Chapter 168
Wu Fu thought of yesterday's battle and said with lingering fear:
"Then quickly send someone to investigate his whereabouts, and we will take advantage of his illness to kill him."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:

"General Guo made arrangements yesterday."

"In addition, I suspect that the three brothers Jiu and You have something to do with the Locust God."

After hearing this, the expressions of the three people couldn't help but become solemn, and Yuan Tiangang said seriously:

"Did you find any definite clues, Yuan Shouwei?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:

"There is no clear evidence, but several of their magical weapons finally fled to the northwest. Including Jiu and You this time, they also went in that direction."

"The place they went to is also in the direction of Broken Leaf City. I vaguely feel that there should be some connection between them."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but perked up, and Wu Fu said excitedly:
"Are you saying that this Locust God is the work of Jiu Heyou and the others?"

Yuan Shouwei said:
"We still need to investigate some clues."

"I'm going to find the King of Kucha, the ministers and the monks in the afternoon."

"Wu Fu, you will come with me then."

Wu Fu quickly nodded in agreement, and then said:

"If Jiu and You are related to the Locust God, we will find a way to get rid of them together."

"If not, we will get rid of Jiu and You first, and then get rid of the Locust God."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei also took out the white monk's robe at this time, handed it to Yuan Tiangang and said:
"Brother Tiangang, this monk's robe is definitely a magic weapon."

"But how to use it, I still haven't figured out."

"You are well-informed, help me take a look."

Yuan Tiangang was pleased, touched his three strands of long beard, and said with a smile:

"Yuan Shouwei, you really have a good sense."

After taking it over and looking at it for a long time, he choked out another sentence:

"It's very troublesome, I'm afraid I have to think about it carefully."

Everyone laughed.

Yuan Shouwei comforted him and said:

"It's not in a hurry."

"It's important that you take your time to recuperate."

"Besides, it will take us a few days to investigate."

After chatting for a while, everyone left Yuan Tiangang's military tent and headed to the imperial palace in Qiuci City.

Along the way, I saw many Tang Jun escorting groups of people to go in that direction.

Zhongqing was curious and pulled a soldier to ask.

Only then did I realize that after what happened last night, the people in the entire Qiuci City hated and feared the Tang Army.

The hatred is that the Tang army has destroyed their faith.

Many of them watched Jiu Heyou being beaten by the mighty King Deming until only two thighs were left.

What I'm afraid of is that they basically participated in the attack on Tang Jun yesterday, whether actively or passively, in short they participated.

Today, the Tang army asked them to gather in the square in front of the palace. Could it be that they were planning to kill them all.

But if they didn't go, the knife would be placed on their necks, and everyone ultimately chose to obey.

It's just that everyone can't help feeling uneasy.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It was really unfounded worries.

The Tang Dynasty is planning to incorporate this place into its territory, so it will definitely not kill them all.

Otherwise, it will be really difficult to win the hearts and minds of the people.

Thinking of this, he was very curious about Guo Xiaoke's performance in the palace, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.Not long after the meeting, we had already arrived at the place. Wherever we looked, there were densely packed people standing there, at least tens of thousands of people.

He didn't disturb Guo Xiaoke either, instead he found a soldier at random, and by brushing his face, he found a high place to watch.

In the main hall in front of the palace, Yanchi spread out a row of seats, and there was a person sitting in the middle, it was Guo Xiaoke.

In addition to Sheng Xin, there are also many important generals in the army.

King Kucha, on the other hand, sat at the bottom with a gloomy face, guarded by two soldiers behind him.

Guo Xiaoke looked up at the sun and felt that it was almost time, so he signaled that it was time to start.

So some soldiers began to yell at the people below to be quiet. Within a moment of burning incense, almost everyone quieted down.

Guo Xiaoke also stood in the center of the hall and began to speak loudly.

First of all, it is to say how well Datang treats Kucha, but Kucha doesn't know what is good or bad.

He always intends to rebel, and often pretends to be a horse thief to intercept and kill various caravans, and also encourages Gaochang to rebel.

After repeated investigations, we learned that all this had nothing to do with King Kucha.

It was all the fault of Master Jiu and You and his men, and had nothing to do with the King of Qiuci or the people.

Therefore, the Tang army will only deal with the chief culprits and will not cause any embarrassment to the people. Everyone can just continue to live their lives.

As for what happened yesterday, just punish the culprit and leave others alone.

After saying this, the translator beside him loudly translated it in Kucha dialect.

After hearing this, many people in Kucha below were very happy. It is best not to worry about life now.

After a while, Guo Xiaoke continued to speak.

Considering the losses that everyone suffered in the war, it was decided to exempt Kucha from the corvee and not have to pay taxes for three years.

In addition, the Tang Dynasty will build a commercial street in Qiuci City, allowing the caravans of the Tang Dynasty to trade here, and they will also be tax-free for three years.

Kucha merchants who go to Datang for trade can be exempted from paying [-]% of the tax for three years.

After hearing this, the people in Qiuci below suddenly became excited.

Because of the geographical location, at least half of the ten households in Kucha are engaged in caravan business.

Even if it is not a caravan business, there will definitely be people working in the caravan.

As soon as this condition was announced, there was an outpouring of thanksgiving from below, and some people even prostrated themselves on the ground, saying long live your Majesty.

Guo Xiaoke looked at the excited crowd below and secretly rejoiced.

"This is something your Majesty has thought carefully about."

"As long as the people get benefits, they don't care who your ruler is."

He raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued.

For the sake of normal order in Kucha City, King Kucha continued to be his king.

Including other officials in Kucha City, as long as they are not on the same terms as Jiu and Youkenghe, they will continue to serve.

And taking into account everyone's religious beliefs and living habits, the temple can still operate normally, and the monks will still be the same monks.

Including the host, there was a highly respected eminent monk named Tuxiu recommended by all the monks.

The people in Qiuci below were talking a lot again, saying that the Tang Dynasty was indeed a great country. Look at their magnanimity.

Others say that Tuxiu was also an eminent monk of the generation, no worse than Najiu and Youyou.
Only Wu Fu chuckled after hearing this.

Zhongqing was confused and quickly asked.

Wu Fu said softly:

"If my prediction is correct. Guo Xiaoke's actions were all taught to him by His Majesty before he came here."

"The position of King Kucha and those ministers will definitely remain unchanged, but they will only be puppets."

"As for the joint recommendation of the monks, I believe that the one named 'The Monks' is Guo Xiaoke."

Only then did Zhongqing realize.

(End of this chapter)

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