Chapter 162 The Joy of Revenge

But after Jiu and You transformed into Happy Buddha, the red light that turned into a sea of ​​crimson blood seemed to have consciousness and began to attempt to invade the Tang army's camp.

The soldiers couldn't help but feel their hearts tightening again.

Just when the red light was about to touch the bunker, a talisman suddenly appeared in front of the bunker, emitting bursts of golden light, which immediately transformed the red light back into milky white Buddha light.

The soldiers in the bunker couldn't help but be surprised and happy when they saw this.

Jiu Heyou, who was suspended in mid-air, apparently noticed this situation. He snorted softly from the end of his nose, and the chanting in his mouth became obviously louder.

And the scarlet light began to boil like boiling water, turning directly into a big wave and hitting the spell.

The waves behind follow the waves ahead, one wave after another.

That's really cool
Than the doves and worries in the sky.

But the golden talisman resisted the erosion of the red light like nothing happened, occasionally emitting a burst of golden light to resolve a wave of blood sea offensive.

It's like a duel between two martial arts masters.

One party's attack was like a storm, but it did not cause any damage to the enemy.

One party is calm and relaxed, seeing each move and dismantling it, and occasionally making a move, which makes the other party flustered for a while.

High judgment.

Yuan Tiangang, who was in charge of the "Golden Light Divine Curse" in the camp, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and was secretly grateful.
"Thanks to Yuan Shou's encouragement to use the vajra to protect the seedlings, the enemy's strength was greatly weakened."

"Otherwise, if we let them reach midnight, I might not be able to hold on to the Vajra God Curse for even a quarter of an hour."

Jiu Heyou obviously didn't realize this problem.

Like a chess player, he looked at the densely packed chess pieces below, and at the Tang Jun who was cowering in a corner, stubbornly resisting, with a sneer on his lips:
"See how long you can last."

As soon as the words fell, countless objects in the city had already flown over. Even though the spells diluted the red light on them, they could not contain their impact.

Like a violent storm, it hit the Tang army's camp head and face.

What are these things?

Trees, bricks, vegetables, paper, and furniture have all become spirits.

Fortunately, Tang Jun had already seen a lot of monsters and monsters during his trip to the Western Regions, and Guo Xiaoke had vaccinated them against them in the afternoon.

So at this time, I had quite a well-informed and calm posture, resisting the attack in an orderly manner under the command of the officer.

But I just survived a wave of attacks,
I could vaguely hear the sound of countless chaotic footsteps, and through the reflection of red light,
Tang Jun saw that dense crowds of Kucha people, snakes, insects, rats, and ants were already rushing towards them.

The speed of snakes, rats, insects and ants is obviously faster than that of humans, and there are even a lot of poultry mixed in: cattle, sheep, pigs and horses.

The officer ordered:

"Prepare. Shoot."

As his words fell to the ground, the archer standing behind the shield already bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot the arrow in his hand toward the sky.

Following several rounds of crazy arrow rain attacks, this wave eliminated at least one-fifth of the enemies.

When the enemy got closer, countless hand axes, bolas, bricks and the like were thrown again, and another wave of effective force was wiped out.

When the enemy took another step forward, many rockets suddenly shot out from the Tang army, flying in front of the enemy like fire snakes.

Hearing a "boom", he saw a wall of fire rising into the sky, blocking the enemy's progress.

Animals are naturally afraid of fire, and when they see such a big fire, they immediately run away.

But there are still countless humans and animals rushing forward without knowing it.

The fleeing animals were helplessly pushed forward and trampled on countless animals, extinguishing the wall of fire.

There was a disgusting smell of barbecue in the air.

After the fire wall was extinguished, some large oxen and horses rushed over, roaring and launching death attacks towards Tang Jun's camp.I don't know who yelled strangely,
"Brothers, fuck them. Kill them and eat their meat."

Under the cover of shieldmen and bunkers, countless spearmen began to attack the cattle and horses.

And the smaller animals were all chopped up cleanly by the axemen on one side.

Cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, snakes, rats, insects and ants all fell in front of the bunker, blood flowing like a river, slowly merging into the scarlet light below him.

The smell of blood, along with the smell of barbecue, also made the already filthy air unbearable again.

However, there is also a benefit for the Tang army, that is, the height of the bunker is increased in disguise to facilitate resistance to the Kucha people's attack.

At this time, the Kucha people had also surged up.

With the determination to win by killing the invaders, they launched an attack on the Tang army's position without fear of death.

Compared with those animals without intelligence, they are all conscious.

He knows how to pick up weapons, how to organize formations, and how to pull a Tang army to the bottom before dying.

All he saw was a strong young man from Qiuci, holding a machete, hiding in the crowd and coming under the bunker.

He suddenly grabbed a spear and swung his whole body.

While he was swinging, more than ten transparent holes had been inserted into his body.

Just relying on a strong mind, when he was on the verge of death, he drew out the scimitar in his hand, and chopped down a Tang soldier from the gap in the shield.

The Tang army began to suffer casualties!

And this kind of situation is also happening in many places.

Jiu Heyou, who was in the air, looked at the scene at his feet, with a smile on his lips again.
"What tricks do you have?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures flashed out from behind Tang Jun, one was graceful and graceful, and the other was a Taoist fairy.

It is Wu Fu and Zhongqing.

Just watch them keep chanting spells in their mouths, and then throw out the yellow charms in their hands.

The difference is that Wu Fu throws one, and Zhongqing throws one.

Just watch the talismans slowly fly into the crowd of Qiuci, and with a bang, they turned into firelight all over the sky.

A sea of ​​​​fire was directly created, which not only blocked the Kucha people and the Tang army.

And it also plunged countless Kucha people into a sea of ​​fire.

Jiu Heyou frowned in the air.
"How can you hurt Buddhist believers for no reason?"

"Without them, how can I taste the joy of revenge."

He shouted with a hint of anger:
"Slaves of the Buddha, it's your time to do your part."

"Go and tear those invaders to pieces."

The golden bull roared, its eyes widened, its hair exploded, and it flew down swinging the two sharp horns on its head.

At this time, those who are awake are those who have applied the Pure Heart Mantra.

When Wu Fu saw this, he immediately threw the Five Elements Talisman in his hand at Taurus for free.

Zhongqing didn't care about saving at this moment, and began to spread spells out in large quantities.

But the golden cow's skin was rough and thick, and it could not only withstand the attacks of various five-element spells, but also wrapped the boys and girls on its back with its long hair to prevent them from being harmed.

With the sound of cow hooves like war drums, the golden bull was already coming to kill aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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