Chapter 167 Three Flowers Gathering Spirits
Wu Fu said with a smile:

"It's okay. Anyway, I've seen my old self. It's pretty good. My charm is still there."

"There are not many wounded over there, and you still use that, it has helped them stop the bleeding, it's easy to deal with."

"I heard someone said you were busy here, so we came over to help. We also brought a dozen doctors from Kucha with us."

Yuan Shouwei was surprised.
"Do the doctors in Kucha know how to treat patients?"

"Besides, I don't feel comfortable letting them show it to our people."

Zhongqing next to him pointed outside and said:

"Princess Huizhi Lanxin has already thought of this."

"She only asked those Kucha doctors to treat Kucha prisoners."

"Free up our doctors to treat our own people, so it can be done faster."

While they were talking, several doctors had already entered the military tent. When they saw Yuan Shouwei, they quickly bowed and saluted.

Yuan Shouwei also thought Wu Fu's idea was a good one, so he looked at the two of them and said:
"Then Wu Fu, you go and rest."

"The rest of the wounded are just me and Zhongqing and the others."

After hearing this, Zhongqing rolled his eyes. This is blatant unfair treatment, and this is blatant preference for girls over boys.

Wu Fu looked at the wounded in the tent, shook his head and said:
"Brother Yuan Shouwei, let's go together so that we can rest early."

Naturally, Yuan Shouwei couldn't resist Wu Fu, so he reluctantly agreed.

Others in the tent also heard their conversation. The doctors obviously speeded up their diagnosis and treatment, and the soldiers' moans became much quieter.

Soon, all the wounded had been treated.

Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu also came out of the military tent, and when they looked at the sky, there was already a dim light.

Everyone rode their horses, chatted and laughed all the way back to the camp in the city, and rested themselves.

When Yuan Shouwei woke up, it was already past afternoon.

After he got up and washed himself, he left the camp and saw that there were not many people in the camp.

When the soldiers on duty standing at his door saw him coming out, they immediately gave him a standard military salute.

"The young one has met the Taoist priest and thanks him for saving his life."

Yuan Shouwei smiled and looked back at him, asking:
"Where have all the people in this military camp gone?"

Everyone who had seen Yuan Shouwei fighting yesterday worshiped him as a god. Hearing this, he quickly replied:
"Taoist Priest, some of them went to the Kucha Palace to settle their property. Some went to the minister's house in Kucha to settle their property. Some went to the major temples in Kucha City to settle their property."

"There are still some people led by the general, who are preparing to kill those who escaped from prison yesterday in front of the Kucha Palace."

"When I left, the general gave special instructions. The Taoist priest worked too hard yesterday. He asked you to sleep a little longer and sent me to guard here."

Yuan Shouwei nodded after hearing this and ordered with a smile:
"Everyone has worked hard. Then I'll get up, and you can go and rest for a while."

After saying that, after asking about Yuan Tiangang's military camp, he took the white monk's robe seized from Jiu Hesi and walked forward to visit.

After arriving at the place, I saw soldiers guarding the door and asked Yuan Tiangang who was in the military tent and Taoist Master Zhongqing was also there.

He said hello and entered the military tent.

Yuan Tiangang and Zhongqing were meditating and adjusting their breaths. When they heard Yuan Shouwei's greeting, they got up to greet them.

Yuan Shouwei saw that Yuan Tiangang's face was not only slightly pale, but he was still in good spirits.

He asked with concern:
"Brother Tiangang, how is your recovery?"

Yuan Tiangang smiled and said:
"It's just an injury that was backlashed when breaking the formation. I basically recovered completely after a night's rest."

Yuan Shouwei was a little worried. After reaching out to take his pulse, he felt that his inner breath was still a little disordered, but the hidden disease had been eliminated.Then he took a deep breath and said:

"The inner breath is somewhat disordered, but it's not a big problem. I still need to practice for a few more days."

Then he asked Yuan Tiangang to stick out his tongue and look at it, and then said:

"It's not that I'm afraid of the backlash from breaking the formation. It's just that this is the first time I've used this method of dispersing spirits. I'm really afraid of causing irreparable damage to your body." Yuan Tiangang said with a carefree smile:

"It doesn't matter. If you didn't lure Najiu and You down at that time, you wouldn't be able to deal with him."

Zhongqing was curious and asked:

"Loose spirit?"

"Tianshi, are you saying that the method you used to defeat Jiu Heyou's servants yesterday was taught to you by Yuan Shouwei?"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and said:
"It's not the method, it's Yuan Shouwei who temporarily lent me part of his spiritual energy."

"This way I can defeat the golden bull and the boy and girl."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat them with my own magic power."

Zhongqing couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said:
"Our Quanzhen sect also has this method, it's called Three Flowers Gathering Spirits."

"But I heard that you need extremely advanced mana cultivation to do it."

"I didn't expect that fellow Taoist Yuan Shouwei could do it at such a young age."

At this moment, I heard someone speaking at the door:

"Uncle Tiangang, are Yuan Shouwei and the others inside?"

After the soldier at the door replied, the tent door was lifted and Wu Fu came in from the outside.

After entering the door and seeing them, he clapped his little hands and said with a smile:

"I knew you were all here."

"I went to Yuan Shouwei's place, and the soldier on duty said that Yuan Shouwei was here."

"I just remembered that Uncle Tiangang is still injured, so I came over quickly to take a look."

Seeing her smiling like a flower, everyone's mood improved inexplicably.

Yuan Tiangang smiled and joked:
"So you're here to see Yuan Shouwei and want to see me by the way?"

Wu Yan rolled his eyes and said:
"Yes. I just came to see Yuan Shouwei."

"Yuan Shouwei will definitely give you a diagnosis and treatment."

"I'm just coming over to see if I need to prepare some medicine for you. If you need it, I'll boil it now."

Yuan Tiangang smiled and motioned for her to sit down and said:

"You know our princess won't favor one over the other."

Wu Fu naturally sat next to Yuan Shouwei and asked:
"What are you talking about?"

Zhongqing hurriedly opened his mouth to recount what happened just now, and Wu Yan said with a face of sudden realization:

"I asked why Yuan Shouwei never came out. It turns out he was trying to lure Jiu and You down."

Yuan Shouwei said:

"Another reason is that I need to recover some spiritual power."

"Although we use the vajra to move the time forward a little, we are still no match for Jiu Heyou who transformed into the Buddha of Joy."

"Only by letting the Heavenly Master try to force out his trump cards can I complete the final blow."

After hearing this, Zhongqing couldn't help but feel shocked and quickly said:

"Then if he makes a comeback in the future, he will definitely not be fooled. Can we be his opponent then?"

Yuan Tiangang smiled and explained:
"According to Yuan Shouwei and I's observation, Jiu and You should have two things to rely on."

"One is this "Sen Luo Vientiane Formation". He can rely on this to transform into a happy Buddha. And his two legs should also be a magic weapon."

"Now that the formation has been broken, he himself has been seriously injured. He will definitely not be here in a short time."

(End of this chapter)

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