Chapter 171 It’s all caused by legends

Na Tuxiu heard the footsteps outside and was startled when he looked up and saw Yuan Shouwei and them.

He looked up at them and said:
"I don't know how some of you got into my Guangming Temple?"

The monks in front of him also looked back, only to see that there were about a hundred or so people.

Yuan Shouwei repeated what he had just said to the little novice monk.

Na Tuxiu quickly stood up and went to greet him.
"Since it's an angel visiting, please take a seat in the Sutra Pavilion."

There are also many flattering elements in his words.

After everyone was seated, Yuan Shouwei first asked about the situation of Jiu and You, and what Tuxiu basically said was consistent with what King Qiuci said.

It's just that after Kongqiu passed away, Tuxiu told them that Jiu and You took Kongqiu's body directly to Huoyan Mountain, and they heard that they buried him there.

Yuan Shouwei was delighted to hear this and quickly asked about the specific situation, but Tu Xiu shook his head repeatedly.

Because he was not a close confidant of Jiu Heyou, he only knew so much.

Wu Fu asked unwillingly:

"Abbott, who else in Qiuci City can be regarded as Jiu Heyou's confidant?"

Tu Xiu hesitated and said:

"If there is one, it's Senior Brother Yayoi who was almost killed today."

"It's just that he was too stimulated today, and he will go a little crazy. I'm afraid he won't be able to ask anything."

Zhongqing next to him heard this and said confidently:
"There is nothing that a Pure Heart Talisman cannot solve."

"If anything, two."

"Where is he now?"

Tu Xiu showed a hint of joy and said:

"It's in the monk's room in the backyard. I'll take you there now."

As he spoke, he led everyone to the backyard and brought them to a separate room.

At the door of the room, I heard Yayoi talking to herself inside, constantly talking nonsense.

Tu Xiu didn't knock on the door, just opened the door and walked in. Yuan Shouwei followed closely behind them.

Just look at Yayoi sitting on a futon, facing the wall, chattering incessantly.

Tuxiu looked at him like this, looked at Zhongqing expectantly and said:

"Householder, can this be cured?"

Zhongqing said confidently:
"No problem, he's just overly frightened today."

After saying that, he took out a Pure Heart Charm from his arms and walked around to Yayoi.

Zhongqing, you are really good at hiding private goods. Now I suspect that Yuan Tiangang is working for you. Yuan Shouwei watched Zhongqing take out the talismans one by one, and couldn't help but secretly complain.

Zhongqing attached the talisman to him. In order to prevent Yayoi from tearing the talisman, he held it tightly and recited the Qingxin Mantra.

But Yayoi was completely unaware of his actions and was just minding her own business.

After Tadaqiu finished everything, Yayoi didn't get any better.

Zhongqing was quite embarrassed, looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"This, Yuan Shou is a fellow Taoist, how about you come and give it a try?"

Yuan Shouwei joked:

"How about another one?"

"One Pure Heart Talisman won't do it, but two will definitely do."

Zhongqing understood what Yuan Shouwei meant and quickly explained:

"The conscience of heaven and earth, Master Sanqing is above."

"I really only have these two left. I have to keep this last one as a spare."

"What's more, I have been serving the Heavenly Master all the time, and the Heavenly Master gave it to me, so I can't say I kept it for personal gain."

Yuan Shouwei stopped teasing him and asked him to step aside.

He sat cross-legged in front of Yayoi and began to recite the Sutra of Kindness.

At the beginning, Yayoi didn't react at all, but after Yuan Shouwei appeared behind him, the Happy Buddha appeared.

Just look at Yayoi suddenly sitting upright and prostrating himself on the ground in front of Yuan Shouwei.

"Yayoi paid homage to Onabati, and may the Buddha protect us from the great calamity of this life." It turned out to be fine.

When Tu Xiu next to him saw this, he quickly fell to the ground and followed Yuan Shouwei in chanting sutras.

Yuan Shouwei finished reciting the Sutra of Compassion and saw that Yayoi's eyes were clear, so he stopped reciting this time.

First he spoke to comfort him:

"Master Yayoi, don't panic."

"My visit has nothing to do with military affairs, and I won't do you any harm. Please rest assured."

There was already a hint of lion roaring skill in his words.

After hearing this, Yayoi was also very calm and saluted:
"Thank you, Lord, for saving your life."

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he opened his mouth and said:

"It's a lot of work, what's the point."

"I came here just to ask Master Yayoi, how much do you know about the Flame Mountain?"

Yayoi asked in surprise:
"Why is the donor asking about Flame Mountain?"

Tu Xiu next to him was afraid that he would say something wrong and endanger his life.He quickly spoke:

"Several donors just asked Jiu Heyou what it had to do with the Flame Mountain."

"You must tell everything and don't hide it."

"We can't bring trouble to the temple anymore. We really can't stand the trouble."

Thinking of what happened in the past two days, Yayoi's eyes flashed with pain, and she nodded towards Tuxiu:

"Senior Brother Tuxiu, don't worry. I have experienced life and death and have already realized my enlightenment. From now on, I will only do good deeds towards the Buddha."

Tuxiu put his hands together and said good deeds.

Yayoi looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"When it comes to Flame Mountain, we have to start with a legend."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei subconsciously touched the Xuanyuan Sword at his waist.

Seeing this, Tu Xiu quickly stopped him and said:

"Donor, you must not do this."

Yuan Shouwei stretched his hand to his waist, scratched it a few times, and then pretended to be surprised and asked:
"Abbott, my waist is itchy, why not scratch it?"

Seeing this, Tu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief and said repeatedly:
"I misunderstood."

You didn't misunderstand, it's just that I used my acting skills to cover up my embarrassment.

You can't blame me for this. It's all caused by legends. Whenever I hear legends, I reflexively think that I'm going to fight.
Yuan Shouwei complained silently and said to Yayoi:

"Master, please continue."

Yayoi followed the words and continued.

Legend has it that there is an evil dragon in the north of the Flame Mountain, which eats virgins and boys.

In order to eliminate the harm and bring peace to the people, the local supreme ruler Shattok Bukhara Khan sent Hala and Zhuo to subdue the evil dragon.

After a thrilling fierce battle, the evil dragon was killed by Hala and Zhuo in the northeast of Broken Leaf City.

After the dragon died, its blood stained the entire mountain red. In addition, its blood was extremely hot and hot, so it was called the Flame Mountain.

This legend is different from the version I heard. Could it be that the fire was caused by the stove of my Sanqing Patriarch?

Well, this legend can be regarded as clearing up the grievances of the ancestors for thousands of years. Yuan Shouwei asked while thinking:
"Master, what does this Flame Mountain have to do with Jiu Heyou?"

Yayoi continued:

"After Master Kongqiu passed away, brothers Jiu and You took his body to the Flame Mountain, and I went with them.

The weather there is very special, one day is a cycle of four seasons, but it is still dominated by heat, it is extremely hot at noon, and there is no human habitation for thousands of miles.

We arrived at the west mountain. The cliffs on that side were densely packed with caves, some were straight, some were vertical, some were large, some were small.

The shallow cave can be seen to the bottom at a glance, while the large cave is bottomless. The entrance is probably bigger than Guangming Temple.

Moreover, many caves are carved with statues of Buddha. This also makes me very surprised. Who would carve Buddha statues here? What is the use of carving them here?
I asked Jiu and You, and he told me that Buddha sent a mountain god to carve it.

He said that Master Kongqiu would be buried in the sky, and then his brothers took the body directly into the deepest cave and came out after a day.

He told us waiting outside that things were done, and we came back later. "

(End of this chapter)

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