Chapter 166
Seeing such Shengxin, Yuan Shouwei felt angry and warm in his heart, and said with a smile:

"It's all settled."

Then he explained the matter briefly.

Although it was simple, Sheng Xin was frightened when he heard it and said repeatedly:

"The Taoist priest is indeed a man of God. He always turns the tide at critical moments."

Yuan Shouwei smiled and said politely, and asked how they came here so quickly.
Sheng Xinwen heard this and said carelessly:
"That's a little too slow."

"If it weren't for the purpose of killing those Turkic wolves, I would have been able to join you in attacking Kucha."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but be surprised after hearing this.

"Didn't you say that there are only some Turkic wanderers harassing Yi Ning?"

Sheng Xin nodded,

"There were only two to three thousand people."

"But do you still remember the rescue of Yumen Pass?"

Yuan Shouwei was puzzled and said:

"Of course I remember, but after I dispersed them, I lost my strength and passed out. I don't know the rest of the situation."

"Why, are they going to Yining too?"

Sheng Xin smiled and said:

"It's not just them. You killed them that time and you were so scared that you didn't dare to stay near Loulan anymore, so you went to Hami instead."

"But who knew that as soon as they arrived in Hami, they heard that you had killed many Turkic wanderers here. They were so scared that they did not dare to stay there."

"We called friends all the way to Yining's trade route. Along the way, a few of them gathered five or six thousand people."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but be shocked.
"It turned out to be my fault."

"Then plus the Turks near Yining, there are almost tens of thousands of people, right?"

"This is not a small force."

Sheng Xin quickly said:

"Taoist priest, if your legs are on their legs, what does it have to do with you?"

"However, facing so many people, we don't have an advantage in numbers, and it's indeed not easy to handle."

Although Yuan Shouwei didn't know much about sergeants, he could still understand 1:VS:1 and 5000 people:VS:10000 people. He asked curiously:
"Then how did you defeat them?"

A cold glint flashed in Sheng Xin's eyes,
"Later, Yining's commander-in-chief Jiang Xinyi and I worked together to invite you to the urn and find a way to annihilate them all and let everyone rest for a few days."

"Jiang Xin asked his soldiers to pretend to be a large caravan and entered Yining City. Then he spread the word to the outside world and asked the caravan to trade on the spot."

"This made the Turks outside the city anxious. They also lacked organization, so they launched a chaotic attack on Yining City."

Yuan Shou is enlightened,
"Then you made dumplings for them from behind?"

Sheng Xin laughed,

"Hahaha, more than [-] Turks were beheaded in one battle."

"This is simply a lost achievement."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Congratulations to General Sheng for your great achievement."

"This kind of strategy is comparable to that of Huo Qubing in the Han Dynasty."

Sheng Xinwen quickly waved his hands after hearing this.
"The Taoist Master is very complimentary. How can my contribution be compared with that of General Huo Qubing?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard someone talking behind him.

"5000 people were beheaded in one battle, and the Turks were frightened by the news."

"He came non-stop to support Kucha. Let me tell you, General Sheng is no worse than Na Huo Qubing."

Sheng Xin turned around and saw Guo Xiaoke in the distance looking at the two of them with a smile.

He also hurried over to salute and said:
"The last general's support is late, please forgive me." Guo Xiaoke grabbed his arm, stopped him from saluting, and said with emotion:

"Sheng Xin, we are all brothers, please stop saying polite words."

"If you hadn't rushed to our rescue in time, I'm afraid our lives would have been in danger."

"To say the least, I was too careless."

Sheng Xin still finished the military salute in a formal manner and said seriously:
"I have heard from the Taoist Priest about everything in Kucha City."

"The situation in the city is changing rapidly, so it is natural to have more soldiers for defense."

"If I had followed the general's idea, maybe I would have killed all these people."

"General Guo actually divided his troops to guard. This broad-mindedness is really admirable to the general."

While he was talking, soldiers had already come over to ask Sheng Xin. The suppression had been completed and all the prisoners had been taken into custody again. What should be done?

Sheng Xin looked directly at Guo Xiaoke and said:

"How to deal with the prisoners, please give me instructions from the general."

Guo Xiaoke did not reply immediately. Instead, he picked up the list of those killed on his side and looked at it. He frowned and said:

"The person who is the mastermind of the rebellion will be detained incommunicado and beheaded in public in Kucha City tomorrow."

"All the rest of the people's property will be confiscated, and they and their families will be moved to the customs for immigration processing."

After saying this, even Yuan Shouwei felt that Guo Xiaoke was indeed an open-minded person.

Although he is a monk, he is also a swordsman.

Don’t you see, every time the country is in trouble, some Taoist disciples will go down to save the country and the country and do their little bit.

He also felt that there was nothing wrong with killing the Kucha soldiers guarding the city.

After all, they were the ones who caused the death of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, and not killing them was not enough to scare the younger generation.

Instead of killing other soldiers and monks, he divided his troops to guard them. In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see Guo Xiaoke's benevolence and righteousness.

I just hate that these prisoners don't know what is good or bad, um, they don't know how to live or die.

When it comes to dealing with their rebellion, Guo Xiaoke still has no impulse and kills indiscriminately.

This kind of arrangement will not only completely make those scofflaws have no desire to rebel.

At the same time, it can also provide a lot of manpower to Datang.

After all, the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty left this land with a population of less than 2000 million.

Seeing Guo Xiaoke and Sheng Xin handling military affairs, Yuan Shouwei couldn't interfere, so he went to the military camp to help the doctors treat the wounded.

The doctor in the military camp was Sheng Xin who came from Gaochang. During the rat period, Yuan Shou was not afraid of these things, so he was naturally on the front line in everything.

And I also give advice to doctors and others, saying that half a teacher is not too much, so they are very respected by everyone.

When the doctor saw him coming, he hurriedly saluted, but Yuan Shouwei stopped him and asked to treat the disease with him.

How dare the doctor be different? He immediately stood aside respectfully and watched Yuan Shouwei treat illnesses and save lives.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but laugh when he saw this. He saw that there were many injured people waiting for treatment inside and outside the tent, including many Kucha people, so he asked him to go outside to treat the Kucha people.

While he was undergoing diagnosis and treatment, Guo Xiaoke and Sheng Xin came in and asked him to go and rest quickly.

Yuan Shouwei refused, so the two had no choice but to give up.

While he was busy, he saw the tent door lifted, and Wu Fu and Zhong Qing walked in with smiles.

He looked up at the two with a smile and asked:

"Why did you come here?"

Then he looked sideways at Wu Fu and said softly:
"Go back and rest quickly."

"How many times have I told you that staying up late is not good for girls' health and makes them age easily."

(End of this chapter)

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