Chapter 173: Trapped in jail, narrowly escaped death

Yuan Tiangang frowned and said:

"So, the clues I deduced have no meaning?"

Old Yuan, I'm not talking about you, your compass is just a piece of shit. Now I seriously doubt that your teacher just gave you something to get rid of you. Yuan Shouwei thought silently in his heart,

But he said comfortingly:
"It's not that it's useless, it's probably just not to that point."

After finishing speaking, he secretly condemned himself:

Yuan Shouwei, you have changed.Ever since you experienced reincarnation in the Loulan Ghost Town, you are no longer the young man who spoke out for justice, but have learned to use white lies.

Yuan Tiangang naturally didn't know what was going on in his mind. After hearing this, he felt very relieved.

Zhongqing looked around at everyone blankly and said:

"Then what should we do next? Kill directly?"

With these words, even Guo Xiaoke glanced at him in disgust and said:
"Know yourself and know the enemy, and you won't be in danger in a hundred battles."

"Naturally, let Yuan Shou do some general calculations first, and then make corresponding preparations."

After saying that, he looked sideways at Yuan Shouwei and said:

"Taoist Priest, who are you planning to tell this time?"

The words are full of eagerness to try.

Yuan Shouwei looked at everyone's expectant eyes and said:
"This matter happened because of me. If I were to predict it for everyone, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to get a full picture."

"So, this time I'm going to predict it for myself."

When everyone heard this, they also nodded in approval, praising Yuan Shouwei that he really put the overall situation first in everything.

Only Yuan Shouwei's heart is bleeding silently. You have no idea what I have lost. It may be a peerless magic weapon, or it may be a peerless skill.

He returned to the camp alone and began to calculate.

The compass leads to the stars.

The Big Dipper moves.

As all the stars entered the compass, the brass pointer slowly stopped.


[The stars at the lower middle level of the three platforms of the Big Dipper are sparse, arranged horizontally, and white in color, indicating the invasion of foreign barbarians. 】

Looking at the result, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but frowned.

Having bad luck is not the worst. Compared with the bad omen, there is still a chance of recovery.

But what does this alien invasion mean?
Jiu Heyou brought the Tianzhu people to invade?
No, I prefer that Dove and You invade by riding locusts.

After Yuan Shou enjoyed his misery, he looked at the large golden characters in the sky.


[Disaster: Trapped in jail, narrowly escaped death]

[Jie Gua Reward: None]

[Resolving bad omens: No reward]

Stingy divination chart, I made the calculation for myself just to take into account the overall situation, why don’t you consider my high moral integrity as appropriate?
Yuan Shouwei complained while looking at the heavenly map in the sky.

I directly passed the first two lines and focused on the small movie in the third line.

first screen.

The red mountains are red for thousands of miles.

The four of them were now standing at the entrance of the big cave that Yayoi had mentioned.

There is a huge sculpture carved above the entrance of the cave, very abstract and very ugly.

Yuan Shouwei looked at it for a long time but couldn't figure out what it was.

Jiu and You stood in the air at the entrance of the cave.

Behind him is an unfathomable dark cave.

This old bald donkey always flies in the air every time he appears. He is simply more popular than his junior brother.By the way, when can I get a flying magic weapon and burn a bunch of it?
Yuan Shouwei continued to watch while thinking.

He and Jiu Heyou immediately fought with each other, and soon he killed Jiu and You, defeated them, and fled into the cave.

Just when he was considering whether to follow in, he suddenly saw overwhelming locusts rushing out of the hole.

Moreover, these locusts had sharp teeth and sharp mouths, and their compound eyes were red, and they rushed towards him.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this. He clearly felt that these locusts could eat people.

Yuan Shou fought hard for them. Fortunately, the Five Elements Talisman was useful and he was able to contain the locust attack.

But at this moment, Yuan Shouwei suddenly found that Yuan Tiangang and the others looked a little confused.

At the same time, the cicada at the entrance of the cave began to spit out resentment again.

The scene ends here.These locusts obviously have some kind of spiritual attack.

I can go over and kill this cicada chrysalis first.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the second picture while thinking.

He was reciting the Sutra of Mercy to wake up Yuan Tiangang and the others, and the image of the Happy Buddha appeared behind him.

But at this moment, suddenly the Buddha statues in all the caves on the Flame Mountain came to life and began to chant Buddhist scriptures.

As the Buddhist sutras were chanted, spiritual energy spewed out from the cave and poured directly into the statue.

The statue came to life and turned out to be a mutilated extra-large locust, with only its head and abdomen.

And Jiu and You poured out of the cave again, shouting something to themselves.

Then it plunged into the spirit body of the locust god and turned into its two thighs.

What this locust god lacks now is a pair of wings.

Then the white monk's robe flew directly to Yuan Shouwei's body, leading him towards the locust.

But he didn't make any resistance.

The screen ends.

Understood.This is Jiu Heyou's plan, first let the locusts appear and affect everyone.

Then I would recite the Metta Sutra and rejoice that the phantom of the Buddha would appear and bring out the Locust God.

Make me part of the Locust God again.

It turns out that the white monk's robes are the wings of the locust god.

And I was swallowed by the Locust God and became a part of it.

Only then can we see how important the information provided by Yuan Tiangang is.

But why didn't I resist at all?

This is obviously not in line with my personality, and there must be something fishy in it.

third screen.

The complete Locust God is resurrected.

This flame is wrapped in rich spiritual energy.

It's just that I don't know why the locust god is standing there, motionless.

After a long time, they began to attack Yuan Tiangang and the others.

Damn it, am I betraying you?

He actually wanted to kill Wu Fu, Yuan Tiangang and the others.

They actually took control of me.

I understood that this whole thing was a conspiracy against me.

It started in the ancient city of Loulan, including the white monk's robe that Jiu Hesi gave me intentionally.

And at Luntai, Jiu Hesi said he was waiting for me to rescue him.

No, no, I have to find a way to solve it.

If you are not careful, the group will be destroyed.

The fourth screen.

A small, crystal clear flame the size of a fingernail appeared and flew directly to the northeast.

The four of them looked at the flames and were obviously discussing something.

What is this little flame?
Could it be the soul of the Locust God?

Did you run away and was beaten to death by me?

I'm so good?
Where have you gone?You still have to find a way to catch it, otherwise it will still be a hidden danger.

The screen ends.

The general meaning is that I understand it, but there are many details that are unclear.

For example, why do I listen to Jiu and You so much?

Like how I defeated the Locust God.

Let's take a look at the hexagram, maybe it contains the answer I want.

He lowered his head and looked at the hexagrams on the compass.

[The fire is walking towards the mountain, the spirit flame bear is dancing, and the Chaozong is dancing endlessly.The true spirit sheds its shackles and reverses the phosphorescence, and the spirit remains behind in a ray of flames. 】

(End of this chapter)

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