Chapter 163
At this critical moment,
Suddenly, in a tent in the military camp, Yuan Tiangang's voice suddenly sounded:
"Lin, soldiers, fights, all are in formation, array, in front."

Then, when the military tent was lifted, Yuan Tiangang flew out of it like an arrow.

As his "Secret Blessing of Liujia" spell sounded,
Five-element talismans flew out one after another, but what was different from Wu Fu's talismans was that each talisman had a large character "Liujia Secret Blessing" on it.

That Taurus was very aware, seeing that something was wrong, he immediately turned around and ran away.

But Yuan Tiangang would give him this opportunity. In the spell of "Liujia Secret Blessing",
Various five-element charms were like huge mountains, smashing towards Taurus, boys and girls, and in a moment they were all smashed into a pile of meat.

Zhongqing couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw it. He always felt that Yuan Tiangang didn't have much ability other than reading faces.

Only then did I realize that they were hiding their secrets.

Wu Fu, who was watching from the sidelines, could not help but pout his mouth.

"Uncle Tiangang is really here. Why did you go there earlier?"

"We have wasted so many spells in vain, it is really a waste of money."

Zhongqing next to him could be heard rolling his eyes wildly.

At this time, Jiu Heyou, who was watching the battle, was not angry but happy.
"Okay, okay, this is the fight I want."

"The more fiercely you resist, the more pleasure I will feel when I conquer you."

After speaking, he stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips.

Then he stretched out his 36 arms, took out one of the golden nipples with sharp sides, and threw it down casually.
"Go ahead and break this man's spell for me."

Just look at the **** growing in the wind, and it has grown to a size of ten feet in a blink of an eye.

The wind blades at both ends emitted a faint cold light and hit the "Golden Light Divine Curse" fiercely.

There was only a "sizzling" sound, and the divine curse was directly cut into two pieces at the waist.

When he saw the Golden Light Divine Curse being torn apart, Zhongqing felt his anus tighten, and he also had a feeling of being torn apart.

He couldn't help but wonder, and when he turned around, he saw that it was a naked Tang Jun brother who was trying to make a move behind his back.

He pushed the person away, but after thinking about it, he felt it was inappropriate.

He took out another Qingxin Talisman from his arms and stuck it on the man.He mumbled and said:

"You're lucky, we are comrades in arms now."

"If this were in Chang'an City, the Taoist Master would send you to the palace to be a eunuch."

After saying that, he quickly looked at the golden light spell in the air, ready to run away at any time.

But suddenly I discovered that although the knife was sharp, it had indeed cut through the curse, but in the blink of an eye, the curse had healed itself.

And it keeps emitting golden light, weakening Jinlun's offensive.

At this moment, Jinlun was like a petite woman facing a strong man two meters tall.

Although he still used his hands and feet together, his power was as fast as lightning, but his power was no longer as good as before, and he lay on top of the Golden Light Divine Curse.

While punching and kicking, his hands and feet were weak and he slid down.

Jiu Heyou, who was in the air, clearly noticed something was wrong.
"Shouldn't it be this kind of power?"

While muttering to himself, he had already thrown out the two magical weapons in his hand: the tambourine and the moon knife.

Just watch the tambourine keep beating on itself, emitting bursts of sound waves, interfering with the divine curse.

The moon blade is like a Gatling shooting, constantly firing a moon blade at the magic spell, and it's still a combo.

But this still failed to shake the Golden Light Divine Curse.Jiu Heyou in the air seemed a little anxious. He shouted the Buddha's name and directly held the axe, bow, sword, halberd, bell, pestle, human bone club, rope hook, and shield in his hands.
They were all thrown out, and it looked like there was a weapons exhibition in mid-air.
The magic weapons grew in the wind, and after using the power of the wind to become bigger and stronger in the air, they all pounced fiercely towards the Golden Light Divine Curse.

Like a pack of wolves chasing a tiger.

Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang in the military camp sat cross-legged and began to chant the Golden Light Divine Mantra again, echoing the chants of the scholars in the military camp, which was able to withstand the attack of the magic weapon.

After a stick of incense, the magic weapons that became bigger and stronger have begun to fall into a state of malaise, just like a company that has encountered a stock market crash, becoming weaker and weaker day by day.

Looking at the Tang soldiers who were still jumping around in the military camp and gradually getting rid of their charm.

At this time, Jiu Heyou was like a gambler who was desperate to lose at the gambling table. He raised a Buddhist chant, jumped down from the air, and came directly to the military camp.

Stretching out his hand to take back the already weakened magic weapon, he suddenly smashed it on the golden light charm with all his strength, and shouted fiercely in his mouth:
"Amitabha, open it for me."

With a bang, all the golden talismans were blasted away by him, turning into little golden lights and scattering all over the ground.

And Yuan Tiangang also spurted out a mouthful of old blood, obviously suffering a lot of backlash.

Just look at Najiu and You directly using all 36 arms, pointing at Yuan Tiangang with fangs and claws, cursing angrily:
"Old Taoist Zamao, I'll kill you first."

After saying that, he walked towards Yuan Tiangang with murderous intent.

How could the Tang army let him get close to Yuan Tiangang? They immediately swarmed in, trying to stop him.

Wu Fu also sent out a series of five-element charms in his hand, intending to intercept them.

Zhongqing trotted towards Yuan Tiangang, intending to carry him on his back.

But all this was in vain. Before Tang Jun could rush to Jiu Heyou's side, he was killed by him with his magic weapon.

But when Wu Fu's five-element charms hit his body, they didn't even scratch him, and they didn't even leave a white mark.

And behind him, countless Kucha people swarmed in again.

Guo Xiaoke, who had been in the big tent before, also came out with a horse in his hand, and shouted:
"Yuan Shouwei, it's time."

Zhongqing and Jiuheyou raced, feeling as if their lungs were on fire.

But he had no choice but to be unable to outrun the tall and long-legged Jiu Heyou. Watching him gradually go straight towards Yuan Tiangang, he lay helplessly on the ground, looking up to the sky and murmuring to himself:

"Yuan Shouwei, if you don't come out, we will really go to see the Patriarch of Sanqing."

Wu Fu also threw out the last Five Elements Talisman and shouted:
"Yuan Shouwei, come out."

You have to say that the idiom that opposite sex attracts has been passed down through the ages, and there is obviously a reason for it.

As Wu Fu's words fell to the ground, the tent not far behind Yuan Tiangang suddenly exploded. Yuan Shouwei, who was full of sword energy, was like a prickly hedgehog.

With a move of 'Hanming turns into a dragon', Jiu and You came towards Jiu and You. Jiu and You were so aware that they hurriedly evaded.

Yuan Shouwei also took small steps and floated to Yuan Tiangang like a thunderous dragon. He placed him next to a bunker not far away and said to him:

"Thank you for your hard work, leave the rest to me."

Yuan Tiangang coughed a few times, and was about to say a few words of encouragement to him, but saw that he had already turned away, leaving him with a tall back, and he couldn't help but laugh and curse:
"Pretend to be an X criminal."

Looking at Yuan Shouwei again, he turned to look at the dead and injured Tang army, Zhongqing lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and the disgraced Wu Fu.

Taking advantage of the situation, he took out the vajra and moved it to the position of the single pestle.

The "Buddha Sutra and Lotus Sutra" came out of his mouth slowly and unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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