Chapter 177 Locust God Cave
This morning, I had already rushed to the vicinity of Broken Leaf City.

The scouting horse ahead reported back, do you want to enter Broken Leaf City to rest.

Yuan Shouwei looked far away and saw that Suiye City did not look very big and the city walls were low. It was more appropriate to call it a city than a market town.

There are a few listless Turkic soldiers guarding the door, but the flow of people is sparse, and there are not too many businesses coming and going.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help being curious, and asked why Suiye City was like this.

Some Tan Mayan said that the Turks were still mainly nomadic and were not very good at managing and operating cities, so the cities were in dilapidated condition.

Coupled with the Turks' robbing nature, most merchants would not choose to stay here unless they had no choice but to replenish supplies.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang discussed it and they were more prepared this time.

And there are still two days away from the Huoyan Mountain, so don't stay here to avoid complications.

After the group finished their discussion, they bypassed Broken Leaf City and headed directly to the Flame Mountain in the northeast.

After walking for a long time, I felt something was wrong. The weather was obviously getting hotter.

Zhongqing was really overheated, so he bowed to Wu Fu and went shirtless.

After walking for a while, even Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang felt the heat rolling in and sweated profusely.

Wu Fu, who was wearing the water spirit bead, couldn't bear to see them like this, so he took out the water spirit bead and asked how to share it.

Yuan Shouwei tried it, but he summoned many cute snow spirits, and the temperature dropped directly.

But if it's so hot and cold, I'm afraid everyone's health will soon have problems, so we have no choice but to give up.

At this moment, Tan Ma came to report that there was a valley in front of him, which was cool and humid, and he could rest there. Everyone couldn't help being overjoyed, and they all rode camels to go quickly.

When we entered the valley, we saw that the valley was shaded by greenery, with beautiful scenery, gurgling water, and the fragrance of melons and fruits.

Everyone was amazed and looked for a place to rest.The scouts looked around to avoid any potential dangers.

After a while, a scout reported that a group of Turks had come here not long ago. Judging from the traces left behind, it was obviously an army.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help being a little surprised. Why did the Turkic people come to Huoyanshan, a place where nothing shits like a bird?

Soon, they all remembered the story about the resurrection of the evil dragon told by the Kucha official. Could it be that the Turks also want to get involved?
Yuan Tiangang looked at Yuan Shouwei deeply and said:
"Yuan Shouwei, what do you think?"

Master Tian, ​​do you think I am Yuan Fang? Yuan Shouwei thought about it and said:
"The divination didn't mention anything about the Turks. But now that we're here, there's nothing to be taboo about."

"If they dare to assist Jiu and You, then they will be beaten as well."

"Well, beat it to death."

When everyone heard what Yuan Shouwei said, they suddenly felt a little more confident.

Yuan Tiangang also asked everyone to be careful and to be cautious when exploring the road before and after the horse.

After everyone had almost recovered, they left the valley and continued moving forward. Soon after, with waves of heat hitting their faces, they officially entered the scope of the Flame Mountain.

Yuan Shouwei looked up and saw a huge red mountain in the distance, with an unknown square shape.

It was completely bare and not a blade of grass could grow.

The red sun is in the sky, the earth is steaming, and flame clouds are lingering. Under the scorching sun, the auburn mountains sparkle like flying fire dragons, which is very spectacular.

At this time, except for Wu Fu, everyone was in unbearable heat and miserable.

Although Yuan Shouwei had been prepared, he didn't expect it to be so hot. He turned to Yayoi and asked if he could walk at night.

After hearing this, Yayoi shook her head repeatedly and said that the heat during the day was bearable.

But at night, the dripping water turned to ice and the wind was biting, making it difficult to walk.

When Yuan Shouwei was helpless, he had no choice but to ask for water beads from Wu Fu, and asked everyone to take out their own water bags, use snow spirits to make ice packs, and put them on their bodies, which somewhat offset part of the intense heat.

Finally at night, with the raging mountain wind, everyone felt the slightest chill.

After walking quickly for a while, we found a valley and settled down.After a short time, there was a report from the scouting horse, and the group of Turks also stopped here, which also made everyone more wary.

After more than a day of arduous trekking, we finally reached the west side of the Flame Mountain.

Although Yayoi had described the scene here, after actually watching it, everyone could not help but be shocked by this majestic landscape.

Just look at the rocks hundreds of meters high, which are densely covered with caves, like a honeycomb.

Each cave is carved with Buddha statues and murals. Looking up, it feels like the sky is full of gods and Buddhas watching you.

It gives people a strong visual shock and a great sense of oppression.

After Yayoi pointed out the location to them, Yuan Shouwei asked him and Tanma to leave first and then reunite after the matter was settled.

Yuan Shouwei and the four of them climbed all the way up. After climbing to a huge platform halfway up the mountain, they finally saw their destination.

That huge, mysterious, bottomless cave of the Locust God.

And above the cave is carved a huge picture full of post-modern style.

Although everyone knows that this is the Locust God, it really doesn’t look like him.

Zhongqing looked at the image, looked left and right in confusion, and asked:

"Are you asking whether we have gone to the wrong place? This looks like a reptile. It doesn't look like a locust god at all."

Yuan Shouwei looked up at this image and couldn't help but sigh secretly,

"This picture is indeed too abstract."

"What is abstraction?" Zhongqing asked curiously.

Wu Fu glanced at him with disgust and explained to himself:
"It was when I was painting this statue that I got twitchy."

"Do you think it's possible for someone to draw pictures while twitching?"

Zhongqing suddenly realized it and said with admiration:

"Makes sense."

"If you twitch, you must be sick."

"If you are sick, you can still persist in finishing such a huge painting. Obviously, you are a person with great perseverance."

"I'm afraid it's difficult to deal with such a person."

Yuan Tiangang looked at the unfathomable cave and asked Yuan Shouwei:
"Shall we go in and test it out?"

Yuan Shouwei gave Wu Fu the Water Spirit Pearl and asked for it, then shook his head and said:

"There should be countless locusts inside. We are not familiar with the situation, so don't take risks."

"You all stay away for now and watch me."

"By the way, remember, keep a low profile and be aware of it later. Don't let the enemy see the clues."

Everyone moved out of the way as instructed, and Yuan Shouwei threw out a few fire talismans.

Looking at the raging fire in the cave, the flames were rising, and then he pinched his waist and laughed:
"Bald Donkey, come out here, I know you're in there."

The sound penetrated deep into the cave like rolling thunder.

Zhongqing in the distance couldn't help but be stunned. He looked at the extremely arrogant Yuan Shouwei and asked quietly:
"Is this called low-key?"

Wu Fu next to him quickly defended his lover.

"It's normal for him to deliberately keep a high profile in order to draw out his enemies."

As Yuan Shouwei finished speaking, vigorous spiritual energy suddenly rushed out of the flaming cave.

(End of this chapter)

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