Chapter 164
As he chanted, everyone began to become calmer, and the wounds on their bodies began to slowly stop bleeding.

At this time, Jiu Heyou looked at the vajra in Yuan Shouwei's hand, his eyes suddenly opened as big as a bull's eye, and he said with a look of confusion:


"Why do you have a vajra? How do you know how to recite the Lotus Sutra?"

"Is it just because you were chosen by the Happy Buddha?"

After reciting the sutra, Yuan Shouwei looked at him calmly and said:

"You see what this is?"

After saying that, he already moved the Vajra to the position of three strands, and kept chanting.

Time began to slow down slowly. Except for Yuan Shouwei, Jiu Heyou, all the people and objects seemed to be rewinding a movie, returning to an hour ago.

Jiu and You were shocked,
"This is, "The Sutra of Practicing Blessing God and Using Everything."

"It turns out that I fell into your trap from the beginning."

Yuan Shouwei walked closer to Jiu Heyou and kept talking:
"Take the way of the other, and give it back to him."

"You let so many of our Tang troops into your trap, I have to avenge them no matter what."

As he spoke, he rose into the air, looked at Jiu Heyou who was looking up at him at his feet and said:

"National Master, welcome to my domain."

"I call it the Dragon Realm, where I am immortal."

As he spoke, he was already slashing at Chaojiu and You with the Xuanyuan Sword.

At this time, Jiu and You found that they had unknowingly entered Yuan Shouwei's trap again.

He looked at the rolling waves under his feet, and after getting over the initial shock, he also laughed ferociously:

"That depends on whether you have the strength."

After finishing speaking, he already picked up many magic weapons and charged towards Yuan Shouwei.

How dare you be so arrogant in my territory?

Today I must beat you from a happy Buddha to a weeping Buddha. Yuan Shouwei raised the Xuanyuan Sword and used the "Han Ming Transformation Dragon" move.

The seawater under Jiu Heyou suddenly rolled and surged up, turning into a violent wave and slamming towards him.

And in the midst of the waves, an evil dragon appeared, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed Jiu and You.

Look at the tambourine on one arm of Jiu Heyou beating, turning into bursts of sound waves, hitting the dragon.

Every time the drum sounded, the waves became smaller and the dragon became smaller. By the time it rushed in front of Jiu Heyou, it had already turned into countless waves and dispersed.

At this time, Jiu and You also used all kinds of weapons and stood together with Yuan Shouwei who rushed forward.

The two sides were fighting inextricably at first, but after dozens of rounds, Yuan Shouwei became increasingly weak.

After all, his opponent is a Buddha, regardless of whether he is true or false.

But just by waving so many arms and weapons, it was already too much for Yuan Shouwei to deal with purely in terms of physical attacks.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei also made a feint, took out the vajra again, and moved it to the five-part position.

As the "Dharma Sutra of the Sutra of the Vajra Dharma" came out of his mouth, Yuan Shouwei also changed a lot.

The whole body was covered with golden light, as if he was wearing a suit of golden armor. Even his appearance changed like that of a glaring Vajra, and the Vajra in his hand turned into a demon-conquering pestle.

Yuan Shouwei looked at his outfit with satisfaction and glared at Jiu and You.

"Come, let's fight for another three hundred rounds."

After saying that, Zong jumped to fight with Jiu and Youxue again, and the battle also entered his favorite way: close combat, exchanging injuries for injuries.

A trace of envy flashed in Jiu Heyou's eyes, and as he chanted the Buddha's name, he saw a great change in his whole person.

The originally dry and fleshless upper body also became plump and muscular. He wielded eighteen weapons and started fighting with Yuan Shouwei.

No, it's 36 strokes in one stroke. Who has 36 arms?

Both of them were covered in scars for a while, but the wounds quickly healed as before.

The cycle goes back and forth like this.
Yuan Shouwei slowly realized something was wrong. He relied on Longyu to exchange injuries for injuries and become immortal.

But Jiu Heyou seems to be able to do it.

It seems that he should have some kind of powerful magic weapon on him, otherwise he wouldn't be unable to fight for so long.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei didn't hesitate.

The vajra pestle turned to the position of the nine pestles again, and the "Dharma Sutra of the Great Mighty Deming King" was recited from his mouth.

Yuan Shouwei's appearance changed a lot again, and he now had an extremely evil and angry body, with three heads and six arms, and was wearing a tiger skin skirt.

The first right hand holds a sword, the second right hand holds a wish-fulfilling stick, the left hand holds a trident, the second left hand holds a chakra, and the second hand holds the fundamental seal.
The mighty Deming King VS the Happy Buddha.

The color of the sky and the earth changed as the battle raged, and the waves surged into the sky.

Yuan Shouwei, who was in the dragon domain, obviously took some advantage this time, and only beat Jiu and You, who were retreating steadily.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiu Heyou couldn't help but strode towards the edge of the dragon domain, but no matter how he ran, he couldn't escape Yuan Shouwei's three-acre land.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei was also confident of victory. Looking at Jiu and You who were losing ground, he couldn't help but sneer and said triumphantly:
"I'm not bragging for you, I really haven't seen a person in this world who can escape from this dragon domain."

After hearing this, Jiu Heyou showed a sarcastic smile, looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:


Suddenly, a foot stepped towards Yuan Shouwei. Yuan Shouwei didn't take it seriously. Just as he made a defensive posture, he instinctively felt the danger.

Just look at Jiu Heyou's hairy thighs, full of strong hormones, suddenly becoming thicker and bigger.

And it grew bigger and bigger, becoming like a huge pillar reaching the sky, overwhelming Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei felt a burst of smelly foot breath coming towards his face, almost suffocating him to death.

Just as he held his breath, his vision went dark, and he was immediately kicked to the bottom of the sea by Jiu Heyou.

At this time, everyone watching the battle outside couldn't help but feel terrified.

Wu Fu bit his cherry lips and looked at Yuan Shouwei who had disappeared, still not believing it.

Zhongqing's face turned pale at this moment and he muttered in a low voice:
"I don't know if it's too late for me to join Buddhism now."

Guo Xiaoke and the other sergeants also had expressions of concern on their faces. They each grabbed their weapons and prepared to fight the enemy desperately.

Only Yuan Tiangang, who was half lying in the bunker, looked as calm as ever. He coughed twice and said:

"Don't worry, the Dragon Territory hasn't dispersed yet. How could something happen to Yuan Shouwei?"

As soon as the words fell, the sea water in the Dragon Territory suddenly violently parted to both sides like a mountain.

Jiu and You also cried out in pain and pulled their legs out of the sea.

His foot was already covered in blood and there was a big hole in the instep.

At the position of his big toe, Yuan Shouwei was grabbing a foot hair on it, taking advantage of the situation and swinging it up, arriving in front of Jiu Heyou.

The golden vajra in his hand, which had returned to its original shape, flashed with golden light and suddenly stabbed Jiu Heyou in the heart until the handle was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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