Chapter 160 Save Your Death

Just when he clasped his hands together, Yuan Shouwei felt that the hairs all over his body were standing on end, and a feeling of extreme danger came to his heart.

He turned his head to look at Guo Xiaoke, and shouted:

"Withdraw troops, bring everyone back."

"Those datura flowers are not dead."

When the words fell to the ground, a coquettish mandala flower suddenly burst out from the trampled ground above the city wall, swallowing a Tang Jun beside him in one gulp.

At the same time, countless mandala flowers had emerged from the soil and pounced viciously on Tang Jun beside them.

Many brave Tang soldiers immediately picked up their weapons and chopped at the mandala flowers, some to save their companions, and some to protect themselves.

Guo Xiaoke had already ordered the troops to retreat while Yuan Shouwei was shouting.

It may be too late.

As the number of mandala flowers gradually increased, the living space of the Tang army was repeatedly compressed, and many people were forced to retreat to the bottom of the city wall.

Looking at the Qiuci soldiers on the city wall, they suddenly became energetic and vigorously attacked the Tang army below who was unable to fight back.

The first Tang army to be devoured had already completed its transformation into Shura.

As soon as Shura landed on the ground, he stared fiercely at the countless Tang Jun under the city wall with blood-red eyes, and rushed up waving the steel fork in his hand.

With the steel fork swung, he immediately flew away a Tang Jun who was closest to him.

The Tang army was not afraid of death. While resisting the attacks on the city wall, they fought hard with Shura.

Unfortunately, Shura was extremely powerful and thick-skinned, so the dozen or so Tang troops were no match for him.

But at the same time, more and more Shura began to appear.

Tang Jun's life hangs on a thread!
Guo Xiaoke, who was watching the battle from the rear, saw the splitting of the crown and canthus.

He was about to charge forward with his horse in hand, but Yuan Shouwei grabbed the reins.

Yuan Shouwei didn't panic at all. He stared at Jiu and You on the wall, gritted his teeth and said to Guo Xiaoke:
"General, don't panic. I'm here to rescue the soldiers."

"Today, Tajiu and Youyou will pay for their debts in blood."

While speaking, he had already thrown the water spirit bead in his hand into the air.

"Heaven is born with water, and earth is sixty percent (inherited) of it; one or six is ​​the foundation, and the five elements are the foundation; I am swaying now, moving away the dust, Qian Yuan Henry is chaste, urgent like a law, order!"

Following his incantation, just look at the azure water spirit beads in mid-air emitting a gloomy cold air as they twirled.

The cold air turned into ice beads when it met the air, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a snow monster the size of a pea and cute and naive.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had just finished reciting the incantation. As his finger pointed at the gate of Qiuci City, countless little snow monsters swarmed down with laughter.

Wherever he passed, even the sound of the wind seemed to be frozen to silence.

These little snow monsters jumped on the datura flower, and the flower turned into a crystal clear ice flower in the blink of an eye.

Jumping on Shura, Shura was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Yuan Shouwei obviously hated that Jiu Heyou very much. There were at least a thousand snow demons who had frozen him layer by layer.

Seeing that their all-powerful national teacher had also been frozen into an ice sculpture, the defenders of Kucha in the city immediately dispersed like birds and beasts with a 'boom'.

Seeing this, Guo Xiaoke couldn't help but turn from surprise to joy, and shouted:

"Ming Jin, Ming Jin, withdraw troops."

Yuan Shouwei, on the other hand, did the opposite and rushed towards the city of Qiuci with the Xuanyuan Sword.

Looking at the frozen Jiu and You, suddenly there was a 'click', and cracks appeared in the ice sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, there was a constant 'click' sound, and Najiu and You unexpectedly got rid of the freezing.

As soon as he got out of trouble, he saw Yuan Shouwei rising into the sky and slashing at him with the Xuanyuan Sword.

He didn't even care about reciting the Buddha's name, and jumped with a loud voice, covering a distance of more than ten feet.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had slashed fiercely on the city wall of Kucha.

With a loud 'bang', he had already forcibly cut a three-foot-long gap in the city wall.Looking at the frightened Jiu and You, they were already jumping vertically and disappeared like a grasshopper.

At this time, the Qiuci soldiers on top of the city were also kneeling down and begging for mercy.
"General, spare your life, we surrender, we surrender."

Yuan Shouwei stood on the city wall, looked at the lowly Kucha soldiers who were like ants, and said coldly:


"I do not accept!"

After speaking, he turned and drifted away.

The Tang army, which had rested and recuperated, once again violently attacked the Kucha city, completely ignoring the Kucha people's surrender.

Guo Xiaoke also completely allowed the soldiers to vent their anger.

Until the city gate of Kucha was opened.

King Qiuci, who was wearing a crown and holding a watch in his hand, walked out cautiously surrounded by a group of Tang troops.

With a 'plop', he knelt outside the city gate and shouted hoarsely:

"General, spare your life."

"What Qiuci did today was the work of the Imperial Master alone and has nothing to do with us."

"I would like to offer all the treasures in Kucha City and pray for the general's forgiveness."

Only then did Guo Xiaoke order to stop the attack. He rode his horse in front of the King of Qiuci, picked up the watch with his horse's pole, and threw it to the ground without even looking at it.

"It's okay if you want to save your life."

"Today, all the soldiers guarding the city will be executed by me, and they will pay for the lives of my Tang soldiers."

"I'll save you from death."

The King of Kucha nodded without hesitation,
"The guilty minister will be dealt with immediately. Go now."

"Please also ask the general to move to the palace, and the guilty ministers will host a banquet to entertain me."

Guo Xiaoke and Yuan Shouwei next to him looked at each other and thought:


Immediately he said:

"This Qiuci City now belongs to the Tang Dynasty. We can live wherever we want. You don't have to worry about it."

"In addition, I would like to tell the people of Qiuci that no one should go out today. Anyone who goes out will be treated as a rebel."

"In addition, let all the soldiers and monks in the city gather here. I will temporarily imprison them. Also take out the list of personnel and I will verify them one by one."

After everything was done, Guo Xiaoke directly set up the military camp near the city wall.

At the same time, he ordered all the soldiers to eat only the dry food they brought, and they would not accept food, drinks or food sent by the Kucha people.

Moreover, the King of Kucha was directly imprisoned in the military camp.

As for the treasures he presented, Guo Xiaoke registered them one by one. When things happen tomorrow, he will reward the soldiers according to their merit.

Wait until he returns to the camp.

Yuan Shouwei, Yuan Tiangang and others are already waiting here.

At this time, Guo Xiaoke showed a trace of fatigue, sat down on the chair, and said with lingering fear:
"That Jiu and You are too cunning. If we hadn't known their movements in advance, we might have been completely wiped out this time."

Yuan Shouwei also said with a guilty face at this time:

"It's my fault for being careless."

"I think his killing should be at night, but I didn't expect that this city gate is also a trap."

Wu Fu opened his mouth and comforted him:

"I can't blame you for this. If everything can be calculated by divination, then you would be a god."

(End of this chapter)

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