Chapter 169

After saying this, Guo Xiaoke saw that the mood of the people below had relaxed a lot, and then he shouted,
"Come on, bring up those who conspired to rebel yesterday."

Soon a group of Tang troops brought up more than ten monks and Kucha soldiers who were tied up with five-flowered hair.

Guo Xiaoke said loudly:

"It has been found out that the monks who conspired to rebel outside the city yesterday were Yayoi, Mile, and Michen."

"Everyone else on stage is an accomplice."

After hearing this, there began to be commotion below.

Someone yelled below:
"Master Yayoi is merciful to all living beings, and he does good deeds to accumulate virtue. How can he be a rebel?"

Others shouted:
"This bullshit rebellion is because you Tang Dynasty people occupied our land and framed us for rebellion."

"We will fight hard for them. We are determined not to be slaves to the subjugation of our country."

A stern look flashed in Guo Xiaoke's eyes on the stand, and at the same time he swung his hand down fiercely.

Just look at the high platform built next to it, the archers raised and lowered their arrows, and they had already killed several people who shouted the loudest.

As soon as the arrow was shot, the people below were in chaos. I was afraid that if this continued, there would be chaos.

Yuan Shouwei was about to turn over and go down to help, but Wu Fu grabbed him and said:
"Yuan Shou is my brother, you don't have to worry about it."

"Guo Xiaoke must have been prepared long ago, he is trying to establish his prestige."

Before he finished speaking, a distant sound of a horn horn was heard.

Many people know that this is the sound of preparing to attack.

With the sound of horns, groups of Tang troops armed with crossbows, spears and shields poured out from around the square.

They shouted in unison:

"Squat down. Those who cause trouble will be killed."

At this time, the Kucha people were already in chaos, and with the instigation of someone inside, they immediately ran out in a chaotic manner.

The crossbowmen in the front row were not polite, and fired a volley at the rushing crowd, and then the shieldmen rushed to the front, blocking the chaotic crowd.

The spearman in the gap between the shield hands immediately thrust out a sharp spear, instantly piercing the Kucha people who were rushing at the front.

At the same time, they were still shouting:

"Squat down. Those who cause trouble will be killed."

The mixture of screams, roars, and the pungent smell of blood can make people crazy and shudder.

Accompanied by the bloody suppression, after the final impulse of the Kucha people, most of them calmed down and began to squat on the ground according to Tang Jun's orders.

The situation was finally brought under control.

Guo Xiaoke, who was above the main hall, looked at the farce in the audience expressionlessly and said:

"Bring me the bodies of the original troublemakers."

Soon there were soldiers stepping on the wet blood under their feet, passing through the crowd and carrying the bodies of those people to the temple.

Guo Xiaoke pointed to the corpses and said to the monk named Yayoi:

"Come here and see, do you recognize these people?"

The eminent monk named Yayoi was already frightened out of his mind. He stepped forward tremblingly, looked at the trampled bloody corpses and said:

"I know, these are believers in our temple."

Guo Xiaoke's face twitched with a smile, and he pointed at the people in the audience and said to him:

"Say it loudly and let them all hear it. I, Guo Xiaoke, do not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"I can spare you from dying."

After hearing this, Yayoi couldn't help but feel overjoyed, and quickly shouted loudly to the people below.

He shouted more than twenty or thirty times in one breath, and he didn't stop until his voice became hoarse.

Seeing this, Guo Xiaoke nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at the Qiuci people in the audience and said:
"I said I would only behead evil people, and this time there are only three evil people."

After saying that, he pointed his finger at Yayoi, Maile, and Michen.Then he said: "But immediately, some people with ulterior motives jumped out and incited you to make trouble."

"You deserve to die."

When he finished speaking, no one below dared to resist.

Guo Xiaoke pointed at Yayoi again and said:
"But my words must count."

"If I tell Yayoi to spare him, I will definitely spare him."

"Come here, chop this Mi Le and Mi Chen down for me."

Several fierce-looking Tang soldiers had already stepped forward and held down the two people who were struggling desperately.

The heads of the two men were cut off with a clean stroke of the knife.

The blood in the neck cavity gushed out like a fountain, splashing all over the face and body of Yayoi who had narrowly escaped death.

That Yayoi was so frightened that she kept screaming, and retreated back and forth with both hands and feet, there was still a trace of the demeanor of an accomplished monk in the past.

As for the accomplices behind them, accompanied by Yayoi's screams, each one of them was so frightened that their faces were as pale as earth and their bodies were like chaff.

Guo Xiaoke looked at them and said:
"I won't kill you, but I want you to watch today's scene."

"If you dare to rebel again in the future, I will not only kill you, but also your entire family."

Those accomplices did not expect that Guo Xiaoke would really let them go, and they were all extremely sad and happy, showing their ugliness in the world.

Guo Xiaoke stopped paying attention to them, turned to look at the Qiuci people in the audience and said:
"Through what happened today, I want you to remember that you are no longer from Kucha."

"He is from the Tang Dynasty. He is from the Tang Dynasty, the first empire in the world."

"Those who follow our Datang Dynasty will live, and those who go against our Datang Dynasty will die."

The Tang soldiers below were already excited by what they heard. They raised their weapons and shouted:

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!!"

"Wan Sheng!!!"

All the Kucha people could no longer think of resisting.

Looking at the bloody scene in front of him, Yuan Shouwei couldn't bear it and murmured to himself:

"I didn't expect this old Guo to be quite ruthless."

On the other hand, Wu Yan is calm and composed,

"Compassion cannot lead an army, and righteousness cannot lead an army."

"If Guo Xiaoke didn't do this, it wouldn't be enough to completely scare these Kucha people."

"It seems that there are a lot of people killed now, but the people in Kucha will definitely be very obedient in the future. This is not a bad thing."

Yuan Shouwei sighed softly,
"He has completely broken the backbone of the Kucha people."

At this moment, Guo Xiaoke had already finished arranging things. He asked the soldiers to let the people of Qiuci leave and clean up the place.

Yuan Shou came over after finishing watching Guo Xiaoke for them.

Zhongqing looked at the majestic and murderous Guo Xiaoke and quickly slapped him in the face.
"The general's decisiveness in killing, killing chickens and frightening monkeys is really admirable."

Guo Xiaoke looked around and saw no one around, and quickly explained to the three of them in a low voice:
"All this time, you still don't know me. It's okay for me to go to the battlefield to fight and command. But I'm actually not very good at dealing with these things."

"This was all arranged by His Majesty before coming here. He said that to deal with the barbarians, we must make them love and fear each other."

"In addition, many countries in the Western Region believe in Buddhism. As long as Buddhism is recovered, the remaining things will be much easier to handle."

"Like a king or something, he's either a Buddhist or a puppet."

As soon as the words came to this point, the King of Kucha came over with a pale complexion and left.

Yuan Shouwei was about to look for him. When he saw him coming, he also asked him to wait.

The King of Kucha witnessed Yuan Shouwei's fight against Jiu and You in the barracks yesterday, and he knew that although this Taoist looked kind and kind, he was more difficult to provoke than Guo Xiaoke.

When he saw Yuan Shouwei looking for him, he was trembling with fear and even lost his consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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