Chapter 176

Yuan Shouwei left a ray of consciousness to control his body, and the remaining consciousness entered Yuan Tiangang's consciousness again.

This time, with Yuan Tiangang's cooperation, it was easy to enter his sea of ​​consciousness.

Looking forward, there are colors all around, and there is only a road under your feet that leads directly into the distance.

Looking back, I could only see a faint black air rising in the farthest distance.

Looking closer to him, there is already a red light, but there is black air mixed in it.

By the time he reached his feet, the black energy had gone away and turned into a mixture of red and white.

Looking up again, I saw that the red light was getting weaker and weaker, and finally turned into a neutral and peaceful white, leading straight to the unknown.

Yuan Shouwei nodded secretly as he watched.
This black represents Yuan Tiangang's ill-fated childhood.

If you go back now, you can see Yuan Tiangang's past.

It's just that it must be an unbearable past. Yuan Tiangang trusts him so much, so naturally he won't expose his scars.

The mixture of red and black indicates that Yuan Tiangang has joined the WTO and stepped into an official career. Although there are many twists and turns, he has won the emperor's heart and has a bright future.

In the future, Yuan Tiangang chose to be born and once again embarked on the road to immortality. The unknown seemed to be good.

However, Yuan Shouwei still would not do any snooping.

Just do the things you need to do right now.

In the short time of thinking, he wanted to root his consciousness into Yuan Tiangang's consciousness.

But no matter how hard he tried and tried countless methods, he was still like a rootless duckweed, unable to integrate into Yuan Tiangang's sea of ​​consciousness.

In desperation, he had to withdraw again.

When he looked up at Yuan Tiangang again, he found that he was also looking at him, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Yuan Shouwei thought about it and said:

"Brother Tiangang, why don't I hand over Shenzutong to you now."

"Let me give you an analogy. If you master Shenzu Tong, maybe there will be a piece of soil similar to this in your sea of ​​consciousness, and my sea of ​​consciousness can take root and sprout with the help of this place."

Yuan Tiangang asked back:

"If I learn this magical foot power, will it be considered as stealing from the Buddhists?"

Yuan Shouwei laughed dumbfounded,
"This is the supernatural power that I have realized by myself. What does it have to do with others, and what does it do with Buddhism?"

"This is an equal exchange between you and me."

Only then did Yuan Tiangang nod his head in agreement.

The Shenzu Tong scriptures are not long, Yuan Tiangang quickly memorized them, and the next step was to understand them.

Because he himself is superb in Taoism and covers a wide range of topics, and Yuan Shouwei is patiently explaining beside him.

In just an hour, he had basically understood the essence of it.

This also made Yuan Shouwei secretly sigh: It seems that this four-person group has become two Zhuge Liangs.

Everything is ready.

Yuan Shouwei's consciousness entered Yuan Tiangang's sea of ​​consciousness again, still at the position where he had just settled down.

But now there is an extra page of blue paper on this piece, which is very similar to the paper recording Taoist scriptures, but what is recorded on it is Shenzu Tong.

This could not help but make Yuan Shouwei secretly admire him. Yuan Tiangang's Daoist heart was indeed firm.

When he recited the Shenzu Tong sutra, the blue paper responded, and his consciousness immediately attached to it.


Yuan Shouwei was overjoyed. As he continued to chant, the blue paper slowly covered Yuan Tiangang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Outside the sea of ​​consciousness, Yuan Shouwei stood still, and Yuan Tiangang's martial arts level directly climbed to the fifth level (Silver Tiger).
He suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Wu and Yan and said:

"It's done."

After finishing speaking, he walked to Yuan Shouwei's side, pulled out his Xuanyuan sword, played a sword flower, and said:

"It's okay, but Brother Tiangang's health is a bit weak and I can't display my true strength." He looked up into the sky and silently summoned the Tianji Diagram. After a moment, the Tianji Diagram appeared and slowly opened to the seventh row. They are all names that he has guessed.

He directly covered Li Shimin's name with his consciousness.

In an instant, he felt a huge spiritual energy pouring down on him from Li Shimin's name.

And Yuan Tiangang's martial arts strength skyrocketed again, from the fifth martial realm (Silver Tiger) to the seventh martial realm (Qinglong), once again improving two realms.

This strength!
Although it cannot last long, it is enough to give the enemy a fatal blow at the critical moment.

Yuan Tiangang felt the majestic power filling his body and nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, Li Shimin, who was in the Imperial Palace, looked at the charming Queen Gaochang on the bed.

Suddenly, I felt a chill in my body, and then all the strength in my body suddenly became empty. I felt like my body was being hollowed out, and I instantly entered the time of the sage.

What's wrong with me?
Li Shimin looked at Queen Gaochang who was still shy about welcoming her on the bed, and said perfunctorily:

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I still have an urgent business to deal with."

"Come back another day."

After saying that, under the reluctant gaze of Queen Gaochang, she held her waist and staggered straight to the Imperial Medical Office.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang clenched his fists and looked at the crowd with a sonorous tone and said:


"In a few days, we will go north to kill the locusts."

Why not?

It's because Yuan Tiangang's body still needs to rest for a few days to recover so that his body can enter its best condition.

It’s because I’m still familiar with the combo skills I created.

In the afternoon of the second day, he and Yuan Tiangang started practicing.

At this time, after Li Shimin was diagnosed and treated by an imperial doctor and confirmed that there was no problem with his body, he regained his energy and spirit again.

Back to the Sun Palace again, ready to pamper the Queen of Korea.

The Queen of Gaochang was also charming and mentally prepared.

Everything is ready.

Suddenly, he shuddered again, and then entered the sage mode again.

Oh my God!

Where does this make my old face go!
Li Shimin said with a serious face:

"My dear concubine, I have been busy with a lot of business these days, and I remembered another urgent business that must be dealt with now."

After all, it’s about dressing neatly.

Queen Gaochang was left alone lying on the bed, biting her lips with a sad look in her eyes.

After Li Shimin glanced at it, he shook his head helplessly and left.

Go straight to the Imperial Medical Office again.

On the second and third days, Queen Gaochang came to invite him to the palace, but he was too busy with business to shirk the invitation.

Alas, the sorrow of middle-aged men.

Li Shimin's affairs will not be discussed for the time being.

Besides, Yuan Shou was on their side. After three days, their combination skills were already extremely proficient.

Just because it is a borrowed power, although the explosion is strong, it cannot last long, and it can only be done when everything is ready.

Guo Xiaoke also knew that their task was important, so he assigned six guides and scouting horses to them in the army.

Taking Yayoi with them, a group of 11 people headed to the Flame Mountain of Broken Leaf City.

Rushing all the way without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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