Chapter 170 The Temple of Light

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he asked Zhongqing to put a pure heart charm on him, which completely relaxed his mood.

He fearfully took the hot tea handed to him by Wu Fu, and after thanking him repeatedly, he defended carefully:

"Sir, I really have nothing to do with this Imperial Master.

Killing the caravan and instigating Gaochang to rebel were all done by the national division.

Including your coming this time, I mean to open the gate directly to welcome you into the city.

But the National Master has everything under his control, saying that he has already had a plan to annihilate you all.

Alas, I dare not disobey him, otherwise he will definitely kill me. "

Yuan Shouwei looked at the poor man in front of him who looked glamorous but was actually a puppet. He also felt a little pitiful for him and comforted him:

"General Guo has investigated all of your matters, otherwise he wouldn't be taking such good care of you."

"Just tell me about Jiu and You."

King Qiuci felt relieved when he saw Yuan Shouwei's friendly look. He looked at the blood stains on the ground not far away, swallowed hard, and said:

"Our former national master was called Kongqiu, and he came from Tianzhu. My father was still in power at that time.

Master Kongqiu is a true Buddhist who devotes himself to Buddha and has good thoughts in his heart.

He and my father had a very good relationship.

After I succeeded to the throne, Master Kongqiu passed away, and his eldest disciple Jiu Heyou also inherited the position of national master.

Jiu Heyou also has two junior brothers, one named Jiu Heguo, who used to be in Gaochang.

Later, I heard that he was the one who caused the Rat in Gaochang. At that time, Captain Qiao asked us to support him.

I quickly dispatched troops, but I was stopped by the Imperial Preceptor, who said that the rats in Gaochang were the fault of the Buddha.

If we rush to help, the Buddha will definitely take his anger out on us.

I was in a dilemma, so I had no choice but to lie to Captain Qiao, saying that I was intercepted. "

Yuan Shouwei and Wu Yan looked at each other, and this coincided with the fact that Qiuci supported Gaochang back then. It seems that the king was not lying.

King Qiuci didn't dare to look up at them. Naturally, he didn't know what was going on. He just lowered his head and continued talking.

"The Imperial Master also has a junior brother named Jiu Hesi.

I've seen this master before. His spells are as powerful as those of the national master.

But then he suddenly disappeared and I don’t know where he went.

But it seems that he has returned to secular life. Some of us have seen him at Yumen Pass.Not sure what to do specifically. "

It turned out that this was the origin of the three of them, and everyone knew it in their hearts.

Yuan Shouwei then asked:
"Does Jiu Heyou have any connection with Suiye City?"

After thinking about it carefully, King Kucha shook his head and said:

"There should be no connection."

"There are more Turks in Suiye City, and they believe in shamanism. After being defeated by the Tang Dynasty, they seem to have a lot of people who believe in Zoroastrianism."

Yuan Shouwei suddenly remembered what happened at Ximing Temple in Chang'an City, and he couldn't help but be more wary of Suiye City.

Seeing that King Kucha obviously didn't know about this situation, he asked again:

"Then do you know any big red mountains near Broken Leaf City?"

After that, he described the shape of the mountain.

King Qiuci thought deeply and said, "Is this place you are talking about the Flame Mountain?"

"This mountain is located northeast of Suiye City, and the heat is unbearable all year round."

"I heard the national teacher mention it once, saying that it is full of aura and suitable for cultivation. But ordinary people can't stand the environment there."

"I don't know much about the rest."

Yuan Shouwei and the others couldn't help but look at each other, and they all saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

According to this statement, Jiu and You most likely fled there.

Wu Fu couldn't help but asked eagerly:
"Your Highness, do you know who knows the situation in the Flame Mountain better?"

King Kucha shook his head,

"I don't really know who knows."

He thought for a moment and quickly added:
"Perhaps you can go to the temple and ask. Some masters may know something."

Yuan Shouwei thought his suggestion was good, so he thanked him and returned to Guo Xiaoke who was busy nearby.

After a brief exchange of information, Yuan Shouwei asked Guo Xiaoke to arrange some people to go to the homes of various ministers to inquire about Jiu Heyou's situation.

My group went to Guangming Temple, the temple that Jiu Heyou used to preside over.

When we arrived at the entrance of the temple, we saw that the temple door was closed tightly and there was no one in front of it, making it look desolate.

Thinking about it, it's normal. Jiu and You did so many things to stop the Tang army.

Guo Xiaoke did not demolish the temple for them, but also appointed a new abbot for them, which was very polite.

Yuan Shouwei stepped forward to knock on the door, and after a long time, he heard the door creak and opened a crack, a little novice showed his head, glanced at their attire and said:
"There is something going on at Guangming Temple today. All donors, please come and offer incense another day."

After saying that, he was about to close the temple door, but Yuan Shouwei stopped him and said politely:

"Little master, we are members of the Tang Army. We have come to ask Abbot Tuxiu about some matters under the order of General Guo Xiaoke."

After speaking, he showed the military badge on his waist.

After hearing what Yuan Shouwei said, the young novice monk turned pale with fright. He opened the temple door and said nervously:

"Then those military masters should come in quickly. I'll tell the abbot now."

After saying that, after opening the temple door, he didn't bother to lead the way for a few people, and already trotted back. I don't know whether he was scared away or went to report the news.

Yuan Shouwei didn't expect Guo Xiaoke's notoriety to be so terrifying, so he had no choice but to walk inside and thoughtfully closed the temple door again.

Guangming Temple faces south from the north. After entering from the mountain gate, you can see a central axis paved with white stones in the middle.

There are bluestone pavements on both sides. Looking forward, you can only see the first hall is the Tianwang Hall, with a bell tower and a drum tower on both sides of it.

But now, near the mountain gate where Yuan Shouwei and the others were, there was no one to be seen at all, and it was completely silent.

Moreover, you can still smell a faint smell of blood at the end of your nose. There are a lot of dark brown blood stains on the bluestone, which obviously haven't had time to be cleaned.

Looking at it like this, I am afraid that the Tang Army also had some killings here. It is no wonder that the little novice monk was so panicked after seeing them.

The three of them didn't want to stay here any longer and continued walking forward quickly.

After passing through the Main Hall and Guanyin Hall, we arrived at the Dharma Hall, where we heard faint voices.

They looked up, only to see that the area of ​​this dharma hall is second only to the main hall, and there is an east and west side hall on each side.

The door of the Dharma Hall was open, and the sound came from there. You could also see many monks sitting cross-legged inside.

When they got closer, they saw that the newly appointed abbot Tuxiu was sitting on the high platform, talking to them.

(End of this chapter)

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