Chapter 165
Najiu and You never expected that Yuan Shouwei would be able to fight back in such a situation, and was hit by him unexpectedly.

He only heard him proclaiming the Buddha's name, and the figure of Huanxi Buddha came out from behind him and disappeared.

And Jiu and You also changed into their original appearance, with the upper body like a child and the lower body like a strong man.

At this time, he kept wailing from his mouth and struggled to pull out the vajra from his chest.

But just as he reached halfway, his upper body was blasted into pieces as the golden light of the vajra erupted.

Only two strong thighs were left, falling feebly from the air and landing on the sea.

it's over!
Yuan Shouwei spat several times in a row, and said cursingly:

"What a stinking monk. You should wash your feet and almost smoke me to death."

While speaking, Long Yu was already taken back.

With a 'click' sound, Najiu and You's two thighs also fell to the ground.

The moment it landed, it suddenly jumped up and jumped to a height of several tens of feet.

As the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, it had disappeared.

No one thought that a man with only two legs left could survive. They were all so surprised that they didn't even have time to stop him.

Guo Xiaoke looked at Yuan Shouwei and urged:

"Taoist Priest, take advantage of his illness to kill him."

Yuan Shouwei looked at the direction in which he disappeared and said in a deep voice:
"He shouldn't die."

"Or it's not time for a decisive battle yet."

And with the departure of Jiu and You, the monks chanting sutras all over Qiuci also seemed to have had their souls sucked out, and sat on the ground, leaving only a pair of skins.

The scarlet all over the ground began to gradually fade, and finally disappeared, revealing the countless people, animals, and objects surrounded by it.

The items all fell to the ground with a clatter, soulless.

The animals also regained consciousness. Looking at the fire not far away, they made various panicked noises and ran away in all directions.

And those Kucha people also regained their senses at this time and hid the evil in their hearts.

He looked at his surroundings in confusion, wondering why he was here.

At this time, suddenly a warning rocket shot into the sky outside the city.

Everyone turned pale.

That was where Kucha soldiers and monks were imprisoned.

Yuan Shouwei said in a deep voice:

"That's not the direction Jiu and You escaped from."

"I guess nothing big will happen."

"I'll go and have a look first."

After saying that, he jumped away and headed towards the city gate.

And Guo Xiaoke immediately began to organize people to rush to the city gate.

Wu Fu and Zhong Qing stayed to take care of the injured Yuan Tiangang, to prevent Jiu and You from trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

At this time, Yuan Shou was already on the city wall with three columns and two columns.

He stared at the place where the prisoners were guarded.

I saw fire everywhere, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

Moreover, Guo Xiaoke only arranged for 1000 men and horses to guard the prisoners, but judging from the number of torches and the sound of fighting, the number of men and horses must be at least tens of thousands.

Yuan Shouwei jumped directly from the city wall and rushed towards the camp.

But the closer I got to him, the more I felt something was wrong.

The fighting sounds were obviously mostly from the Tang army, but the voices of the Kucha people were very weak.When he got closer, he found that almost everything he saw was filled with Tang troops, each forming a battle circle and surrounding the Kucha people.

what happened?

Could it be that Jiu and You have arranged some big formation here again?
As he ran, he looked at the military flags in the crowd and found that in addition to the Tang Dynasty's military flag, there was also a military flag flapping in the wind.

There is a big word "SHENG" written on it.

It was Sheng Xin, and it was Sheng Xin who brought the Tang army to support.

It came so quickly, I thought they would need another two or three days.

After understanding the situation, Yuan Shouwei stopped running and walked slowly towards the battlefield.

When Kankan arrived near the battlefield, an arrow struck the sand at his feet with the sound of wind.

On the opposite side, Tang Jun shouted:
"Whoever comes and dares to come close will be killed without mercy."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but grit his teeth in amusement, "It's good. Sheng Xin has a good way of leading troops."

Not only can it help suppress rebellions, but it can also help to defend itself in times of crisis.

Yes, he is indeed a great general.

It was not easy for him to just brush his face, so he quickly shouted out the command for Tang Jun today.

After hearing this, several Tang soldiers approached Yuan Shouwei with their swords in hand. When they got closer, the leader couldn't help being shocked.
"It turned out to be the Taoist priest, but his subordinates didn't know it and were offended."

After he finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee. When the soldiers behind him saw that it was Yuan Shouwei, they also knelt down to apologize.

It turned out that because of the experiences in Loulan Ghost Town and Luntai, these soldiers regarded Yuan Shou as a god. Now that they knew it was him who was blocking them, they were naturally frightened.

Yuan Shouwei quickly bowed in return, saying that he did not dare to bear the burden. He helped several people up and asked what happened inside.

Tang Jun, who was in charge, told him.

Those Kucha monks attempted to escape from prison and instigated Kucha soldiers who did not dare to take action.It is said that the Tang army killed all the Kucha soldiers guarding the city. If they don't rebel, it will be their turn in the next wave.

Because there are so many of them, it is really difficult to deal with them once they gain momentum.

The Tang army had no choice but to send a distress signal, hoping that the army in the city could provide support.

But something unexpected happened. Before the support from the city arrived, a group of Tang troops came from the north.

After the two sides met, the leading General Sheng Xin was not polite and immediately took over the command and asked everyone to start suppressing.

With the effort of "嘁婷偓偓", the problem has almost been solved, and now we are picking up the pieces.

After Yuan Shouwei listened, he kept nodding and admired Sheng Xin's decisiveness even more.

As he spoke, he was already inside the military camp.

Just looking inside the military camp, the torches were shining brightly like daylight.

A strong smell of blood came out of the camp, and many Kucha soldiers fell to the ground.

Some of them have lost their voices and are obviously dead.

Some were seriously injured and were wailing and begging desperately, asking the Tang army to save them, completely forgetting that they had killed the Tang army just now.

At this time, Tang Jun was just standing guard, no one paid any attention to them, and he was obviously very angry.

Most of the Tang soldiers were helping their injured comrades treat their wounds, or helping their comrades to the doctor's tent for timely treatment.

There are also soldiers who are cleaning the battlefield, removing weapons and collecting corpses.
There was a man standing in the middle of the camp. Although he was not tall, he was full of momentum and commanded everyone to clean up the mess.

It was Sheng Xin.

He looked at Yuan Shouwei coming over and took another look in disbelief. Then he rushed forward overjoyed, grabbed Yuan Shouwei's arms, and shouted excitedly:
"Taoist Master, are you okay? That's great, that's great."

"I'm preparing to go into the city to support you."

"What's the situation in the city now?"

(End of this chapter)

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