Chapter 161 Prepare to Respond to the Enemy
Yuan Tiangang analyzed calmly:
"I think that was a trap set by Jiu and You on the spur of the moment."

"Because when we tested the attack formation, we exposed our trump card, so we were able to let him redeploy."

"It's normal not to be able to calculate it."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei felt better and said:

"If he gets away with it this time, I will definitely let him die tonight."

"Revenge for those soldiers who died."

Zhongqing also quickly spoke:

"Then Jiu Heyou is no match for you at first glance. Wouldn't he dare to fight you head-on without looking at him?"

"Besides, we also know about his sneak attack at night. We will definitely be able to take him down in one fight this time."

Yuan Tiangang also nodded at this time and said:

"Well, in the past few days, in addition to drawing talismans, I have taught those 72 scholars to memorize our Taoist golden light spell."

"I will be in charge of the formation then. In this area, blocking for an hour is not a problem at all."

"The rest is up to you, Yuan Shouwei."

Guo Xiaoke also said with a fierce look on his face:
"I have asked those soldiers and monks to be secretly detained outside the city. If there is any abnormality, they will be slaughtered immediately."

"In this way, the attack power against us in the city will be reduced by at least half."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei stood up and said:
"Okay, that's it. Then I'll leave everything else to you."

"I will start blessing the Vajra now."

After speaking, he bid farewell to everyone and settled in a hidden tent.

Holding the vajra to the three-stranded position, he began to recite the Sutra for the Blessing of the Growth of All Things over and over again.

With the sound of chanting, the phantom of Huanxi Buddha behind him became more and more solid.

And what everyone didn't realize was that the flow of time had begun to slowly speed up.

Sunset West Mountain.

Guo Xiaoke ordered everyone to lie down without taking off their armor and keep their hands on their shields.

Although everyone was a little confused, they still followed the military orders to the letter.

Guo Xiaoke, who was standing in the camp, watched the darkness begin to envelope Kucha City, and then turned his attention to the camp where Yuan Shouwei was.

The war is about to start.


The moon and stars are rare.

The entire city of Kucha fell into terrible silence.

Perhaps it was because of Guo Xiaoke's order, or perhaps the people were afraid of encountering something weird when they went out.

But what they don't know is that all their actions will be controlled by Buddha, including their own lives.

The Tang army that was patrolling the streets at night at first disappeared without knowing when.

A dead silence.

Suddenly, a huge Buddha chant sounded from Guangming Temple, the largest temple in Qiuci Kingdom.

If you focus your eyes here at this time, you will find that with the sound of the Buddha's name, Guangming Temple began to emit milky white Buddha light from the inside to the outside.

The Buddha's light is like the water ripples caused by a small stone thrown into the lake, and it starts to ripple out in circles.

In just a short time, every corner of Kucha City has been covered.

At this time, all the people in the city woke up from their sleep, worshiped on the ground devoutly, and listened to the Buddha's teachings.

As they worshiped and listened, everyone's faith turned into little dots, like starlight, gathering in the sky above Kucha City.Trees, masonry, insects, livestock, vegetables, paper, furniture.
All these items more or less emit their own light of faith, gathering into the sky.

As the power of faith gathered more and more, it slowly began to turn into an extremely vague Buddha statue.

At the same time, a monk in red floated out from the place where the Buddha's name was issued from Guangming Temple, and it was Jiu Heyou who had fled.

And not long after he appeared,
Many monks wearing ragged cassocks have emerged from many abandoned houses in Kucha City.

Judging by the appearance of their cassocks, they should all be monks with a certain level of cultivation.

Obviously Jiu Heyou had arranged this in advance, hiding these monks to coordinate with his formation.

In fact, it is understandable when you think about it, although Tang Jun gathered the monks together according to the list.

But in an era when there were no photos, if a monk pretended to be a monk and everyone around him helped him hide it, he could really hide it.

At this time, Jiu Heyou raised his head and looked at the Buddha statue in the sky. His calm face showed a hint of joy, and he whispered the Buddha's name in a low voice:

"May the Buddha bless us and suppress all these heretics here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man jumped up. The muscles in his legs seemed to be filled with infinite explosive power, and he jumped directly onto the Buddha statue.

Then it was suspended in mid-air.

I saw Jiu Heyou sitting cross-legged and chanting:

"If a bhikkhu, bhikshuni, upasaka, or upasika accepts, upholds, reads, and recites this Dharani, and upholds the pure precepts of the Bodhisattva's laws, he will live forever in the human and heavenly realms, will not fall into the evil realm, and will always be protected by the gods."

What is being recited is the "Buddha Speaks of the Seven Buddha Mother's Heart Great Zhunti Dharani Sutra", which can destroy the ten evils and five rebellions, increase happiness and longevity.

The monks in the city also chanted with him.

As the sutra sounded, a scarlet light burst out from the blurred Buddha statue, wrapping Jiu Heyou in front of him.

Slowly, the Buddha statue and Jiu Heyou merged into one.

And the image of Jiu and You also began to undergo a huge change,
From a deformed person to a happy Buddha.

Nine heads, 36 hands, 36 legs.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that the thighs are still knotted with muscles, stepping on golden bulls and boys and girls.

As his image changed, the scarlet light began to blend with the milky white Buddha light, gradually blending into one.

Looking down at the city of Kucha at this time, it is undoubtedly a sea of ​​blood.

In the sea of ​​blood, the people of Kucha stood up tremblingly, with scarlet light shining in their eyes, and murmuring in the air:

"Kill Tang Jun."

"Kill those evil people."

"Kill those invaders and send them to hell"

And all the items in the city were already flying into the sky, flying towards the Tang Army's camp.

As early as when Jiu Heyou recited the first Buddha's name, Yuan Tiangang from the Tang Army camp had already led all the scholars to recite the "Golden Light Divine Mantra".

Guo Xiaoke, who had been sitting in the camp with his eyes closed to rest his mind, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the Buddha's name and said:
"Come on."

"Order all soldiers to prepare defenses around the military camp and prepare to respond to the enemy."

The herald responded and immediately passed on the order.

The originally silent military camp suddenly became lively, and all the soldiers came to the edge of the military camp.

They were attached to various bunkers such as earth walls and carriages that had been set up long ago, and were ready for defense.

At this time, the milky white Buddha's light had already fluctuated like ripples, but after reaching outside the barracks, it stopped moving.

This also made Tang Jun, who was hiding behind the bunker, let out a long sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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