Chapter 174: Resurrection of the Spirit

Fire travels to the mountain and the spirit flame bears.This sentence means that after we arrived at the Flame Mountain, the aura began to recover.Very understandable.

Chaozong danced with infinite joy.Jiu and You activated Ten Thousand Buddhas, and Ten Thousand Buddhas activated the Locust God. Then I turned into the Happy Buddha, and the Locust God also summoned me.

But no answer was given, why am I so obedient?It seems I can only figure it out myself.

The true spirit breaks free from the shackles and goes against the trend.The Locust God was resurrected and ready to kill everyone, but then I reversed the situation strongly.

How to reverse it?There is no method given, I still have to figure it out myself.

A wisp of flames returns to the spirit.Combining the picture means that the locust's soul has escaped, and this soul is a spiritual energy, and we are obviously discussing how to find it.

The meaning of 'Fu Yi Ling' should be that there is some special place in the cave. I can explore it then.

Here is also a little unclear, I can only go into the cave to explore.

Based on the information given above, I have to give a negative review.

This bad review is not only for Tianjitu, but also for your compass. Now your performance is getting worse and worse. It is almost comparable to Brother Tiangang's compass.

The calculation is finished, but none of the details I want were prompted.
Yuan Shouwei sat there and thought for a long time, but he still had no clue as to why he was so obedient and how he reversed the situation.

Obviously, this divination is not a serious disaster.

After all, the general direction of many things remains unchanged, but the details will change. Once these details are not handled well, it will definitely turn into a disaster.

Well, the devil is in the details.

He put aside all the martial arts he knew and the magical weapons he held, and found that he still couldn't solve these two difficulties.

By the way, I am so busy and dizzy, there is another reward, the 'Shen Zu Tong' I haven't received yet.

Maybe 'Shen Zu Tong' can help me.

After thinking of this, he immediately entered the sea of ​​consciousness and began to receive rewards.

Just look at a golden scroll slowly unfolding. The first is the definition of Shenzu Tong:

Being able to make thoughts travel to all living beings in the ten directions without losing concentration wherever they go is called divine foot power.

The following is the practice method of Shenzu Tong:

Now we see ignorance, no understanding, no achievement, just like a shadow in the water.

Ming is also unmoving and not attached to the Dharma. If it is not attached to the Dharma, it is called Ming Xiang.

Ignorance is like emptiness, and all dharmas appear; when it comes to seeing, it is called pratyekabuddha.
What does it mean?
Does Shenzutong teleport?

If so, that would be awesome.

A somewhat excited Yuan Shouwei quickly started studying.

Soon, the study was completed.

Yuan Shouwei understood it carefully, and it seemed to be very different from teleportation.

In other words, the mind can move instantly and switch to any scene freely, but the body is still here.

It seems to be more of a meditative form of Buddhism.

What use do I need from this Dharma!

So what if I have such lust!

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Since you have no ideas, summon your own think tank.

After all, there is no doubt that these three cobblers might be able to defeat me, Zhuge Liang.

No, they are two cobblers. Zhongqing's IQ cannot even be called a cobbler.

Forget it, let's call him to avoid hurting his pride.

Yuan Shouwei checked that it was not too late, so he asked the soldiers at the door to invite the three of them over.

In a short time, the three of them arrived at his camp.Seeing them arriving so quickly, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel happy.
"Aren't you all asleep? I'm afraid it will delay your rest."

Zhongqing frowned and replied:

"How can you possibly sleep with so many things going on?"

"I'm thinking about what clothes to bring to the Flame Mountain."

"After all, Yayoi said there are four seasons in one day."

Zhongqing, your focus is indeed so strange. It seems that hurting your self-esteem may help you grow better. After Yuan Shouwei finished complaining.

Then he told everyone the results and doubts he had just calculated.

After hearing this, Wu Fu could not help but blush and said:

"Is the Flame Mountain that hot?"

"Zhongqing is right, I need to prepare more clothes."

"Well, let's buy a few of their local clothes. I think they look pretty."

Those who are not as good as the Cobbler +1 were speechless. Yuan Shouwei looked at Yuan Tiangang,
"Brother Tiangang, do you have any good suggestions on this matter?"

Yuan Tiangang said seriously:

"Since Yuan Shouwei mentioned the details, I think what Zhongqing said is indeed reasonable."

"You have amazing spells, so you are naturally not afraid of severe cold and heat. But we are naturally far behind."

"So I am also asking people to make me some Taoist robes that can keep out the cold. Do you want them?"

Inability to vomit.

Let's destroy the group. Yuan Shouwei inserted his hands into his bun and silently buried his head in his crotch.

After a while, he heard several cobblers talking.

"Huo Xiangshan's Spiritual Flame Bear, this sentence obviously means that the temperature in the Flame Mountain is very hot. Isn't it useless for us to bring thick clothes?"

"Princess is wrong. I went to the market today and a boss told me about the weather in the Flaming Mountains. I wear a cotton-padded jacket in the morning and a gauze in the afternoon, and eat watermelon around the stove. So I still need to bring more clothes."

"It's rare for Zhongqing to consider the details so clearly. We must protect ourselves. If someone gets a headache, it will really become a burden to Yuan Shouwei."

"This sentence doesn't seem to have any details that need to be paid attention to. Instead, it is the second hexagram: Chaozong dances with infinite joy. I have noticed some details."

After hearing what Wu Fu said, Yuan Shouwei, who was pretending to be an ostrich, couldn't help but prick up his ears.

"Happiness. Combined with Yuan Shouwei's divination just now. I think there should be two explanations for joy."

"I think the first one means Ten Thousand Buddhas Chasing the Sect, so they are happy from the bottom of their hearts."

Wu Yan, the cobbler's judgment, seemed reasonable, and Yuan Shouwei continued to listen.

"The second meaning is that Yuan Shou is rejoicing in the incarnation of the Buddha. This is the second meaning of rejoicing."

"And I think the reason why he didn't resist is because of that Wade banshee, no, that banshee is causing trouble."

"Maybe she has been lurking in Yuan Shouwei's consciousness all along."

By the time Wu Yan finished speaking, it was obvious that she was gnashing her teeth.

Women, as long as emotions are involved, none of you are sensitive and suspicious.No, Wu Fu's analysis makes sense. Yuan Shouwei suddenly realized.

He immediately sat up straight and said:
"Wu Fu, what you said makes sense."

"That dragon girl can temporarily control my consciousness, and then with the help of the white monk's robe, I become a part of the Locust God."

"Great. This detail turns out to be in the hexagram. Then the next step is how to decipher it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Fu made a silent gesture towards him, and then wrote on the paper next to him:
Could it be that the banshee sees everything we do and tells Jiu and You in some way?

(End of this chapter)

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