and swallowed the soldier in one go.

After swallowing the soldier, the green flower slowly withered.

At this time, the white stamen changed and turned into a white and fat child.

Just watch him crawl on the petals to the purple flower.

He grabbed the purple petals and put them into his mouth. Not only did the purple flower show no resistance.

And it was swaying as if it was enjoying the feeling of being eaten.

The child was also slowly changing at this time, and finally turned into an ugly monster with protruding muscles, fangs, and a steel fork.

This is Shura!

There is an introduction to Shura in the Buddhist scriptures that Yuan Shouwei recently read.

It's just that he doesn't know the origin of this formation for the time being.

Second screen.

Kucha City, the city gate is open.

A man with a crown on his head and a depressed face held a roll of paper in his hand and led a group of people behind him towards the city gate.

Obviously this person should be the King of Kucha.

Opposite him were countless Tang soldiers with broken armor, stained faces, and fierce eyes.

The man in the lead, riding a war horse with murderous intent, was Guo Xiaoke.

He glanced at the King of Kucha with disdain and picked up the roll of paper with his horse.

Yuan Shouwei saw the four big characters on it: Qiuci surrendered.

He couldn't help but nodded secretly. Not only did he break through the formation, but he also forced the King of Kucha to surrender.

It should be good to see this picture, but this is only the second picture, I'm afraid there will be changes below.

And where did the national master Jiu Heyou go?

After thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei turned his attention to the third picture.


The entire city of Qiuci fell into silence, and only sporadic Tang troops could be seen patrolling the streets at night.

Suddenly, a red light in the sky lit up in the mid-air of Kucha, and then turned into a dazzling red sun.

In the red sun, Jiu and You have grown nine heads.There are 18 arms stretched out under each of the left and right shoulders.

There are also 18 legs and feet on his left and right crotches, for a total of 36 feet and 36 legs.

Underfoot are a lying golden bull and naked young men and women wearing golden crowns.

As his chanting sounded, red light spread across every corner of Kucha City. The Kucha people shrouded in red light began to attack the Tang army like crazy.

And not only people, but also trees, bricks, insects, livestock, vegetables, paper, and furniture shrouded in red light all attacked the Tang army.

Oh my god, what kind of formation is this? It’s like the whole world is fighting.

The fourth screen.

Guo Xiaoke, who was sleeping, was awakened. He quickly put on his helmet and armor and went to fight outside the city with his soldiers.

This road was simply a river of blood and every step was difficult.Almost every few steps, a soldier was killed by something that suddenly appeared.

Maybe it was a door bolt that came out of nowhere, maybe it was a crazed goat.

The most outrageous thing was that a soft branch directly pierced the throat of a soldier.

The soldier clutched his bleeding throat, opened his eyes angrily, and stared at a branch, as if he never believed that he was stabbed to death by a branch.

After finally rushing to the door, Guo Xiaoke had only a dozen soldiers left, and all of them were injured.

Just when they were about to rush out of the city gate, Jiu Heyou in the air pointed at the city wall.

Just look at the city wall leaning towards Guo Xiaoke and the others.

Screen so far.

The Tang army was completely destroyed! ! !

Yuan Shouwei took a deep breath. This was so miserable. It was simply purgatory on earth.

And what kind of formation is this? Everything can be attacked. This is too scary.

See if you can find the answer from the hexagram words.

After thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei lowered his head and looked at the hexagrams in the compass.

[When things go wrong, there will be monsters. Dogs and sheep will turn into wolves.Turn over the hand and make Yun Senluo rise, who will wash away the injustice for the hero's soul]

Yuan Shouwei looked at the hexagram words and the short movie combined with the Tianji Diagram, and he already had some calculations in his mind.

He looked up again at the crowd who were looking at him expectantly, coughed lightly and said:
"I'll tell you the hexagram words."

"The first sentence, 'When things go wrong, there must be monsters,' refers to two situations."

"The first one is that Jiu and You set up a flower array outside Kucha City. The flowers in this array turned into Shura after eating people."

After saying that, he described the appearance of the formation, then looked at Yuan Tiangang and asked somewhat self-deprecatingly:
"Brother Tiangang, I am really ignorant and can barely recognize Shura. As for this formation, I really don't know what it is."

After listening, Yuan Tiangang pondered for a long time and said:

"This array is called 'Mandashura Array'".

"Legend has it that the Blood Rakshasa killed innocent people indiscriminately. Buddha suppressed him in hell and imprisoned him with mandala flowers."

"The mandala flower has three flowers, green represents greed, white represents anger, and purple represents ignorance. When the three flowers wither, Shura appears."

"How to crack it?" Guo Xiaoke asked anxiously.

"The datura flower loves heat, faces the sun, and belongs to fire among the five elements."

"You can use the Five Elements Water Talisman to break it."

Yuan Tiangang replied.

Zhongqing raised a question based on the basic principle that the greater the ability, the greater the ability.

"It's that simple?"

"If you compare the methods of his two junior brothers, then Jiu and You's strength is too low."

"And he is also a national master."

Just as Yuan Shouwei was about to explain, because Jiu Heyou had a back-up plan, he heard Yuan Tiangang say:
"Tu Ke Shui. This is a desert. If Jiu and You have any earth magic weapons, it will be very troublesome."

Before he finished speaking, he heard someone speaking outside.

"Then let Yuan Shouwei draw more five-element water talismans."

"If it really doesn't work, we still have this."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Fu lifted the tent and walked in from the outside, holding a round blue bead as thick as a thumb in his hand, exuding a hint of cold air.

Water Lingzhu.

Yuan Shouwei's eyes couldn't help but light up. There was a snow spirit inside. Earth could restrain water, but it couldn't restrain the snow spirit.

This water spirit bead can be kept for later use.

Yuan Shouwei motioned for Wu Fu to sit next to him, and then began to speak the second hexagram.

"If a dog or a sheep turns into a wolf."

"After we passed Najiu and You's formation, the Kucha kingdom surrendered soon."

"But his surrender is fake. You can see it from this hexagram."

(End of this chapter)

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