Chapter 172 The Compass and Monk Clothes

Yuan Shouwei frowned and thought for a moment, then said:

"Master, apart from these, have you found other places that are special or have abundant spiritual energy?"

After hearing Yuan Shouwei's reminder, Yayoi immediately said:
"Yes. The moment Jiu and You came out, the cave burst out with huge spiritual energy, but it was fleeting."

"The donor wants me not to mention it, I'm afraid I'll forget about it."

This is different from what King Qiuci said. Jiu Heyou told him that the Flame Mountain is full of spiritual energy.

But Yayoi went there personally and only saw the spiritual energy bursting out.

I'm afraid there should be some connection between the two.

Is it possible that Jiu and You used some means to cover up their spiritual energy?

While Yuan Shouwei was thinking, Yayoi spoke again:

"There are two other differences."

"One is that the carving on the cave does not look like Buddha, but looks like an animal. I can't tell what it is specifically."

"In addition, before Jiu and You came out, several locusts appeared. At that time, I was a little curious, how could there be locusts in such a hot place? How did they survive?"

Flame Mountain, strange carvings, locusts, doves and sorrows
All these clues can already confirm that the Flame Mountain is their destination this time.

Yuan Shouwei suppressed the joy in his heart and asked a few more questions. Seeing that Yayoi really didn't know anything else, he said goodbye and left.

After leaving Guangming Temple, Wu Fu said excitedly:
"Yuan Shouwei, is this the place we are looking for?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at the sun that had already set to the west, and couldn't hide his joy, and said with a smile:

"It's close to ten, don't worry, let's wait for the news from the general."

The group returned to the military camp. After returning to the entrance of Yuan Shouwei's camp, the soldier guarding the entrance reported:

"Taoist Master, the Heavenly Master is looking for you. He asked you to go to his place after you come back."

Yuan Shouwei also wanted to tell Yuan Tiangang about these investigations, but he went happily.

After meeting Yuan Tiangang, his expression showed a hint of excitement and he said to everyone:
"Everyone, although I haven't figured out how to use this white monk's robe, I have found a key clue."

"A clue related to the Flame Mountain and Jiu Heyou."

Everyone was also curious and urged him to tell him quickly.

Just watch Yuan Tiangang throw the white monk's clothes on the ground, take out his compass, and start to determine the direction.

After the compass needle turned around, it suddenly pointed to the northwest position.

Wu Fu was a little puzzled and asked doubtfully:
"Uncle Tiangang, the compass is broken again?"

"You mean that this monk's robe can destroy the direction of the compass needle just like the maze forest?"

Yuan Tiangang was so angry that he didn't explain it. He just asked people to take the monk's robes out and showed everyone the compass, only to see that the compass had returned to normal.

Zhongqing nodded and said:
"The princess is right, this monk's robe can indeed destroy the compass."

For these two people who insulted his precious compass, Yuan Tiangang directly chose to ignore, but looked at Yuan Shouwei earnestly and said:
"Did you notice anything different?"

Yuan Shouwei combined the results of his divination with what Yayoi said just now and blurted out:
"Brother Tiangang, do you mean that the compass can determine the origin of this monk's robe?"

"Its source is Suiye City or Flame Mountain."

Yuan Tiangang felt very relieved, stroked his beard and praised:

"Those who know me, Yuan Shou is a Taoist friend."

Yuan Shouwei fell into deep thought again at this time. If the monk's robe came from the Flame Mountain, it actually doesn't mean anything.

It’s just who has worn it or made it.

He felt that this clue was actually of little significance compared to the results of their investigation.

Or is there any potential unknown information?

At this moment, a soldier spoke at the door:
"Taoist priests, the general is asking you to come over to the tent."

"You said you gave me clues about the investigation."

After everyone heard this, they quickly went to the camp together.

Yuan Tiangang put his precious compass in his arms and struggled to get up to go with everyone.Yuan Shouwei saw that he was still in good health, so he didn't stop him.

After arriving at the big tent, there were only two other people in the tent besides Guo Xiaoke.

Judging by their attire, one is an official from Kucha, and the other should be an ordinary citizen.

Greetings from both parties.

Guo Xiaoke said:

"Taoist Priest, I have already arranged for people to interview all the officials in Qiuci."

"Except for the two of them, I didn't get any useful information from anyone else."

"I'll call them here, and you will ask them yourself, so that you can ask them clearly."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and asked the two of them to tell them what they knew.

The official spoke first,
It was said that his family had some business dealings with Suiye City.

And this summer, when the aura of the Huoyan Mountain was overflowing, the Turkic people in Suiye City even guarded it to prevent outsiders from entering.

According to rumors, it is said that the evil dragon has been resurrected.

Aura overflowing?Dragon resurrection?
Could it be Jiu Heyou's fault?
Yuan Shouwei was a little confused, but he still thanked the official.

The common man was an old man with white beard and hair, and the information he provided was quite simple.

It is more accurate to say that it is information than it is a legend.

But fortunately, the old man was a real person and did not say the word "legend".This directly prevented Yuan Shouwei from going crazy again.

The old man was a servant of another Kucha official’s family. When he was a child, he heard his grandfather say,

When his grandfather was young, one year, overwhelming locusts came from Tianzhu, and later they all disappeared into the Flame Mountain without a trace.

Everyone said that it was Buddha who killed the locusts.

Just because it has been so long ago and the locusts did not cause disaster, there are only a few people who know about it.

But after Yuan Shouwei heard this, his mind sparkled like electric sparks, and he connected a lot of information together in an instant.

First of all, part of the information about the old man is true.

The locusts came from Tianzhu, and instead of disappearing, they went to the Flame Mountain. Because there was abundant spiritual energy there, the locusts chose to live there.

The huge cave that Yayoi mentioned is their habitat.

And the statue at the entrance of the cave is the evil dragon that the officials said.

But it was definitely not an evil dragon. Considering the time of the fire in the Tang Dynasty, Yayoi said that there were locusts coming out of the cave.

He was certain that that was the target of his trip: the Locust God.

Thinking again about what Jiu and You did, Jiu and You must have gone to the cave and used the Locust God to hatch a conspiracy.

But what happened to the white monk's clothes? He didn't have a definite answer for the moment, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

After he thought everything through, he thanked the two people again and let them leave.

After they left the military tent, Wu Fu looked at Yuan Shouwei's relaxed brows and couldn't help but ask:

"Yuan Shouwei, have you figured things out?"

Guo Xiaoke also said curiously:

"The information provided by these two people is not really useful, right?"

"To be honest, I felt a little bit mysterious when I heard what they said."

Yuan Shouwei said:

"It's a bit mysterious, but put all this information together."

"I can confirm that Jiu and You went there to find the Locust God."

After finishing speaking, he summarized all the information for everyone, and then expressed his speculation.

Everyone suddenly realized that the situation should be what Yuan Shouwei said.

(End of this chapter)

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