Chapter 156 Senluo Vientiane Formation

Guo Xiaoke pondered:

"Now that we know they are pretending to surrender, we might as well take advantage of them."

"When they surrender and are defenseless, catch them all in one go."

Everyone also nodded.

Wu Fu frowned and asked:

"Brother Yuan Shou, where has the Imperial Master gone?"

Yuan Shouwei said:
"This is exactly what I want to say. Let's take a look at the third line of the hexagram, 'Turn your hands to make Yun Sen Luo Qi'."

"Najiu and You came back in the middle of the night. Not only did they transform into another form of Happy Buddha, but they also formed a big formation again."

After speaking, he told everyone about the situation in the third scene. Of course, he could only say that it was the result of divination.

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang took a breath and asked:
"Yuan Shouwei, the reason why his first formation was so easy to crack was to pave the way for this formation, right?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded,
"indeed so."

"Brother Tiangang, do you know what formation this is?"

Yuan Tiangang once again showed his erudition, also nodded and said:

"This formation is called 'Senluo All-Xiang Formation.'"

"Sen Luo Vientiane Formation."

Yuan Shouwei whispered and repeated.Then he couldn’t wait to ask:

"What is the origin of this formation?"

Yuan Tiangang said:
"The meaning of this formation is what is said in Buddhism, 'One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi.'"

"It refers to the various scenes listed in the sky and the earth, and the description contains extremely rich content."

"We Taoists also have a corresponding explanation. All things are dense and dense, and they are inseparable from the cultivation of the two rituals. Hundreds of dharma come together, and they cannot transcend the realm of the three religions."

Yuan Shouwei had seen the power of this formation, and then asked impatiently:
"Then how should this formation be broken?"

Yuan Tiangang said:

"This starts with the joyful Buddha that Jiu Heyou transformed into."

After speaking, he quickly glanced at Wu Fu and said:
"Zhao'er, do you need me to elaborate?"

Wu Fu was furious, but she had heard about the terrifying aspects of Yuan Shouwei's formation, so she was naturally willing to learn more about it.

He twisted his body and said:
"Uncle Tiangang, if you do this again, I will pull your beard."

After speaking, he gestured towards Yuan Tiangang's beard.

Yuan Tiangang quickly protected his three fluttering beards and said:

"That's not okay, this is my face."

Because of the little joke between the two, the depressing atmosphere in the tent relaxed a little, and Yuan Tiangang also spoke:
"There are many kinds of appearances of the Joyous Buddha, but the two most commonly known to the world.

One is what Yuan Shouwei has met before, and the other is what everyone heard just now.

According to Buddhist legend, "Vajra" is the incarnation of Maitreya Buddha.

In order to protect Buddhism, Maitreya Buddha used extremely ferocious and cruel methods to attack his enemies when fighting against pagans.

The golden bulls and naked men and women under his feet were the pagans he had captured.

The word "joy" here does not refer to the sexual pleasures of men and women, but refers to the joy that comes from the heart by defeating the pagans with fearless and angry spirit, ferocious strength and cruel means.

The advantage of this formation is that he only needs one person to launch it.

The disadvantage is that the items he uses must have been blessed by him or listened to his sermons.

But obviously, in Qiuci, a city full of Buddhists, this shortcoming does not exist.

The way to crack it is actually very simple, just defeat Jiu Heyou who is the incarnation of the Happy Buddha. "

Everyone who heard this couldn't help but take a breath and looked at each other in shock.

Fight with Buddha?Fight with everything in the world?How to fight this?
After everyone was silent for a moment, Zhongqing was the first to speak:

"As fellow Taoist Yuan Shou, how about you finish explaining the hexagrams and then we can figure out a solution together."

Everyone suddenly realized that they had already shown their cowardice before meeting the enemy. What was going on?Guo Xiaoke took a deep breath and said:
"Taoist Master, Zhongqing is right. After you finish explaining the hexagram, I need to know how I died?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded,
"Who will exonerate the hero's soul?"

"The entire Tang army was wiped out, and the general was killed when he broke through."

He didn't have the nerve to say that Guo Xiaoke was smashed to death by the city wall. After all, it wouldn't be nice to say that the dignified general was crushed into a meat pie.

After Yuan Shou finished explaining the hexagram, Zhongqing was the first to speak:

"Why don't we stop attacking Qiuci for the time being?"

"Let's find a way to kill Najiu and You first, and then attack Kucha."

At this time, Guo Xiaoke was also hesitant.
"Your Majesty has treated me with great kindness. If I, Guo, die, I will die, but I can't bear to have those [-] soldiers buried with him."

Wu Fu looked at this and that, frowned his delicate eyebrows and said:

"You all think too much."

"Uncle Tiangang, let me ask you, our main problem is to break this 'Sen Luo Wanxiang Formation.'"

"And to break the 'Senluo Wanxiang Formation', you need to defeat Jiu and You, right?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded deeply.

Wu Fu turned to look at Yuan Shouwei, and his tone immediately became much gentler.
"Brother Yuan Shou, can you defeat Jiu and You?"

Yuan Shouwei weighed his own strength and magic weapon, and said confidently:

"Even if we can't defeat him, it won't be a problem to protect you guys from leaving."

"The main reason is that I don't know how to restrain the big formation or restrain Jiu and You."

Yuan Tiangang next to him sighed and said:
"It would be great if I had the Taoist Qingping Sword or the Buddhist Vajra."

"The Qing Ping Sword is made from the 24th grade Green Lotus lotus leaf. The lotus leaf is transformed into Liang Yi, which can directly destroy all phenomena."

"The vajra is also good, it can make all things food, and it is indestructible. It means to speed up all things, thinking that it has been successful. Then you can take the opportunity to kill Jiu and You."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei relaxed and said a shocking sentence:
"Vajra, right?"

"I recently watched the Big Dipper and felt that I might be able to make a vajra."

Everyone was dumbfounded after hearing this.

Yuan Tiangang asked in confusion:
"Can the Big Dipper be used to make Buddhist artifacts?"

Yuan Shouwei looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

"Buddha is Tao."

Zhongqing asked excitedly:
"Fellow Taoist, can you make the Qingping Sword? This will save trouble."

Yuan Shouwei turned his head back.
"This is really not good."

Wu Fu looked at him with admiration and said in a cooing voice:
"Brother Yuan Shouwei, I think you can do everything except having children."

Guo Xiaoke asked calmly:

"Taoist Priest, how sure are you?"

Yuan Shouwei continued to watch the sky,
"Nine percent."

"The remaining [-]% is to prevent myself from being proud."

After hearing this, Guo Xiaoke gave him a hard high-five.

"That's alright, let's just discuss the details."

"Fuck Jiu Heyou."

The details are summarized as follows:

Yuan Shouwei painted the Five Elements Water Talisman.

Yuan Shouwei activated the water spirit bead.

Yuan Shouwei made the Vajra.

(End of this chapter)

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