Chapter 175 Unobstructed from head to toe!

Yuan Shouwei burst into laughter and subconsciously wanted to pick up the pen to write. Thinking about it, it was obviously a bit redundant, so he put down the pen and said directly:
"It should be that under certain specific circumstances, Jiu Heyou awakens Long Bu, the witch."

"Normally she shouldn't dare to make any move, otherwise I would have noticed it long ago."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Wu Yan was still a little worried.

He asked Yuan Shouwei to pass the Dingling Needle, and held it firmly in his hand, and asked Yuan Shouwei to recite the Sutra of Compassion and Summon the Happy Buddha.

Then there was a needle, nailed to the Buddha of Joy, and the result was loneliness.

Everyone felt relieved and then discussed the hexagrams.

'The true spirit breaks free from the shackles and goes against the trend. '

This sentence should also have a metaphor.

Everyone looked at Wu Fu with hope, and Wu Fu said thoughtfully:

"Is it possible that Yuan Shou cast Dragon Realm in the Locust God's body for you, and then came out directly?"

Zhongqing, who was beside him, quickly continued:
"Yes, yes, I heard a legend at the market today. Yuan Shouwei, please calm down."

"It means that when the Buddha was practicing, he was swallowed by the Peacock King."

"Buddha was so angry that he scratched its back with his golden finger, broke out, and surrendered the Peacock King."

Zhongqing, if you weren't so stupid, I would suspect that you also came from time-to-time, and even Goldfinger would know about it.

I do have a golden finger, but this finger is not that finger. The Tianji Diagram does not have the function of scissors. Yuan Shouwei said while complaining:

"Not very likely."

"First, Jiu Heyou has seen my dragon domain, so he will definitely take precautions."

"Second, after I entered the body of the Locust God, I lost my body. How could I still use Dragon Domain?"

That makes sense, and everyone fell into silence again for a while, continuing to ponder this hexagram.

Zhongqing looked up at everyone and said:

"What if we let Yuan Shouwei use the Dingling Needle to stabilize his soul?"

Seeing everyone looking at me like they were mentally retarded, I smiled and quickly shook my head in denial:
"No, Yuan Shouwei has used this method a long time ago. Jiu and You will definitely be prepared."

Then he spoke again:
"Is there a possibility that Yuan Shou will give the spirit to the Heavenly Master, and the Heavenly Master will defeat the locust god?"

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang coughed violently and said repeatedly:

"I'm willing to do it. The worst I can do is get hurt again."

"However, I am not Jiu Heyou's opponent, so how can I defeat the Locust God?"

At this time, Wu Fu said with great momentum:
"Then is there a possibility that Yuan Shou will scatter your spirit on the three of us for you, and we can work together to kill the Locust God?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and rejected the idea.

"It's meaningless. It's just like I gave you a share of the spiritual power I gave to Brother Tiangang. In fact, it's still that much spiritual power."

"You will be defeated faster by then."

When he said this, he suddenly felt something in his heart and thought of the 'Magical Foot Skill' he had just learned.

If you use the method of scattering spirits to switch the consciousness of 'Shen Zu Tong' to Yuan Tiangang's body, you can fight the Locust God.

As for the issue of combat effectiveness, I can definitely use my status as a national master to lend martial arts skills to others.

From the current point of view, Li Shimin is the one with the highest level of Zhongwu realm he has ever encountered. If this theory works, then he can definitely fight.

Although it sounds mind-numbing to say, it is actually a combination skill that is often referred to in later generations.

San Ling + Shen Zu Tong + Yuan Ling.

It’s unobstructed!
Unobstructed from head to toe!

Yuan Shouwei stood up and even had the urge to fart in celebration.

He told everyone what he thought, and everyone was stunned. How could Yuan Shouwei know so many spells?

Zhongqing looked at him with firm eyes:

"Fellow Taoist, I will hold on to your thigh until death."

Wu Fu was like a little fangirl, looking at Yuan Shouwei with stars in his eyes.
"No, my husband is really great."

Yuan Tiangang let out a long sigh:
"The stargazers are so scary." Zhongqing, as long as you flatter me well, I can consider giving you a chance to hug you.

Wu Fu, I like your word "great". You know, I also have a great place.

Heavenly Master, continue to brainstorm. As long as you brainstorm well, I will continue to create soil for your brainstorming. Yuan Shouwei is secretly happy.

Yuan Tiangang looked at the fourth hexagram and said:
"The flames are a ray of remnant. Yuan Shouwei has no problem with your idea."

"But since it has a spiritual character and Jiu Heyou's complicated operations, if we want to get this ray of spiritual energy, we have to hand it over to Datang."

At this time, Yuan Shouwei didn't think about this at all, but the cool combination skills of later generations kept appearing in his mind. After listening to Yuan Tiangang's words, he nodded noncommittally.

Then he said enthusiastically:
"Everything is subject to Brother Tiangang's arrangements."

"Come on, let's go out and try this combo first."

"I just can't wait."

They came to a remote corner of the military camp.

Yuan Shouwei first gave part of his spiritual power to Yuan Tiangang. There was no problem with this, as he had tried it before.

Then he continued to use the divine foot power to let his consciousness enter Yuan Tiangang's sea of ​​consciousness.

But he found that Yuan Tiangang's sea of ​​consciousness was like chaos, and he couldn't enter it at all.

It seems that we still have to think of a way.

He returned to consciousness and found that Yuan Tiangang had opened his eyes at this moment, and he was obviously aware of the situation.

Wu Fu and Zhongqing looked at the two of them and asked incessantly:
"Is it done?"

The two of them were shaking their heads.

Yuan Tiangang said:
"Actually, we Taoists also have magical powers in this area, which is called seizing the body."

"One way is to forcefully enter other people's consciousness and plunder them tyrannically. But this method is extremely despicable, and most people who are deprived of their bodies become crazy."

"The second method is to let others occupy the sea of ​​consciousness after death, while the soul is still alive. This method is relatively gentle, but it is just a legend, and I have never seen it before."

Heavenly Master, how could you not have seen it before? This is how I traveled through time in front of you.

In later generations, this statement was generally adopted by a group of Internet writers who rushed to the streets, and it was already bad news. Yuan Shouwei listened to Yuan Tiangang's explanation, laughed it off, and did not explain too much.

Instead, he asked:
"What about the third method?"

Yuan Tiangang said with extremely calm eyes:
“The third method is commonly used in evangelism.

Only when you and I have complete trust in each other can we open up our sea of ​​consciousness and allow fellow Taoists to enter.

However, I have only heard of these methods and know none of them.

What I can do is to open up my sea of ​​consciousness to you, so that you can fully understand all my past.

My life, death, and privacy are all in your mind.

I also hope you will not betray my trust. "

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also became serious and swore to God:

"The Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty is here. Today, my disciple Yuan Shouwei has entered the sea of ​​consciousness of fellow Taoist Yuan Tiangang in order to eliminate demons and defend the Tao."

"If you have evil thoughts, please ask the founder of Sanqing to punish me with thunder from the sky, so that I will be destroyed physically and mentally."

Seeing this scene, Wu Fu couldn't help but feel a little scared, and subconsciously stopped him:
"Uncle Tiangang, Yuan Shouwei, let's try another method. I always feel that this method is too dangerous."

Zhongqing was also advising beside him:

"Yes, the princess is right."

"What if we can't win over each other and both of you become feathers?"

Zhongqing, if you don't speak, no one will treat you like a mute and sell you out. Yuan Shouwei glanced sideways at Zhongqing to show his dissatisfaction.

Yuan Tiangang smiled freely:
"It doesn't matter. Fellow Taoist Yuan Shou has no ill intentions, so how could he cause harm to me?"

"Come, Yuan Shouwei, we'll come again."

After saying that, he sat cross-legged again and slowly adjusted his mental state to the best state.

(End of this chapter)

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